The Valiant - Jaswant Singh Khalra (Punjab Distribution)

A project of Pippal
Pippal Logo Edge.png Gurmeet Kaur
Cumming, Georgia, US
$8,510pledged of $50,000 goal
$8,510goal: $50,000
Yes tax deductible
Ongoingannual goal

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Sharing the Inspiring Journey & the Recent History of Sikhs Through the Life and Times of Jaswant Singh

In 1995, the Indian state abducted, tortured, and murdered human rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra for uncovering thousands of enforced disappearances, custodial killings and illegal cremations of Sikhs by the Punjab Police.

Gurmeet Kaur, author of Fascinating Folktales of Punjab takes her young readers on an interesting and inspiring journey through the life and times of Jaswant Singh while painting in the backdrop — the recent history of Sikhs and Punjab that every child must know.

Our Distribution Focus

We aim to take this book to every child from and of Punjab. In the second Punjab edition we aim to print 10,000 copies in both languages so children may learn about their recent history which has been denied to them for the last 37 years since 1984. 

The funds will help us print books in Punjab for distribution to schools and teachers / activists in villages to organize study groups. They will also cover the expenses involved in reaching out, conducting essay competitions based on the books and rewarding studies.

Since we are printing a dual language edition - it will help the youth with mastering the language skills of the second language (English in Punjab and Punjabi in the diaspora).

Your Support is Needed 

Last year we donated over 2,500 books to various libraries, organizations and at the Farmers Protest. We wish to double this number this year. With your support - we can make this goal a possibility. 

Please don't forget to connect with us on Facebook and Instagram as well as read our updates here to see how the books are being received. 

Thank You so much. 

Gurmeet Kaur
Team Pippal FolktalesOfPunjab/

  • 02/02/2024

    The Valiant at the Gurdwara Bangla Sahib in Delhi

    Dear Supporter

    Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji ki Fateh.

    A little over a month ago in December, a just-turned-eighteen-year-old girl from West Bengal, India who read the Valiant Jaswant Singh Khalra, felt unsettled after finishing it. It was a gift from her father who had read the book a few times and had decided that she must read it on his watch before she took off to her university and while he was there to answer any questions.

    She was horrified at first that she didn't know about the most crucial part of her recent history but as she finished the book she was inspired and felt like her life had changed. She processed her feelings, discussed them with her family, and decided that she was going to educate at least a hundred more people about what she had learned before she got busier with her higher studies. 

    Her father approached us with an idea. We wrote a letter to the Delhi Gurdwara Management Committee and secured a stall at the book exhibit for a month around the Gurpurab of Guru Nanak Sahib. We arranged for the books to be transported there. The girl traveled alone to Delhi and manned the stall with our books for two full weeks. She would take the local transit from her relative's place daily, sit at the stall, and tell the passerby of Shaheed Jaswant Singh Khalra. For those who wanted to know more, the book was available at a subsidized price. She even placed chairs for those who wanted to read the book there. Some students came in and sat for hours every day. She gave away many books to those who couldn't afford them but showed a keen interest in reading. She answered all sorts of questions and even faced intimidation for the book talked about the dark chapters of 1984 and the Khalistan movement. 

    When I spoke to her on the last day of the book fair as she was winding up and asked if she was tired she told me that this experience has changed her forever. It is something she couldn't have done if she was not inspired by Jaswant Singh Khalra himself. He did not let her tire. She was sure that everyone who came in contact with and read this book would have the same experience and energy as her. Seva Kaur has set an example of a little contribution we all can make to re-energize the Panth. By the time she was done, it was over a couple of hundred people who either read the books there or purchased the book to read with their families - well above her goal. 

    I want you to thank you for doing your part as well. If this story inspired you, please share it with all parents you know. Maybe we will meet another Seva Kaur or Seva Singh soon. 

    Guru Ang Sang
    Gurmeet Kaur 

    [email protected]  





  • 11/06/2023

    The Valiant at the Education Conferences in Punjab

    Dear Supporter,

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

    As the next fundraising at DVN is right around the corner, I wanted to thank you for your support of this project so far. Without your support, this book would not have such far-reaching effects. I also wanted to update you on our activities last quarter. 

    Besides donating the book to many libraries in Punjab, we were able to reach out to close to a hundred educators by participating in and giving these books at two education conferences. 

    On September 12th, 2023, our volunteer in the Ferozepur district, Sardar Jaspal Singh, spoke about and presented our books to over fifty educators who participated in the Women Educator's Conference to commemorate the 150th year of the establishment of the Singh Sabha (1873) held at the Sikh Kanya Mahavidhalay, district Ferozepur.  

    We also had the honor of Gian Kewal Singh, Ex-Jathedar Takhat, Sri Damdama Sahib, awarding the books to the speakers at the second conference held to commemorate the same event at Baba Banda Singh Engineering College in Fateh Garh Sahib.

    Singh Sahib is doing a lot of uplifting work in the Malwa region and is very appreciative of the work we are doing to educate Punjab on various issues. We also donated our booklets on the environment to both events. 

    Another good news is that we have distributed close to 5K Valiant Jaswant Singh Khalra books in the last couple of years and are getting ready to print the second edition next year. This November, we are raising funds for the same. I am hopeful that you will continue to support us in printing the next edition and distributing it to various libraries and educators in Punjab.  


    Gurmeet Kaur 
    [email protected]

    PS: Please mark your calendars for Nov. 10th and donate the first thing as the DVN fundraisers begin. Our projects depend on your support.

    DVN will match $400 per unique donor while the funds last up to $10K for each organization. Donors can choose the three of our projects they want to give towards.

    Support The Valiant Book Second Edition


    Thank You so much for your support, as always!

  • 08/22/2023

    Reach out to Libraries in Ferozepur District

    Dear Supporter,

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
    Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

    I hope this update finds you in Chardi Kala. 

    Please don't forget that Jaswant Singh Khalra's Disappearance Day is right around the corner. It falls on September 6th. I hope you are doing something in the local community to commemorate his life and legacy. 

    In the last update, I had the opportunity to inform you about our collaboration with the Sikh Kanya Mahavidalya. If you missed that update, please read about the SKM and Bhai Takhat Singh Ji there.

    In the last three months, via Bibi Parmjit Kaur Mahal's efforts, we have now had the chance to empower thousands of more readers in the district of Ferozepur via books.

    Sardar Jaspal Singh Ji, who is on the board of SKM, has taken both the English and the Punjabi editions of the books and introduced the life legacy of Jaswant Singh Khalra to twenty-three libraries in the district, including the SKM, which has dozens of copies for the girls to check out and read. 

    Picture: Bibi Mandhir Kaur of Jammu, a visiting alumni of the SKM reads the book

    A complete list of villages in Punjabi is as below. If you have relatives and friends in the area, please ask them to check out the books and read them. 

    ੧. ਖੁਸ਼ਿਆਲ ਸਿੰਘ ਵਾਲਾ -੨
    ੨. ਖ਼ਾਨੇ ਕੇ ਆਲ -੨
    ੩. ਚੁਗੱਤੇਵਾਲਾ-੨
    ੪. ਸੱਦੂ ਸ਼ਾਹ ਵਾਲਾ -੨
    ੫. ਲੱਖਾ ਭੇਡੀ -੨
    ੬.ਸੰਤਪੁਰਾ -੨
    ੭. ਚੱਕ ਹਮਦ -੨
    ੮. ਲਾਲਗੜ-੨
    ੯. ਗਾਂਧੀਨਗਰ ਜੰਮੂ -੨
    ੧੦. ਨਾਨਕਨਗਰ ਜੰਮੂ -੨
    ੧੧. ਸਿੰਬਲ ਕੈਂਪ ਜੰਮੂ -੨
    ੧੨. ਕਾਲੇਵਾਲਾ -੨
    ੧੩. ਬੱਗੇ ਕੇ ਪਿੱਪਲ਼ ੨
    ੧੪. ਨਾਜੂਸ਼ਾਹ ਮਿਸ਼ਰਾ ਵਾਲਾ -੨
    ੧੫. ਤੂੰਬੜਭੰਨ -੨
    ੧੬. ਫ਼ਿਰੋਜ਼ਪੁਰ -੬
    ੧੭. ਡੁਬਾਈ-੨
    ੧੮. ਪੁਰਵਿੰਡ -੨
    ੧੯. ਰੋੜਾਂਵਾਲਾ -੨
    ੨੦. ਸੈਨਿਕ ਕਲੋਨੀ ਜੰਮੂ -੨
    ੨੧. ਡਿਸਟ੍ਰਿਕਟ ਲਾਇਬ੍ਰੇਰੀ ਫ਼ਿਰੋਜ਼ਪੁਰ -੨
    ੨੨. ਖਾਲਸਾ ਗੁਰਦੁਆਰਾ ਛਾਉਣੀ -੨
    ੨੩. ਗੁਰਦੁਆਰਾ ਸਾਰਾਗੜੀ -੨  

    If you know someone connected to Punjab's libraries and would like to volunteer their time in stocking their local libraries, please contact us. 

    We thank you for your continued support that allows us the opportunities to find and support such valuable institutions and spread the mission and life legacy of Jaswant Singh Khalra. 

