SikhNet Stories in Punjabi

A project of SikhNet
Harijot 2022.jpg Harijot Khalsa
Santa Cruz, New Mexico, US
$6,764pledged of $25,000 goal
$6,764goal: $25,000
Yes tax deductible
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With your support, this year we will release our new animations in a bi-lingual format. Whenver SikhNet releases a new animation in English, we simultaneously release the same animation in Punjabi.


Back in the day, Sikh education for children was done by the grandparents and village elders. Today exposure to Sikh history and teachings is less common and it's sometimes hard to know how to apply it to modern life. 

Community Request

Our passion with SikhNet Stories has been to provide Sikh history and lessons in sakhis, or story format. Because there are so many kids growing up in English speaking communities, our stories have been provided in English. We have over 125 stories in English. But we have had MANY requests through the years to also provide SikhNet stories in Punjabi. 

What We're Doing

Our first newly dubbed animation, will be a major production coming up which we are very proud of.  It is a short animated story about the fearless shaheed Bibi Sharan Kaur which teaches Sikh girls to stand up for themselves.

We are also in the midst of producing our first story series, where shaheeds will spiritually guide children by telling them stories. Last, but not least, we are scripting another series of stories of Guru Nanak in the middle east which will expose classic sakhis, as well as share lesser told times in Guruji's life. 

Your Dasvandh Helps Us Reach Our Goals

Our goal is to animate and release at least SIX more stories in English and Punjabi during 2023. Your contribution of any amount will help us continue this important work. Thank you!  

See some of SikhNet's animated stories here:

Here are some examples of stories in Punjabi:

Be sure to check out our lastest updates and thank you for your continued support! 




  • 03/24/2025

    The founding of Kartarpur

    Wahiguru ji ka Khalsa
    Wahiguru ji ki Fateh 

    In December we released a new version of a most beloved story from our history: 'Saka Sarhind: Chote Sahibzade with Punjabi audio' in honor of their shaheedi.

    Our next release after that was the story of the founding of Kartarpur Sahib. This was based on original research and translation of 'Puratan Janam Sakhi' and 'Suraj Prakash Granth'. These texts verify each other with the following narrative: A rich man tried to put a stop to Guru Nanak spreading his message after he took exception to a shabd he heard which didn't sufficiently differentiate Hindu and Islamic teachings (according to him). While on the way to stop the Guru he not only goes blind but also loses his ability to speak. This was enough to make him realize he was making an issue with a holy man so he humbled himself and instead prayed that Guru Nanak bless him. 

    When he received the Guru's darshan his vision was restored and he offered the land in that area for the purpose of creating a Dharamshala. This would go on to be the final headquarters where Guru Nanak spent the last years of his life. 

    The story has also been produced and released in Punjabi. 

    This production was done with a new animation studio and we are pleased with the quality of the visuals. We are proud to offer these to the sangat. 

    We are currently working on a new animation which is based on one of the winners from our most recent Story Script Contest. We look forward to giving updates as it is currently being animated. 

    Blessings and Chardi Kala

  • 12/21/2024

    What we are doing

    Wahiguru ji ka Khalsa
    Wahiguru ji ki Fateh 

    Our most recent animation is a classic story of how Guru Nanak put a Jasmine flower on the bowl of milk. The Pirs of Multan didn't want him to come to their city so they sent him a bowl which was completely full to signify that they had plenty of spiritual teachers where they were. When Guru Nanak simply added a flower, who's essence infused in the milk, it told the Pirs that he would not interrupt them but would add a spiritual infusion. 

    And that's what happened. When they met him they expressed that they had not yet felt total peace and happiness, sometimes their religious practices felt ritualistic. Then Guru ji explained to them the way to make your spiritual practice alive is to free yourself from the fire of anger and to be in the company of the satsangat. 

    Guru ji gave many teachings to them and now this deep and important story is available for the next generation to learn from. 

    This story is also being produced into a Punjabi version which will be available soon. 

    The next story we are working on currently is about the millionaire who donated the land that became Kartarpur where Guru Nanak spent the later portion of his life. 

    We look forward to continuing to do original Sikh history research and then exposing it to the world through these stories. 

    This story and Saka Sirhind are currently being translated and dubbed into Punjabi. 

  • 09/19/2024

    Ancient One Punjabi

    Wahiguru ji ka Khalsa
    Wahiguru ji ki Fateh

    The story of the ancient yogi who meditated for thousands of years awaiting the darshan of the Guru of Kalyug is very powerful. We were happy to introduce it to the English speaking world when we released 'The Ancient One'. Now we are pleased to offer the animation in Punjabi as surely many more will be reached who have not yet heard this history. 

    For those who want to learn Punjabi they can watch both versions and it will surely improve their language comprehension. 