    Guru Ang Sang,

    -Gurmeet Kaur 

    [email protected]

  • 05/08/2023

    Working with the SKM and Ferozepur area libraries

    Dear Supporter,

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
    Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

    Have you heard of the Sikh Kanya Mahavidalya and Bhai Takhat Singh Ji? Recently we partnered with the school and are bringing our books to the library and students of this school, but first, let me share some information about Bhai Takhat Singh Ji. 

    A pioneer of women's education in the nineteenth century, he started the first school for girls, later known as Sikh Kanya Mahavidalya, Ferozepur, in 1892. Those were the days when education for girls was taboo. He had difficulty finding students to start classes. He said, "When I approached Singh Sabha for opening a girls' school, only a few supported the idea. There were numerous objections. Someone said, "Are they to do service (job) after studies?" Someone else said, "Girls will get spoiled after their studies. They will write letters to their boyfriends. No secrets can be safe from them." Another said, "Only the shameless will send their daughters to an unmarried man for schooling."

    Despite the difficulties, he dedicated his life to this mission, and the SKM became a thriving institution in his lifetime. He also set up a very valuable library with rare manuscripts and books on Sikh history. This library was used as a reference library by such literary personalities as Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha, S. Karam Singh Historian, and Bhai Teja Singh Panch Khand Bhasod.

    Fast Forward to 2023 - Bibi Parmjit Kaur Mahal from the US is striving hard to revive what has unfortunately now been left in ruins. The school, the library, the enrollment, the building, the education standards ... all have been robbed of their glory. 

    Since she works closely with us, we have now had the chance to reach out with our books to empower the students and enrich the library. 

    Sardar Jaspal Singh Ji, who is on the board of SKM, did a book reading session with senior girls last month and gifted them the books. Please spare just one minute to watch this video.  Please let us know what you feel about the work we do.

    We also have supplied many copies to the library and for future use. And Sardar Jaspal Singh Ji will also reach out to 60 other libraries in the area in the coming months. 

    We thank you for your continued support that allows us the opportunities to find and support such valuable institutions. 

    Guru Ang Sang,

    -Gurmeet Kaur 

    [email protected]

  • 02/18/2023

    The Impact you have helped make

    Dear Supporter,

    Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh.

    I want to share a beautiful story with you. I happened to run into a young lady at a Gurdwara in Mississauga, Ontario, yesterday, who I thought was an international student. I found out that she was a senior in high school, born and brought up in Canada, also taking some courses in a college. She spoke fluent Punjabi, so I mistook her for being from Punjab. Her confidence really captivated me, so we talked for a while. She seemed equally interested in answering my questions about her education. Our conversation led to her telling me about a project she did on Sikh Genocide in her Social Studies class and how she got full marks on it - it was the best in the class. I was very interested, mainly because they were asked to research less-known genocides and write about them.

    The details she shared sounded very familiar, so I asked her what her references were. She told me about this excellent book she had picked up from the Ontario Khalsa Darbar, and 90% of her research was based on it. She raved about that book and told me it was beautifully written and illustrated. I asked her about the author. She didn't remember the name but told me the book's title. So I smiled big and introduced her to the author. She was taken aback and raised her sleeve a few minutes later and showed me the goosebumps. Then she rushed and got her whole family to meet me. She and her father shared many tears --- my blessing for the day.

    She believes every high school and college student in Canada and beyond should read #JSKTheBook. I said that's precisely why I gave two years of my life to it. 

    If you have high school or college students at home or in extended family please consider empowering them by introducing this book to them. Sometimes parents hesitate to discuss the information themselves. I have spoken to a few teenagers in various Gurmat schools who have none or inadequate information about the Sikh Genocide or incorrect information based on the internet. Our kids get gaslighted by our own or others if they come from a place without knowledge. They need to own their recent history and this book does that very powerfully so.

    Back home in Punjab, Since our human resource potential was limited, in the last quarter, we partnered with several on-ground organizations working with youth and donated our books so they could reach more educators and students. Some of our partners include Sikh Aid and Sikhi Awareness Foundation. I am sharing a picture from SAF's educators conferece where they distributed these books. 

    I thank you for your continued support and hope that we will be able to make more impact in the upcoming quarter and bring you some powerful stories. 


    Guru Ang Sang,

    Gurmeet Kaur 



  • 11/10/2022

    Please donate to instill the love of Punjab

    Dear Friend, 

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

    Your support in the past has made us instill pride in the Punjabi language and the love for Punjab in the hearts of Punjabi youth that are continuously being bombarded by anti-Punjabiyat / anti-Sikh propaganda. 

    It is that time of the year that I call upon your support. It is only once a year that I knock at your door to support our projects in Punjab. Your one-time or recurring donation via DVN allows us to bring our books to thousands of children in Punjab and continue to create more books for children in Diaspora. If you have kept in touch via DVN or social media you have seen the pictures of the faces and libraries we have touched both via The Valiant and the Undivided Punjab Edition and the 11 books we have printed in the last 9 years. 

    This year we also printed and are distributing 5000 copies of a booklet that educates Punjab about its environmental degradation and the steps that can be taken to reverse it . More information on Naroa Punjab booklet can be found here.  

    So, as DVNWEEK 2022 starts on November 11th, I am counting on your support. The first 25 donations of $400 to the organization will be matched by DVN if they are made timely.  I am asking you to please bring your family members onboard and donate as much as you can so we can benefit from the match. If you want to donate more than $400 please split it between your family members or friends.

    Please make sure to donate first thing at 12 pm (noon, EST)  on November 11th 2022 before their matching funds run out. It will take you less than 10 minutes. DVN week runs from Nov. 11 to 20th so I encourage you to donate during this week even if you missed the match. 

    Here are the links to two of our projects on DVN to donate. You can donate to either or both projects. 

    Donate to the Valiant Jaswant Singh Khalra

    Donate to the Fascinating Folktales of Punjab 

    Please review the summary on the right hand side of the checkout page to ensure that the match was applied correctly. The matching code will be active beginning at 12PM EST on November 11th, 2022. 

    Please share this invite with everyone who believes in this work. 

    Thank You,

    Gurmeet Kaur 

  • 11/03/2022

    1984: Why and How to talk to your children

    Dear Friend,

    Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh,
    First week of November 1984 bore witness to some of the darkest days of state-sponsored violence in India. In the aftermath of Indira Gandhi’s assassination, the homes of Sikhs in Delhi and other major cities throughout the country were identified and marked using electoral voters’ lists provided by the government officials. These homes were then targeted and tens of thousands of innocent children, women, and men were slaughtered through the cities and towns from the north to the south of the country. Countless others faced sexual violence and torture.  Homes were looted and burnt, places of worship were desecrated. I too am a witness of that violence. 
    Every year, the first ten days of June and first five days of November are heavy for millions of Sikh families. We may express, commemorate or mourn differently but we all are connected with an invisible bond of grief these days.

    Many of us, especially the ones who have borne the pains of 1984 on our bodies and minds, make it a point to speak to our families and educate our next generation about the genocide. 

    But many struggle and shy away. The truth is too gory and sad, uncomfortable, and painful to talk about. 
    Nonetheless, it must be told.

    For years, I have dedicated quite a bit of my time in educating our next generation  on the events of 1984, in order to create awareness, remembrance, and dialogue. While teaching various youth classes over the years, it bothered me that we lacked adequate tools for families that addressed the pain of the Sikhs in India, explaining the not so distant persecution to the young minds. I had been thinking about an illustrated book on 1984 for years; a book that would engage the young minds and educate them in a way that they can own this important piece of history.

    So when, a couple of years ago, I was invited to write a children’s book on Jaswant Singh Khalra; it was a labor of love for me. In October of 2020, finally the world had the first book for teenagers and up, written in English and Punjabi, that addresses the tragic story of the Sikh genocide in the 20th century India, chronicled through the life and legacy of human rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra -- including the November 1984 pogroms. 

    Please spend a few minutes listening to or reading on "Why and How to speak to your children about 1984" and learn about other tools and ways you can use  to engage them.
    Listen to the Punjabi interview here.
    Read the article in English here.

    I see the November pogroms of 1984 all over India as an extension of the June operations in Punjab. All of it combines to form the Sikh Genocide of 1984 that must be understood and passed on. Hence, this book has an extensive coverage of the November pogroms including excerpts from worldwide coverage, important photographs from the time, and not to forget a soul-stirring artwork that will leave everyone coming back to this book. 

    I am grateful that this book is now being used by several Gurmat schools to educate youth about the Sikh Genocide. If you are connected to any educational institutes, I encourage you to give this book set and inspire the educators to utilize this as a tool to create a dialogue and awareness about this important piece of history.

    Children also relate to the parents’ stories at a very deep and personal level. They empathize and identify with our life experiences more so than anything else they learn elsewhere. For example my eleven year old, whenever we are spending one-on-one time with each other; her favorite thing to hear is — stories of little Gurmeet. Obviously in June and November we talk about 1984 experiences and stories that I lived and know of as a little girl who was targeted along with her family. These childhood stories and memories will stick to them for the rest of their lives. They will own the stories and the narrative for generations to come. I encourage you to do the same.

    Lastly, I want to thank you for supporting #JSKTheBook. I hope you will continue to do that so we can reach out to more readers from around the world. DVN daswandh week is just around the corner and I request you to mark you calendars for Nov 11th 12 pm EST when the DVN match begins. 

    Here is the link to our project: 
    Donate to our project on Nov 11th at 12 pm 

    For more information and to purchase these books please visit

    In gratitude,
    Gurmeet Kaur


  • 09/26/2022

    The Valiant inspires students and elders alike

    Dear Supporter,

    Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh.

    I was recently in Punjab where I got to meet our youth at many places. It was wonderful to know that wherever I went, there were a few who had read our book - The Valiant / ਮਰਜੀਵੜਾ  Jaswant Singh Khalra and were inspired by it. They would come to me and share their experiences on how they read the book in one go but keep coming to it, how they shared it with all their family and friends and how it was the easiest read for them. The common thought was - "We had no idea what had transpired in the 20th century Punjab. Your book has put the struggle of Punjab in perspective - in an effortless read. We are inspired to know more." 

    There were many who expressed that this book is not only a window into the past but connects it to the present. "We now know that the current struggle of Punjab is not new..." 

    As they say: "Knowledge is power". Our hope is that whoever reads the book is not only empowered with the real knowledge of what transpired but more  than anything, is inspired by our hero Sardar Jaswant Singh Khalra -- inspired by his love of the land; by his sense of duty and dedication, his standing up for the rights of all human beings - no matter the cost.

    We try to avail the books to Punjabis in many ways - donation to village libraries, donation for fundraising for organizations that work for well being of Punjab and through subsidizing copies at book fairs and book shops. 

    I am sharing three recent photos with you to paint the picture. One is of a book fair at Farid Kot, the second of a youth event in Ludhiana and the third of a book donation to a library at the village Peer Mohammad. All of this is fairly hard to achieve - we struggle with lack of volunteers and committed, passionate, and fearless resources who would talk about the project and convince the readers; but once the book is out in right hands - it sure has a way of inspiring many. 

    This month we commemorated the 27th disappearance anniversary of our hero. I was hoping to speak at a few colleges and universities in Punjab -- but for a reason or the other the pre-committed engagements on the anniversary were cancelled. Human rights and freedom of speech are not India's priorities at the moment - I experienced it very well on my trip. 

    So, it becomes even more important for us to keep the torch of freedom burning. 
    I thank you for all your support and hope that you are spreading the word about this book to your schools, colleges, universities, libraries, reading clubs, and Gurdwaras. 

    With a lack of marketing team, you are the only hope and support for this project and the ideals it brings about. 

    With gratitude,

    Gurmeet Kaur


    ps: If you have family in India - they can purchase the book for under Rs. 400 with free shipping in India from Shah Kitab Ghar -


  • 05/20/2022

    Hola Mohalla with The Valiant

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh.

    The Valiant Jaswant Singh Khalra -  continues to enlighten the young generation who are not very aware of the 20th century history of Punjab and the ongoing issues that linger on - both in Punjab and in the diaspora through his life story in #JSKTheBook. 

    With your support we were able to reach over 500 students and readers at Hola Mohalla (at no cost to students and subsidized cost to others) in Anandpur Sahib. 

    The books were received very well and most people who read the book reported on how easy it was to read and how they wanted to finish the whole book as they started without putting it down. 

    I invite you to watch the following coverage of the Hola Mohalla book distribution - with our volunteer - Kuldeep Singh -  speaking about the book. 

    I hope you appreciate the effort that goes into getting these books out in the hands of  youth in Punjab. I also hope that you are proud of your support and will continue to support this work. Without education, there is only darkness. 

    Thank You for your contribution to this light,

    Gurmeet Kaur 

  • 02/17/2022

    In Remembrance - Justice Ajit SIngh Bains

    Dear Supporter,

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
    Wahguru Ji Ki Fateh 

    Another iconic hu­man rights cham­pion of Punjab, Jus­tice Ajit Singh Bains passed away on  Feb­ru­ary 11th, 2022, just a couple months short of hitting a century. He was well known worldwide as the judge of the Pun­jab and Haryana High Court, who de­fended hu­man rights to the last letter. He was the co-founder of the Pun­jab Hu­man Rights Or­gan­i­za­tion and a prolific writer who chron­i­cled the dark times of Punjab, post-June 1984, much to the embarrassment of the In­dian state.  

    He became a household name in Punjab when he was asked by the newly elected chief minister, Surjit Singh Barnala, to appoint a committee on political prisoners post-1984, to hush the organizations crying human rights violations in Punjab. 

    The committee lead by him travelled across Punjab, meeting the imprisoned, presented its report and recommendations to release 6,000 languishing detainees against whom it had found no credible evidence, in just three months of its work.

    The Punjab government was shocked by his work but had to release thousands illegally detained because Justice Bains refused to back down from holding the government accountable despite obvious threats. He continued to work against illegal detentions and disappearances and exposed the human rights abuses in Punjab prolifically both in his position as a judge and as a lawyer at PHRO. 

    He was also perhaps the only judge on the Indian subcontinent who was arrested by the same police he used to order to arrest the criminals. On April 3, 1992 he was forced out of his car and taken away by the Punjab Police. He spent five months behind bars. The imprisonment made the him larger than life figure in Punjab and the Diaspora, causing many human rights organizations to lobby for his release.

    He closely worked with the hero of our book, Jaswant Singh Khalra, in the nineties and later with his family post his disappearance, along with his son Rajvinder Singh Bains who also practices law in Punjab and Haryana High Court. 

    So when this book was finished a couple of years ago, he was one of the three people whose blessing we sought. He was kind enough to send it. His words adorn the back cover of our book. 

    He said, “The Valiant brings to life in flesh and blood, Jaswant Singh Khalra, the activist who died defending people’s right to life and the rule of law. A moving tale of courage under fire, of a rebel who confronted tyranny with defiance, without arms and guns.” 

    "ਇਹ ਕਿਤਾਬ ਜਸਵੰਤ ਸਿੰਘ ਖਾਲੜੇ ਨੂੰ ਪਾਠਕ ਅਗਾੜੀ ਸਾਖਿਆਤ ਲਿਆ ਖਲ੍ਹਾਰਦੀ ਹੈ, ਜਿਹਨੇ ਅਪਣੀ ਜ਼ਿੰਦਗੀ ਲੋਕਾਂ ਦੇ ਜਿਊਣ ਦੇ ਹੱਕ ਤੇ ਨਿਆਂ ਦੇ ਆਦਰਸ਼ ਦੇ ਲੇਖੇ ਲਾ ਦਿੱਤੀ। ਇਹ ਉਸ ਬਾਗ਼ੀ ਸੂਰਮੇ ਦੀ ਕਹਾਣੀ ਹੈ, ਜਿਹਨੇ ਬਿਨਾਂ ਹਥਿਆਰਾਂ ਦੇ ਹਿੱਕ ਡਾਹ ਕੇ ਜ਼ੁਲਮ-ਜਬਰ ਦਾ ਮੁਕਾਬਲਾ ਕੀਤਾ।" - ਅਜੀਤ ਸਿੰਘ ਬੈਂਸ, ਰਿਟਾਇਰਡ ਜੱਜ ਪੰਜਾਬ ਹਾਈ ਕੋਰਟ

    We thank him for life full of service and inspiration as we bid him farewell. 

    Friends, so much is happening in Punjab right now, that it is hard to write more on our work. But I promise you, that this book is traveling into many homes and hearts through libraries and book shops and doing what we intended for it to do - Educating our youth about our recent history - so they can be inspired to carve a better future. Not a week goes by that I don't hear a new story of inspiration. 

    Thank You, for all your support. 

    Guru Ang Sang
    Gurmeet Kaur 


  • 11/16/2021

    Thank You for all you have done!

    Dear Supporter,

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh. 

    Kabir Kaur, a teacher from Shahid Bhagat Singh Senior Secondary School, Bhikhiwind, Punjab just sent this review (translated from Punjabi): 

    "This book is not only the story of the 'Valiant Jaswant Singh', but also the painful story of the land of Punjab that its people have endured upon themselves.

    Gurmeet Kaur has not only worked as a storyteller but also as a historian and has documented an account for our next generation that is not being taught to them in schools and colleges. She has fulfilled her duty; the onus is now upon us - to take it to them."

    It's a joy to hear from teachers. Especially, teachers in Punjab.
    A lot of work has gone into this book - they see it.
    A lot more work is going into getting this book into the hands of youth.

    Thank You, for all the love and encouragement, your support has got us this far. Thank You for a successful Dasvandhweek and your generous contribution. 

    Happy upcoming Baba Nanak's birth anniversary. 


    In gratitude, 

    -Gurmeet Kaur 

  • 11/13/2021

    Last Call - Please ask a friend to help

     Dear Friend,

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

    Thank You, so much for your support this week on the Dasvandh Network.

    As the native American saying goes - "You don't know where you are going until you know where you are coming from," I believe that until the youth in Punjab knows its 20th century history they won't be able to carve their future in the 21st.

    And it goes for our youth in the diaspora as well. U.S. based community educator and activist, Inni Kaur, calls this book a must for all Sikh youth and families. 

    And I am asking for your help in making this happen.