    We have also completed our story script competition. With more than two dozen entrants we saw a lot of creativity and inspiration. We formed a judging panel who took care to review each one. There were so many good scripts it was difficult to decide but we have selected 6 winners who will all receive a prize. 

    Past winners have been pleased to see their scripts turned into animations. We feel this is a service that not only involves youth but empowers them as rising leaders. Stay tuned to see the winners who will be announced any day now. 

    Wahiguru ji ka Khalsa
    Wahiguru ji ki Fateh 


  • 09/19/2024

    Ancient One Punjabi

    Wahiguru ji ka Khalsa
    Wahiguru ji ki Fateh

    The story of the ancient yogi who meditated for thousands of years awaiting the darshan of the Guru of Kalyug is very powerful. We were happy to introduce it to the English speaking world when we released 'The Ancient One'. Now we are pleased to offer the animation in Punjabi as surely many more will be reached who have not yet heard this history. 

    For those who want to learn Punjabi they can watch both versions and it will surely improve their language comprehension. 

    We have also completed our story script competition. With more than two dozen entrants we saw a lot of creativity and inspiration. We formed a judging panel who took care to review each one. There were so many good scripts it was difficult to decide but we have selected 6 winners who will all receive a prize. 

    Past winners have been pleased to see their scripts turned into animations. We feel this is a service that not only involves youth but empowers them as rising leaders. Stay tuned to see the winners who will be announced any day now. 

    Wahiguru ji ka Khalsa
    Wahiguru ji ki Fateh 


  • 06/19/2024

    Summer 2024 update

    Wahiguru ji ka Khalsa
    Wahiguru ji ki Fateh 

    We have been pleased to offer the classic and important story of Bhai Kanhaiya Ji in Punjabi. For those who only speak Punjabi they can watch this Saakhi beautifully animated. For those who want to learn Punjabi they can watch both versions and it will surely improved their language comprehension. 

    We have also just launched a script competition. But this year we will be open to receiving Punjabi script submissions as well. 

    In the past we've made some of our most beloved stories based on scripts from youth in our audience by doing a global script competition. From our first competition we created 'Team Khalsa: Save the Langar'. From our Second we created three stories, some of which have Punjabi versions, "Can Trees Grow Overnight", "Singh the Lion" and "Bibi Sharan: The Courage of Kaurs". This year surely more beautiful and creative ideas will emerge. 

    P.S. Spread the word about the SikhNet Script Contest! https://www.sikhnet. com/pages/entry-details

    Wahiguru ji ka Khalsa
    Wahiguru ji ki Fateh 

  • 03/20/2024

    Spring 2024 update

    Wahiguru ji ka Khalsa
    Wahiguru ji ki Fateh 

    This period we have released the story BABA DEEP SINGH JI in animation! In this story, titled "ਬਾਬਾ ਦੀਪ ਸਿੰਘ ਜੀ: Greatness Through Gurbani" we consciously emphasized that Baba ji was able to do the impossible because of his deep relationship with Gurbani. With both the English and Punjabi versions of this story now available, we pray that the impact of this story will continue to spread. 


    We have also released a beautiful story which is even more directly related to Gurbani: Guru Har Rai Sahib 'ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਗਿਆਨ ਵਿਚ ਪਿਘਲ ਜਾਵੇਗੀ'. In this charming story Guru Sahib explains that even if you don't understand it fully, the Gurbani recited with love will one day blossom into wisdom. It is the seed of liberation.


    Every saakhi has to do with Gurbani in one way or another. Gurbani is the current which runs through everything the Guru's taught and demonstrated. With these two new releases we hope more hearts will open to the power of Gurbani.

    Are you enjoying SikhNet Stories, do you have favorite sakhis you'd like to see animated? Let us know what stories inspire you! 

    Wahiguru ji ka Khalsa
    Wahiguru ji ki Fateh 

  • 12/18/2023

    'ਬੀਬੀ ਸ਼ਰਨ: ਕੌਰ ਦੀ ਹਿੰਮਤ | ਤੁਸੀਂ ਜਰੂਰ ਦੇਖੋ |

    Waheguru ji ka Khalsa 
    Waheguru ji ki Fateh 

    This period we have released what is so far looking like our most successful animated story yet: 'ਬੀਬੀ ਸ਼ਰਨ: ਕੌਰ ਦੀ ਹਿੰਮਤ | ਤੁਸੀਂ ਜਰੂਰ ਦੇਖੋ | The Courage of Bibi Sharan| MUST WATCH Punjabi Short Film'

    Since its release we have seen amazing engagement. Initially there was a concern that the Punjabi version wouldn't be as impactful as the story was written from a western perspective. However, the opposite turned out to be true, people in the Punjab are using images from the animation as their Whatsapp profiles because they feel the story talks directly to them in their lives. 