    Today is the last day of the #Dasvandhweek and DVN will contribute $50 for each *new* donor we bring to our cause; $100 if they start a recurring donation for as little as $10/mo.

    So may I kindly request that you encourage a friend or a family member who has not donated to our cause before to contribute?

    Please encourage giving - any amount helps. But please do it NOW - so DVN can match the funds; Every match makes a big difference.

    Thank you so much for all you have done this far. 


    Gurmeet Kaur

  • 11/05/2021

    Please donate so we can continue to Inspire

    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! 

    Dear Friend,

    Does this testimonial move you? Then please

    It is from a teacher in Punjab, who came across #JSKTheBook in a library (Giani Ditt Singh Library) that we had sent all our books to - because you made this happen.

    She says - 

    "While narrating the life-story of Punjab's courageous warrior, Jaswant Singh Khalra, this book touches each fold of Punjab's history, capturing an ocean in a pitcher.

    Any one longing to know Punjab's history, should start with this book. Any student of human rights and related discipline must read this book and know how this 'Valiant' set an example by giving his own life to protect the rights of others to live." - Rajwant Kaur Cheema, Teacher, Beas

    Rajwant has now made it a priority to inspire all her students and friends to read this book. I think you are already beginning to imagine the impact of this effort.

    I hope that you have been in touch via DVN updates or through our Social Media pages on other glimpses of we have accomplished with your support thus far. 

    In short, we have reached thousands of youth through our books in Punjab - either via subsidizing them heavily or giving them free of cost to libraries, schools and even at the Farmers Protest Morcha. We have shared pictures and testimonials from all age groups, all genders and educational backgrounds - our books have been so educational and empowering, you should be proud of this support.

    Now that Covid restrictions are easing up - we plan to amplify our outreach with your help, of-course. This week, DVN will be matching your one-time donations while funds last up to $400 per donor. 

    Please consider giving to the project of your choice or to both - any amount helps. But please do it TODAY - so DVN can match the funds. 

    If you would like to give more, please consider asking your family member to do so.

    May we also ask you to please take a few minutes after you have donated to reach out to at least five more friends and request them to make a contribution? 

    This is the only week that we do our fundraising but it sustains us through the whole year because we have zero overhead expenses. All your donations go into creating these wonderful books and making them reach the masses. 

    Thank you so much for your dasvandh. We know that you have a choice of many causes. But your strong belief in our educational endeavor to empower our Panth and Punjab, makes us want to continue our mission with more strength. May Waheguru bless you with Chardi Kala. 

    Guru Ang Sang,

    Gurmeet Kaur FolktalesOfPunjab/

  • 08/30/2021

    Inspiring Punjab with the legacy of Jaswant Singh

    JSKTheBook at Giani Ditt Singh Library
    Dear Donor,

    We are days away from Sept. 6th, when in 1995, Shaheed Jaswant Singh Khalra would be abducted by the government machinery of Punjab to be disappeared forever - like the twenty-five thousand civilians he estimated to have been illegally killed and mass-creamted by the state in those dark years. 

    It is heartening to know that the youth in Punjab is receiveing 'The Valiant / ਮਰਜੀਵੜਾ ' or  #JSKTheBook as we call it on social media, with much enthusiasm, learning about the life and legacy of our hero as well as about the 20th century Punjab's conditions that led to his ultimate sacrifice. And we have, You, to thank for it. 

    Your donation has allowed us to print thousands of copies in Punjab, and to donate a good portion of them to libraries free of cost. We have also provided free and subdized copies to youth at the Farmers Protest.

    Please read what a young lady from Bathinda, who read the book in the Giani Ditt Singh Library, has to say: 

    "While narrating the life-story of Punjab's courageous warrior, Jaswant Singh Khalra, this book touches each fold of Punjab's history, capturing an ocean in a pitcher.
    Any one longing to know Punjab's history, should start with this book. Any student of human rights and related discipline must read this book and know how this 'Valiant' set an example by giving his own life to protect the rights of others to live." - Rajwant Kaur Cheema 

    "ਇਹ ਕਿਤਾਬ ਪੰਜਾਬ ਦੇ ਸੂਰਬੀਰ ਯੋਧੇ 'ਜਸਵੰਤ ਸਿੰਘ ਖਾਲੜਾ' ਦੀ ਜਿੰਦਗੀ ਨੂੰ ਬਿਆਨ ਕਰਦੀ ਹੋਈ, ਪੰਜਾਬ ਦੇ ਇਤਿਹਾਸ ਦੇ ਹਰ ਮੋੜ ਨੂੰ ਛੂਹਕੇ ਕੁੱਜੇ ਵਿੱਚ ਸਮੁੰਦਰ ਨੂੰ ਬੰਦ ਕਰਦੀ ਹੈ। ਪੰਜਾਬ ਦੇ ਇਤਿਹਾਸ ਨੂੰ ਪੜ੍ਹਨ ਦੇ ਹਰ ਇੱਕ ਚਾਹਵਾਨ ਨੂੰ ਸ਼ੁਰੂਆਤ ਇਸ ਕਿਤਾਬ ਤੋਂ ਕਰਨੀ ਚਾਹੀਦੀ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਮਨੁੱਖੀ ਅਧਿਕਾਰਾਂ ਵਰਗੇ ਵਿਸ਼ਿਆਂ ਦੇ ਵਿਦਿਆਰਥੀਆਂ ਨੂੰ ਇਹ ਕਿਤਾਬ ਲਾਜ਼ਮੀ ਪੜ੍ਹਨੀ ਚਾਹੀਦੀ ਹੈ ਕਿ ਕਿਸ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਇਸ ਯੋਧੇ ਨੇ ਮਨੁੱਖੀ ਅਧਿਕਾਰਾਂ ਦੀ ਰਾਖੀ ਕਰਦਿਆਂ ਆਪਣੀ ਜਾਨ ਵਾਰ ਕੇ ਇੱਕ ਵੱਖਰੀ ਮਿਸਾਲ ਕਾਇਮ ਕੀਤੀ।"
    -ਰਾਜਵੰਤ ਕੌਰ ਚੀਮਾ

    Thank you so much for supporting this project. We are finding new ways to reach out to as many libraries and active student groups so this book can continue to inspire the Sikh principles of standing up for truth, liberty and justice for all. Any library in Punjab who is interested in this book is given three sets of each Punjabi and English editions.

    Please continue to inspire your family members to read this book. If you don't own a copy, you may order one at our website.

    We also have special prices on boxes, english, punjabi or combination - whereby you can gift these books to families or students at your local Gurmat school. Please visit us at

    If you have read the book, we would appreciate you sharing your review via email to [email protected]

    Many thanks for your continued support,
    Guru Ang Sang,

    Gurmeet Kaur
    Author, #JSKTheBook 

  • 06/15/2021

    We continue to reach out to the Villages in Punjab

    Dear Friend,

    Despite Covid19's second wave, which has slowed everything down in India, we were able to stock a few libraries and reach out to hundreds of new readers through wonderful volunteers on the ground.

    Kuldip Singh Ratan, a kathaakaar based in Navashahar, Punjab has been taking these books from one village to another in his area, talking about Shaheed Jaswant Singh Khalra's life and distributing them to all the families in his sangat, encouraging them to read and pass it on to their friends. (picture below)


    Kuldip Singh Ratan with his sangat


    Recently, our volunteer and supporter, Barjinder Singh, reached out to Punjabi Likhari Sabha, which runs several libraries in Punjab and donated a hundred books to them to stock as many rural libraries within their reach. They will be reaching out for more books in the next phase. They have also promised to talk to youth about these books and encourage them to read these. (picture below,  Video Here)

    If you know of any such organizations that are running libraries in rural Punjab or working with the youth to educate them about Sikh / Punjab issues please reach out to us via email at [email protected]. We will make every effort to work with them so the book reaches in the hands of maximum young people in Punjab.

    Thank you so much for your continued support. Please continue to spread the word about these books with your friends.

    Gurmeet Kaur 

    Author & Sevadaar at





  • 03/30/2021

    The Valiant #JSKTheBook at the #FarmersProtest

    Protestors at at the Tikri Border read #JSKTHEBOOKDear Donor,

    We have been busy and Shaheed Jaswant Singh Khalra has truly inspired us to be the lamp that challenges the darkness.

    This time it is the darkness of ignorance. The very reason this book was written (and in two language editions) is because our people had started to forget the enormous sacrifice of thousands of men, women and children who were disappeared, tortured and killed in the black years of Punjab's 20th century history and that of the great activist, Sardar Jaswant Singh, who brought the facts to light. 

    Your loving support has enabled us to take this book to thousands of hands in Punjab. We have recently gifted over a thousand books at the FarmersProtest at various borders and book stalls in Delhi and at HolaMohalla in Anandpur Sahib. 

    We are working hard to identify libraries, schools and individuals who would take these books further. 

    Our dream is that all youth in Punjab have access to these books via book stores, libraries or fairs. 

    Our next stop will be Vaisakhi at Damdama Sahib.

    All of this would not have been possible without your support.

    So, I wanted to take a moment and say Thank You! 

    Please visit our FB page for some pictures and videos of people who are happy to receive these books. This is just a glimpse but it will give you an idea of how your donations are being put to use. 

    Some pictures of Punjab Distribution

    In gratitude,


    Gurmeet Kaur


Name Donation Date
J. S. $10.00 July 2024
S. K. $10.00 July 2024
K. K. $10.00 July 2024
K. K. $10.00 July 2024
F. K. $10.00 July 2024
F. K. $10.00 July 2024
B. S. $10.00 July 2024
H. S. $10.00 July 2024
V. S. $10.00 July 2024
S. K. $10.00 July 2024
H. S. $10.00 July 2024
H. S. $10.00 July 2024
V. S. $10.00 July 2024
V. S. $10.00 July 2024
K. K. $10.00 July 2024
H. K. $10.00 July 2024
J. S. $10.00 July 2024
V. S. $10.00 July 2024
A. S. $10.00 July 2024
D. S. $10.00 July 2024
P. K. $10.00 July 2024
A. S. $10.00 July 2024
P. K. $10.00 July 2024
P. S. $10.00 July 2024
B. S. $10.00 July 2024
E. S. $10.00 July 2024
E. S. $10.00 July 2024
G. S. $25.00 July 2024
A. S. $20.00 July 2024
H. S. $10.00 July 2024
H. S. $10.00 June 2024
F. K. $10.00 June 2024
F. K. $10.00 June 2024
K. K. $10.00 June 2024
B. S. $10.00 June 2024
B. S. $10.00 June 2024
K. K. $10.00 June 2024
A. S. $10.00 June 2024
E. S. $10.00 June 2024
D. S. $10.00 June 2024
A. S. $10.00 June 2024
P. S. $10.00 June 2024
S. K. $10.00 June 2024
H. S. $10.00 June 2024
V. S. $10.00 June 2024
K. K. $10.00 June 2024
S. K. $10.00 June 2024
E. S. $10.00 June 2024
J. S. $10.00 June 2024
V. S. $10.00 June 2024
H. S. $10.00 June 2024
V. S. $10.00 June 2024
V. S. $10.00 June 2024
H. K. $10.00 June 2024
J. S. $10.00 June 2024
P. K. $10.00 June 2024
P. K. $10.00 June 2024
G. S. $25.00 June 2024
A. S. $20.00 June 2024
H. S. $10.00 June 2024
V. S. $10.00 May 2024
J. S. $10.00 May 2024
B. S. $10.00 May 2024
A. S. $10.00 May 2024
P. S. $10.00 May 2024
S. K. $10.00 May 2024
K. K. $10.00 May 2024
K. K. $10.00 May 2024
J. S. $10.00 May 2024
V. S. $10.00 May 2024
S. K. $10.00 May 2024
F. K. $10.00 May 2024
F. K. $10.00 May 2024
B. S. $10.00 May 2024
E. S. $10.00 May 2024
E. S. $10.00 May 2024
P. K. $10.00 May 2024
P. K. $10.00 May 2024
H. S. $10.00 May 2024
H. S. $10.00 May 2024
V. S. $10.00 May 2024
V. S. $10.00 May 2024
K. K. $10.00 May 2024
H. K. $10.00 May 2024
D. S. $10.00 May 2024
A. S. $10.00 May 2024
H. S. $10.00 May 2024
G. S. $25.00 May 2024
A. S. $20.00 May 2024
H. S. $10.00 May 2024
S. K. $10.00 April 2024
V. S. $10.00 April 2024
F. K. $10.00 April 2024
F. K. $10.00 April 2024
B. S. $10.00 April 2024
P. K. $10.00 April 2024
H. K. $10.00 April 2024
K. K. $10.00 April 2024
V. S. $10.00 April 2024
B. S. $10.00 April 2024
K. K. $10.00 April 2024
K. K. $10.00 April 2024
E. S. $10.00 April 2024
A. S. $10.00 April 2024
V. S. $10.00 April 2024
J. S. $10.00 April 2024
J. S. $10.00 April 2024
V. S. $10.00 April 2024
D. S. $10.00 April 2024
A. S. $10.00 April 2024
P. K. $10.00 April 2024
P. S. $10.00 April 2024
H. S. $10.00 April 2024
H. S. $10.00 April 2024
S. K. $10.00 April 2024
H. S. $10.00 April 2024
E. S. $10.00 April 2024
G. S. $25.00 April 2024
A. S. $20.00 April 2024
H. S. $10.00 April 2024
H. S. $10.00 March 2024
H. S. $10.00 March 2024
H. S. $10.00 March 2024
K. K. $10.00 March 2024
F. K. $10.00 March 2024
F. K. $10.00 March 2024
B. S. $10.00 March 2024
S. K. $10.00 March 2024
K. K. $10.00 March 2024
P. K. $10.00 March 2024
P. K. $10.00 March 2024
E. S. $10.00 March 2024
A. S. $10.00 March 2024
D. S. $10.00 March 2024
A. S. $10.00 March 2024
P. S. $10.00 March 2024
V. S. $10.00 March 2024
S. K. $10.00 March 2024
V. S. $10.00 March 2024
B. S. $10.00 March 2024
J. S. $10.00 March 2024
J. S. $10.00 March 2024
V. S. $10.00 March 2024
V. S. $10.00 March 2024
K. K. $10.00 March 2024
H. K. $10.00 March 2024
E. S. $10.00 March 2024
G. S. $25.00 March 2024
A. S. $20.00 March 2024
H. S. $10.00 March 2024
D. S. $10.00 February 2024
P. S. $10.00 February 2024
S. K. $10.00 February 2024
H. S. $10.00 February 2024
H. S. $10.00 February 2024
E. S. $10.00 February 2024
V. S. $10.00 February 2024
V. S. $10.00 February 2024
J. S. $10.00 February 2024
K. K. $10.00 February 2024
H. K. $10.00 February 2024
S. K. $10.00 February 2024
B. S. $10.00 February 2024
P. K. $10.00 February 2024
J. S. $10.00 February 2024
V. S. $10.00 February 2024
K. K. $10.00 February 2024
A. S. $10.00 February 2024
B. S. $10.00 February 2024
K. K. $10.00 February 2024
F. K. $10.00 February 2024
F. K. $10.00 February 2024
P. K. $10.00 February 2024
V. S. $10.00 February 2024
H. S. $10.00 February 2024
A. S. $10.00 February 2024
E. S. $10.00 February 2024
G. S. $25.00 February 2024
A. S. $20.00 February 2024
H. S. $10.00 February 2024
H. S. $10.00 January 2024
P. K. $10.00 January 2024
F. K. $10.00 January 2024
J. S. $10.00 January 2024
F. K. $10.00 January 2024
K. K. $10.00 January 2024
A. S. $10.00 January 2024
V. S. $10.00 January 2024
P. K. $10.00 January 2024
A. S. $10.00 January 2024
V. S. $10.00 January 2024
S. K. $10.00 January 2024
H. S. $10.00 January 2024
P. S. $10.00 January 2024
J. S. $10.00 January 2024
V. S. $10.00 January 2024
S. K. $10.00 January 2024
B. S. $10.00 January 2024
E. S. $10.00 January 2024
K. K. $10.00 January 2024
K. K. $10.00 January 2024
D. S. $10.00 January 2024
H. S. $10.00 January 2024
V. S. $10.00 January 2024
H. K. $10.00 January 2024
B. S. $10.00 January 2024
E. S. $10.00 January 2024
G. S. $25.00 January 2024
A. S. $20.00 January 2024
H. S. $10.00 January 2024
K. K. $10.00 January 2024
S. K. $10.00 January 2024
D. S. $10.00 January 2024
V. S. $10.00 January 2024
P. K. $10.00 January 2024
H. K. $10.00 January 2024
E. S. $10.00 January 2024
A. S. $10.00 January 2024
B. S. $10.00 January 2024
V. S. $10.00 January 2024
K. K. $10.00 January 2024
F. K. $10.00 January 2024
K. K. $10.00 January 2024
P. S. $10.00 January 2024
H. S. $10.00 January 2024
E. S. $10.00 January 2024
A. S. $10.00 January 2024
H. S. $10.00 January 2024
J. S. $10.00 January 2024
S. K. $10.00 January 2024
B. S. $10.00 January 2024
H. S. $10.00 January 2024
J. S. $10.00 January 2024
F. K. $10.00 January 2024
P. K. $10.00 January 2024
V. S. $10.00 January 2024
V. S. $10.00 January 2024
Baljit kaur Hothi $50.00 December 2023
Anonymous $40.00 December 2023
Anonymous $50.00 December 2023
G. S. $25.00 December 2023
B. S. $20.00 December 2023
A. S. $20.00 December 2023
H. S. $10.00 December 2023
G. S. $25.00 December 2023
V. S. $10.00 November 2023
V. S. $10.00 November 2023
P. S. $10.00 November 2023
S. K. $10.00 November 2023
H. S. $10.00 November 2023
H. S. $10.00 November 2023
H. S. $10.00 November 2023
V. S. $10.00 November 2023
E. S. $10.00 November 2023
J. S. $10.00 November 2023
P. K. $10.00 November 2023
P. K. $10.00 November 2023
K. K. $10.00 November 2023
F. K. $10.00 November 2023
F. K. $10.00 November 2023
B. S. $10.00 November 2023
D. S. $10.00 November 2023
A. S. $10.00 November 2023
E. S. $10.00 November 2023
K. K. $10.00 November 2023
A. S. $10.00 November 2023
S. K. $10.00 November 2023
H. K. $10.00 November 2023
J. S. $10.00 November 2023
B. S. $10.00 November 2023