    We are very proud of this creation and increasingly humbled by the incredible reception and impact its had on the sangat. 

    We look forward to creating more such impactful media for our collective benefit. Waheguru! 

  • 09/19/2023

    Fall update 2023

    Wahe Guru ji ka Khalsa
    Wahe Guru ji ki Fateh 

    We have newly released a story that is related to the Bandi Chhor event: 'Guru Hargobind & Spiritual Power'. History has it that two of the GurSikhs used spiritual powers to turn into tigers in order to convince the emperor to release Guru Sahib from Gwalior. This story teaches us to use power responsibly and always look to Guru Sahib when exercising it. 

    We are pleased to report that though both the English and Punjabi were released at the same time the Punjabi has received more views. 

    English                                                 Punjabi


    This shows the importance of this Punjabi project. Many more thousands have benefitted from this effort that you have made possible. Thank you so much! 

    In addition to that the Punjabi story project has made an unexpected advancement. For the Punjabi version of our short film 'Bibi Sharan: The Courage Of Kaurs' we are going to be using volunteers from the sangat for almost all the voices, like we do with the English. This is an effort that was made possible due to the enthusiastic support for the stories that the SikhNet audience has offered. The voices have all been recorded and the Punjabi version of Bibi Sharan Kaur will be released on Oct 5th which we are excited about. We anticipate this to be a landmark video, we already know that the English version has touched so many hearts. 

    As we continue to make more Punjabi along with English animations, we are grateful to you for helping us to meet the needs of the next generation. Thank you. 


  • 06/19/2023

    New stories in Punjabi!

    Wahe Guru ji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru ji ki Fateh! 

    We are so grateful for your support to get this project underways. Our current effort is to ensure that any new releases are released in both English and Punjabi. 

    Here is what's new: 

    Guru Har Rai Shows Us How God provides English  &  Punjabi

    Proud To Be a Sikh  English  &  Punjabi

    Thank you for your support of SikhNet Stories! 

  • 04/03/2023

    Our first Dual-Language release!

    Wahe Guru ji ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru ji ki Fateh! 

    We are very excited to announce that this week we have released our first dual language story with video in Punjabi and English. These videos tell a story from Guru Har Rai and this marks the first of our dual language releases. 

    We look forward to all of our coming releases with our dual language project that is made possible in part by your donations.

    Check out our new releases here: 

    If you'd like to see more new animations released in English and Punjabi, please donate again today!

    Thank you. 

  • 02/02/2023

    Stories in Punjabi project is progressing

    We began working on our Stories in Punjabi project in January and so far we have translated one story and we are working on translating a second one. We expect the first animations in Punjabi to be released in March/April 2023 and we can't wait to share them with you!! 

Name Donation Date
A. S. $500.00 January 2025
Administrator Dasvandh Network $250.00 December 2024
Prince Matharu $50.00 December 2024
H K $55.00 November 2024
Match Fund $35.00 November 2024
Preeti Kaur $35.00 November 2024
A. S. $500.00 December 2023
M. S. $18.00 December 2023
Anonymous $1,000.00 December 2023
Vikram Singh $100.00 November 2023
Match Fund $50.00 November 2023
Chitratan Singh Sethi $50.00 November 2023
Match Fund $250.00 November 2023
Anonymous $250.00 November 2023
M. S. $18.00 September 2023
J. K. $10.00 February 2023
Taranjeet Singh Bhatia $100.00 January 2023
Surinderjit Singh $100.00 December 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $500.00 December 2022
Madanjit Singh $51.00 December 2022
Jagir Samra $25.00 November 2022
Anonymous $250.00 November 2022
SANDEEP RIAR $251.00 November 2022
Harpreet Khurana $87.00 November 2022
Anonymous $200.00 November 2022
Match Fund $50.00 November 2022
Gurvinder Kalra $50.00 November 2022
Anonymous $500.00 November 2022
Deep Singh $107.00 November 2022
Match Fund $50.00 November 2022
Inderpreet Singh $50.00 November 2022
Match Fund $35.00 November 2022
Anonymous $35.00 November 2022
Match Fund $100.00 November 2022
D. S. $100.00 November 2022
Match Fund $25.00 November 2022
Anonymous $25.00 November 2022
Match Fund $100.00 November 2022
Anonymous $100.00 November 2022
Match Fund $101.00 November 2022
Rajinder Mago $101.00 November 2022
Match Fund $100.00 November 2022
Anonymous $100.00 November 2022
Match Fund $100.00 November 2022
Jeevna Kaur $100.00 November 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $100.00 October 2022

No photos to display at this time. Please check again soon!