V. S. $10.00 November 2023
K. K. $10.00 November 2023
A. S. $20.00 November 2023
B. S. $20.00 November 2023
Match Fund $200.00 November 2023
Jasbir Kaur $200.00 November 2023
Harrajinder Singh $20.00 November 2023
Harrajinder Singh $10.00 November 2023
Harrajinder Singh $10.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Ishwardeep Singh $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $250.00 November 2023
Anonymous $250.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
MANBIR SINGH $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $200.00 November 2023
Anonymous $200.00 November 2023
Match Fund $200.00 November 2023
Anonymous $200.00 November 2023
Match Fund $200.00 November 2023
Gurpreet Pental $200.00 November 2023
Match Fund $200.00 November 2023
Sharanpreet Singh $200.00 November 2023
S. K. $10.00 October 2023
V. S. $10.00 October 2023
K. K. $10.00 October 2023
J. S. $10.00 October 2023
F. K. $10.00 October 2023
F. K. $10.00 October 2023
V. S. $10.00 October 2023
H. S. $10.00 October 2023
K. K. $10.00 October 2023
V. S. $10.00 October 2023
K. K. $10.00 October 2023
H. K. $10.00 October 2023
A. S. $10.00 October 2023
D. S. $10.00 October 2023
A. S. $10.00 October 2023
P. S. $10.00 October 2023
S. K. $10.00 October 2023
H. S. $10.00 October 2023
E. S. $10.00 October 2023
E. S. $10.00 October 2023
P. K. $10.00 October 2023
P. K. $10.00 October 2023
V. S. $10.00 October 2023
H. S. $10.00 October 2023
J. S. $10.00 October 2023
B. S. $10.00 October 2023
B. S. $10.00 October 2023
G. S. $25.00 October 2023
B. S. $20.00 October 2023
A. S. $20.00 October 2023
V. S. $10.00 September 2023
D. S. $10.00 September 2023
A. S. $10.00 September 2023
H. S. $10.00 September 2023
P. K. $10.00 September 2023
P. K. $10.00 September 2023
H. S. $10.00 September 2023
H. S. $10.00 September 2023
V. S. $10.00 September 2023
S. K. $10.00 September 2023
K. K. $10.00 September 2023
K. K. $10.00 September 2023
K. K. $10.00 September 2023
E. S. $10.00 September 2023
E. S. $10.00 September 2023
J. S. $10.00 September 2023
V. S. $10.00 September 2023
H. K. $10.00 September 2023
P. S. $10.00 September 2023
S. K. $10.00 September 2023
F. K. $10.00 September 2023
F. K. $10.00 September 2023
B. S. $10.00 September 2023
B. S. $10.00 September 2023
J. S. $10.00 September 2023
V. S. $10.00 September 2023
A. S. $10.00 September 2023
G. S. $25.00 September 2023
B. S. $20.00 September 2023
A. S. $20.00 September 2023
S. K. $10.00 August 2023
H. S. $10.00 August 2023
H. S. $10.00 August 2023
H. S. $10.00 August 2023
V. S. $10.00 August 2023
V. S. $10.00 August 2023
K. K. $10.00 August 2023
H. K. $10.00 August 2023
J. S. $10.00 August 2023
V. S. $10.00 August 2023
A. S. $10.00 August 2023
D. S. $10.00 August 2023
A. S. $10.00 August 2023
P. S. $10.00 August 2023
P. K. $10.00 August 2023
V. S. $10.00 August 2023
S. K. $10.00 August 2023
K. K. $10.00 August 2023
K. K. $10.00 August 2023
F. K. $10.00 August 2023
F. K. $10.00 August 2023
B. S. $10.00 August 2023
B. S. $10.00 August 2023
E. S. $10.00 August 2023
E. S. $10.00 August 2023
J. S. $10.00 August 2023
P. K. $10.00 August 2023
G. S. $25.00 August 2023
B. S. $20.00 August 2023
A. S. $20.00 August 2023
H. S. $10.00 July 2023
P. K. $10.00 July 2023
P. K. $10.00 July 2023
V. S. $10.00 July 2023
S. K. $10.00 July 2023
K. K. $10.00 July 2023
K. K. $10.00 July 2023
F. K. $10.00 July 2023
F. K. $10.00 July 2023
B. S. $10.00 July 2023
B. S. $10.00 July 2023
E. S. $10.00 July 2023
E. S. $10.00 July 2023
J. S. $10.00 July 2023
H. S. $10.00 July 2023
H. S. $10.00 July 2023
V. S. $10.00 July 2023
V. S. $10.00 July 2023
K. K. $10.00 July 2023
H. K. $10.00 July 2023
J. S. $10.00 July 2023
V. S. $10.00 July 2023
A. S. $10.00 July 2023
D. S. $10.00 July 2023
A. S. $10.00 July 2023
P. S. $10.00 July 2023
S. K. $10.00 July 2023
G. S. $25.00 July 2023
B. S. $20.00 July 2023
A. S. $20.00 July 2023
V. S. $10.00 June 2023
V. S. $10.00 June 2023
K. K. $10.00 June 2023
A. S. $10.00 June 2023
D. S. $10.00 June 2023
A. S. $10.00 June 2023
P. S. $10.00 June 2023
K. K. $10.00 June 2023
F. K. $10.00 June 2023
S. K. $10.00 June 2023
H. S. $10.00 June 2023
F. K. $10.00 June 2023
B. S. $10.00 June 2023
B. S. $10.00 June 2023
H. S. $10.00 June 2023
H. S. $10.00 June 2023
V. S. $10.00 June 2023
V. S. $10.00 June 2023
K. K. $10.00 June 2023
H. K. $10.00 June 2023
J. S. $10.00 June 2023
E. S. $10.00 June 2023
E. S. $10.00 June 2023
J. S. $10.00 June 2023
P. K. $10.00 June 2023
P. K. $10.00 June 2023
S. K. $10.00 June 2023
G. S. $25.00 June 2023
B. S. $20.00 June 2023
A. S. $20.00 June 2023
E. S. $10.00 May 2023
S. K. $10.00 May 2023
K. K. $10.00 May 2023
K. K. $10.00 May 2023
J. S. $10.00 May 2023
F. K. $10.00 May 2023
E. S. $10.00 May 2023
F. K. $10.00 May 2023
B. S. $10.00 May 2023
B. S. $10.00 May 2023
H. S. $10.00 May 2023
V. S. $10.00 May 2023
H. S. $10.00 May 2023
D. S. $10.00 May 2023
A. S. $10.00 May 2023
H. S. $10.00 May 2023
V. S. $10.00 May 2023
V. S. $10.00 May 2023
K. K. $10.00 May 2023
H. K. $10.00 May 2023
J. S. $10.00 May 2023
V. S. $10.00 May 2023
A. S. $10.00 May 2023
P. S. $10.00 May 2023
S. K. $10.00 May 2023
P. K. $10.00 May 2023
P. K. $10.00 May 2023
G. S. $25.00 May 2023
B. S. $20.00 May 2023
A. S. $20.00 May 2023
H. S. $10.00 April 2023
E. S. $10.00 April 2023
E. S. $10.00 April 2023
J. S. $10.00 April 2023
S. K. $10.00 April 2023
K. K. $10.00 April 2023
K. K. $10.00 April 2023
A. S. $10.00 April 2023
F. K. $10.00 April 2023
F. K. $10.00 April 2023
P. K. $10.00 April 2023
P. K. $10.00 April 2023
V. S. $10.00 April 2023
H. S. $10.00 April 2023
B. S. $10.00 April 2023
H. S. $10.00 April 2023
V. S. $10.00 April 2023
P. S. $10.00 April 2023
S. K. $10.00 April 2023
B. S. $10.00 April 2023
V. S. $10.00 April 2023
K. K. $10.00 April 2023
H. K. $10.00 April 2023
J. S. $10.00 April 2023
V. S. $10.00 April 2023
A. S. $10.00 April 2023
D. S. $10.00 April 2023
G. S. $25.00 April 2023
B. S. $20.00 April 2023
A. S. $20.00 April 2023
Anonymous $50.00 March 2023
F. K. $10.00 March 2023
S. K. $10.00 March 2023
K. K. $10.00 March 2023
K. K. $10.00 March 2023
F. K. $10.00 March 2023
B. S. $10.00 March 2023
H. S. $10.00 March 2023
B. S. $10.00 March 2023
E. S. $10.00 March 2023
E. S. $10.00 March 2023
J. S. $10.00 March 2023
P. K. $10.00 March 2023
P. K. $10.00 March 2023
H. S. $10.00 March 2023
V. S. $10.00 March 2023
V. S. $10.00 March 2023
K. K. $10.00 March 2023
H. K. $10.00 March 2023
J. S. $10.00 March 2023
V. S. $10.00 March 2023
A. S. $10.00 March 2023
P. S. $10.00 March 2023
S. K. $10.00 March 2023
V. S. $10.00 March 2023
D. S. $10.00 March 2023
A. S. $10.00 March 2023
H. S. $10.00 March 2023
G. S. $25.00 March 2023
B. S. $20.00 March 2023
A. S. $20.00 March 2023
P. K. $10.00 February 2023
P. K. $10.00 February 2023
V. S. $10.00 February 2023
J. S. $10.00 February 2023
H. S. $10.00 February 2023
H. S. $10.00 February 2023
V. S. $10.00 February 2023
V. S. $10.00 February 2023
K. K. $10.00 February 2023
A. S. $10.00 February 2023
P. S. $10.00 February 2023
S. K. $10.00 February 2023
V. S. $10.00 February 2023
S. K. $10.00 February 2023
H. K. $10.00 February 2023
H. S. $10.00 February 2023
A. S. $10.00 February 2023
D. S. $10.00 February 2023
K. K. $10.00 February 2023
K. K. $10.00 February 2023
F. K. $10.00 February 2023
F. K. $10.00 February 2023
B. S. $10.00 February 2023
B. S. $10.00 February 2023
E. S. $10.00 February 2023
E. S. $10.00 February 2023
J. S. $10.00 February 2023
G. S. $25.00 February 2023
B. S. $20.00 February 2023
A. S. $20.00 February 2023
P. K. $10.00 January 2023
P. K. $10.00 January 2023
J. S. $10.00 January 2023
H. S. $10.00 January 2023
H. S. $10.00 January 2023
A. S. $10.00 January 2023
S. K. $10.00 January 2023
K. K. $10.00 January 2023
K. K. $10.00 January 2023
F. K. $10.00 January 2023
F. K. $10.00 January 2023
B. S. $10.00 January 2023
B. S. $10.00 January 2023
E. S. $10.00 January 2023
E. S. $10.00 January 2023
K. K. $10.00 January 2023
H. K. $10.00 January 2023
J. S. $10.00 January 2023
V. S. $10.00 January 2023
V. S. $10.00 January 2023
V. S. $10.00 January 2023
V. S. $10.00 January 2023
D. S. $10.00 January 2023
A. S. $10.00 January 2023
P. S. $10.00 January 2023
S. K. $10.00 January 2023
H. S. $10.00 January 2023
Anonymous $100.00 January 2023
G. S. $25.00 January 2023
B. S. $20.00 January 2023
A. S. $20.00 January 2023
J. K. $108.00 December 2022
V. S. $10.00 December 2022
B. S. $10.00 December 2022
B. S. $10.00 December 2022
E. S. $10.00 December 2022
E. S. $10.00 December 2022
J. S. $10.00 December 2022
P. K. $10.00 December 2022
P. K. $10.00 December 2022
H. S. $10.00 December 2022
H. S. $10.00 December 2022
S. K. $10.00 December 2022
V. S. $10.00 December 2022
V. S. $10.00 December 2022
K. K. $10.00 December 2022
H. K. $10.00 December 2022
A. S. $10.00 December 2022
K. K. $10.00 December 2022
K. K. $10.00 December 2022
F. K. $10.00 December 2022
F. K. $10.00 December 2022
J. S. $10.00 December 2022
V. S. $10.00 December 2022
D. S. $10.00 December 2022
A. S. $10.00 December 2022
P. S. $10.00 December 2022
S. K. $10.00 December 2022
H. S. $10.00 December 2022
G. S. $25.00 December 2022
B. S. $20.00 December 2022
A. S. $20.00 December 2022
G. S. $25.00 December 2022
Rupi Chatha $1,000.00 November 2022
harvinder singh $100.00 November 2022
K. K. $10.00 November 2022
B. S. $10.00 November 2022
E. S. $10.00 November 2022
E. S. $10.00 November 2022
J. S. $10.00 November 2022
P. K. $10.00 November 2022
P. K. $10.00 November 2022
V. S. $10.00 November 2022
H. K. $10.00 November 2022
J. S. $10.00 November 2022
V. S. $10.00 November 2022
F. K. $10.00 November 2022
F. K. $10.00 November 2022
B. S. $10.00 November 2022
V. S. $10.00 November 2022
H. S. $10.00 November 2022
H. S. $10.00 November 2022
S. K. $10.00 November 2022
K. K. $10.00 November 2022
V. S. $10.00 November 2022
K. K. $10.00 November 2022
A. S. $10.00 November 2022
D. S. $10.00 November 2022
A. S. $10.00 November 2022
P. S. $10.00 November 2022
S. K. $10.00 November 2022
H. S. $10.00 November 2022
Satbir Bhatia $100.00 November 2022
Anonymous $30.00 November 2022
A. S. $20.00 November 2022
B. S. $20.00 November 2022
R. S. $200.00 November 2022
I. S. $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Balbir Singh $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $350.00 November 2022
S. S. $350.00 November 2022
Match Fund $10.00 November 2022
V. S. $10.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Parminder Singh $500.00 November 2022
Match Fund $17.00 November 2022
S. S. $17.00 November 2022
Match Fund $100.00 November 2022
Rajinderpal Kandhari $100.00 November 2022
Match Fund $250.00 November 2022
Nimarta Nanda $250.00 November 2022
Match Fund $250.00 November 2022
R. B. $250.00 November 2022
Match Fund $100.00 November 2022
J. B. $100.00 November 2022
Match Fund $200.00 November 2022
Manjit Bajwa $200.00 November 2022
Match Fund $50.00 November 2022
Tarnjit Kaur $50.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Ishwardeep Singh $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $250.00 November 2022
Jasbir Kaur $250.00 November 2022
Match Fund $250.00 November 2022
Jasbir kaur $250.00 November 2022
Anonymous $200.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Manbir Singh $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $10.00 November 2022
Mandeep Singh $10.00 November 2022
Anonymous $50.00 November 2022
H. K. $10.00 October 2022
J. S. $10.00 October 2022
V. S. $10.00 October 2022
H. S. $10.00 October 2022
H. S. $10.00 October 2022
V. S. $10.00 October 2022
V. S. $10.00 October 2022
A. S. $10.00 October 2022
V. S. $10.00 October 2022
S. K. $10.00 October 2022
K. K. $10.00 October 2022
K. K. $10.00 October 2022
K. K. $10.00 October 2022
F. K. $10.00 October 2022
F. K. $10.00 October 2022
B. S. $10.00 October 2022
B. S. $10.00 October 2022
H. S. $10.00 October 2022
D. S. $10.00 October 2022
A. S. $10.00 October 2022
P. S. $10.00 October 2022
S. K. $10.00 October 2022
J. S. $10.00 October 2022
P. K. $10.00 October 2022
P. K. $10.00 October 2022
E. S. $10.00 October 2022
E. S. $10.00 October 2022
G. S. $25.00 October 2022
B. S. $20.00 October 2022
A. S. $20.00 October 2022
P. K. $10.00 September 2022
E. S. $10.00 September 2022
J. S. $10.00 September 2022
S. K. $10.00 September 2022
K. K. $10.00 September 2022
K. K. $10.00 September 2022
F. K. $10.00 September 2022
F. K. $10.00 September 2022
B. S. $10.00 September 2022
B. S. $10.00 September 2022
A. S. $10.00 September 2022
E. S. $10.00 September 2022
P. K. $10.00 September 2022
H. S. $10.00 September 2022
P. S. $10.00 September 2022
S. K. $10.00 September 2022
H. S. $10.00 September 2022
H. S. $10.00 September 2022
G. S. $10.00 September 2022
M. K. $10.00 September 2022
A. B. $10.00 September 2022
N. S. $10.00 September 2022
H. K. $10.00 September 2022
J. S. $10.00 September 2022
V. S. $10.00 September 2022
V. S. $10.00 September 2022
A. S. $10.00 September 2022
V. S. $10.00 September 2022
V. S. $10.00 September 2022
K. K. $10.00 September 2022
D. S. $10.00 September 2022
G. S. $25.00 September 2022
B. S. $20.00 September 2022
A. S. $20.00 September 2022
P. K. $10.00 August 2022
P. K. $10.00 August 2022
B. S. $10.00 August 2022
E. S. $10.00 August 2022
J. S. $10.00 August 2022
E. S. $10.00 August 2022
J. S. $10.00 August 2022
V. S. $10.00 August 2022
H. S. $10.00 August 2022
H. S. $10.00 August 2022
H. S. $10.00 August 2022
V. S. $10.00 August 2022
V. S. $10.00 August 2022
S. K. $10.00 August 2022
K. K. $10.00 August 2022
K. K. $10.00 August 2022
P. S. $10.00 August 2022
S. K. $10.00 August 2022
H. K. $10.00 August 2022
G. S. $10.00 August 2022
M. K. $10.00 August 2022
A. B. $10.00 August 2022
N. S. $10.00 August 2022
K. K. $10.00 August 2022
F. K. $10.00 August 2022
F. K. $10.00 August 2022
B. S. $10.00 August 2022
V. S. $10.00 August 2022
A. S. $10.00 August 2022
D. S. $10.00 August 2022
A. S. $10.00 August 2022
G. S. $25.00 August 2022
Gurjeet Singh $250.00 August 2022
B. S. $20.00 August 2022
A. S. $20.00 August 2022
H. S. $10.00 July 2022
H. K. $10.00 July 2022
A. S. $10.00 July 2022
G. S. $10.00 July 2022
M. K. $10.00 July 2022
A. B. $10.00 July 2022
N. S. $10.00 July 2022
K. K. $10.00 July 2022
F. K. $10.00 July 2022
F. K. $10.00 July 2022
B. S. $10.00 July 2022
E. S. $10.00 July 2022
E. S. $10.00 July 2022
J. S. $10.00 July 2022
S. K. $10.00 July 2022
K. K. $10.00 July 2022
B. S. $10.00 July 2022
P. K. $10.00 July 2022
P. K. $10.00 July 2022
V. S. $10.00 July 2022
K. K. $10.00 July 2022
J. S. $10.00 July 2022
H. S. $10.00 July 2022
H. S. $10.00 July 2022
V. S. $10.00 July 2022
V. S. $10.00 July 2022
V. S. $10.00 July 2022
D. S. $10.00 July 2022
A. S. $10.00 July 2022
P. S. $10.00 July 2022
S. K. $10.00 July 2022
G. S. $25.00 July 2022
B. S. $20.00 July 2022
A. S. $20.00 July 2022
E. S. $10.00 June 2022
E. S. $10.00 June 2022
J. S. $10.00 June 2022
V. S. $10.00 June 2022
S. K. $10.00 June 2022
K. K. $10.00 June 2022
K. K. $10.00 June 2022
F. K. $10.00 June 2022
F. K. $10.00 June 2022
B. S. $10.00 June 2022
B. S. $10.00 June 2022
H. K. $10.00 June 2022
D. S. $10.00 June 2022
P. K. $10.00 June 2022
P. K. $10.00 June 2022
H. S. $10.00 June 2022
H. S. $10.00 June 2022
V. S. $10.00 June 2022
V. S. $10.00 June 2022
K. K. $10.00 June 2022
J. S. $10.00 June 2022
V. S. $10.00 June 2022
A. S. $10.00 June 2022
A. S. $10.00 June 2022
P. S. $10.00 June 2022
S. K. $10.00 June 2022
H. S. $10.00 June 2022
G. S. $10.00 June 2022
M. K. $10.00 June 2022
A. B. $10.00 June 2022
N. S. $10.00 June 2022
G. S. $25.00 June 2022
B. S. $20.00 June 2022
A. S. $20.00 June 2022
V. S. $10.00 May 2022
J. S. $10.00 May 2022
V. S. $10.00 May 2022
J. S. $10.00 May 2022
V. S. $10.00 May 2022
H. S. $10.00 May 2022
H. S. $10.00 May 2022
A. S. $10.00 May 2022
S. K. $10.00 May 2022
K. K. $10.00 May 2022
K. K. $10.00 May 2022
F. K. $10.00 May 2022
F. K. $10.00 May 2022
B. S. $10.00 May 2022
D. S. $10.00 May 2022
A. S. $10.00 May 2022
P. S. $10.00 May 2022
S. K. $10.00 May 2022
B. S. $10.00 May 2022
H. S. $10.00 May 2022
G. S. $10.00 May 2022
M. K. $10.00 May 2022
A. B. $10.00 May 2022
N. S. $10.00 May 2022
E. S. $10.00 May 2022
E. S. $10.00 May 2022
P. K. $10.00 May 2022
P. K. $10.00 May 2022
V. S. $10.00 May 2022
K. K. $10.00 May 2022
H. K. $10.00 May 2022
G. S. $25.00 May 2022
B. S. $20.00 May 2022
A. S. $20.00 May 2022
J. S. $10.00 April 2022
V. S. $10.00 April 2022
V. S. $10.00 April 2022
H. S. $10.00 April 2022
K. K. $10.00 April 2022
D. S. $10.00 April 2022
A. S. $10.00 April 2022
A. S. $10.00 April 2022
J. S. $10.00 April 2022
H. K. $10.00 April 2022
B. S. $10.00 April 2022
P. K. $10.00 April 2022
P. K. $10.00 April 2022
F. K. $10.00 April 2022
F. K. $10.00 April 2022
B. S. $10.00 April 2022
S. K. $10.00 April 2022
V. S. $10.00 April 2022
K. K. $10.00 April 2022
K. K. $10.00 April 2022
E. S. $10.00 April 2022
E. S. $10.00 April 2022
V. S. $10.00 April 2022
H. S. $10.00 April 2022
S. K. $10.00 April 2022
A. B. $10.00 April 2022
N. S. $10.00 April 2022
P. S. $10.00 April 2022
H. S. $10.00 April 2022
G. S. $10.00 April 2022
M. K. $10.00 April 2022
G. S. $25.00 April 2022
B. S. $20.00 April 2022
A. S. $20.00 April 2022
M. S. $10.00 April 2022
F. K. $10.00 March 2022
B. S. $10.00 March 2022
S. K. $10.00 March 2022
K. K. $10.00 March 2022
J. S. $10.00 March 2022
H. S. $10.00 March 2022
V. S. $10.00 March 2022
A. S. $10.00 March 2022
P. S. $10.00 March 2022
K. K. $10.00 March 2022
H. K. $10.00 March 2022
V. S. $10.00 March 2022
D. S. $10.00 March 2022
A. S. $10.00 March 2022
S. K. $10.00 March 2022
V. S. $10.00 March 2022
G. S. $10.00 March 2022
M. K. $10.00 March 2022
A. B. $10.00 March 2022
N. S. $10.00 March 2022
B. S. $10.00 March 2022
E. S. $10.00 March 2022
E. S. $10.00 March 2022
J. S. $10.00 March 2022
P. K. $10.00 March 2022
K. K. $10.00 March 2022
H. S. $10.00 March 2022
H. S. $10.00 March 2022
P. K. $10.00 March 2022
V. S. $10.00 March 2022
F. K. $10.00 March 2022
G. S. $25.00 March 2022
B. S. $20.00 March 2022
A. S. $20.00 March 2022
M. S. $10.00 March 2022
P. K. $10.00 February 2022
P. K. $10.00 February 2022
V. S. $10.00 February 2022
D. S. $10.00 February 2022
A. S. $10.00 February 2022
H. S. $10.00 February 2022
G. S. $10.00 February 2022
M. K. $10.00 February 2022
H. S. $10.00 February 2022
H. S. $10.00 February 2022
V. S. $10.00 February 2022
V. S. $10.00 February 2022
K. K. $10.00 February 2022
K. K. $10.00 February 2022
K. K. $10.00 February 2022
V. S. $10.00 February 2022
S. S. $10.00 February 2022
G. S. $10.00 February 2022
H. K. $10.00 February 2022
J. S. $10.00 February 2022
M. K. $10.00 February 2022
A. B. $10.00 February 2022
N. S. $10.00 February 2022
E. S. $10.00 February 2022
F. K. $10.00 February 2022
F. K. $10.00 February 2022
B. S. $10.00 February 2022
S. K. $10.00 February 2022
A. S. $10.00 February 2022
P. S. $10.00 February 2022
S. K. $10.00 February 2022
B. S. $10.00 February 2022
E. S. $10.00 February 2022
J. S. $10.00 February 2022
Anonymous $25.00 February 2022
B. S. $20.00 February 2022
A. S. $20.00 February 2022
M. S. $10.00 February 2022
B. S. $10.00 January 2022
B. S. $10.00 January 2022
E. S. $10.00 January 2022
H. K. $10.00 January 2022
E. S. $10.00 January 2022
J. S. $10.00 January 2022
J. S. $10.00 January 2022
P. K. $10.00 January 2022
K. K. $10.00 January 2022
K. K. $10.00 January 2022
V. S. $10.00 January 2022
S. S. $10.00 January 2022
H. S. $10.00 January 2022
V. S. $10.00 January 2022
G. S. $10.00 January 2022
A. B. $10.00 January 2022
M. K. $10.00 January 2022
V. S. $10.00 January 2022
K. K. $10.00 January 2022
G. S. $10.00 January 2022
N. S. $10.00 January 2022
S. K. $10.00 January 2022
P. S. $10.00 January 2022
S. K. $10.00 January 2022
F. K. $10.00 January 2022
H. S. $10.00 January 2022
F. K. $10.00 January 2022
P. K. $10.00 January 2022
V. S. $10.00 January 2022
A. S. $10.00 January 2022
H. S. $10.00 January 2022
M. K. $10.00 January 2022
D. S. $10.00 January 2022
A. S. $10.00 January 2022
B. S. $20.00 January 2022
M. S. $10.00 January 2022
A. S. $20.00 January 2022
M. S. $10.00 January 2022
Rubin Paul Singh $100.00 December 2021
Anonymous $50.00 December 2021
J. S. $10.00 December 2021
P. K. $10.00 December 2021
P. K. $10.00 December 2021
V. S. $10.00 December 2021
B. S. $10.00 December 2021
P. S. $10.00 December 2021
S. K. $10.00 December 2021
S. K. $10.00 December 2021
K. K. $10.00 December 2021
H. S. $10.00 December 2021
A. B. $10.00 December 2021
N. S. $10.00 December 2021
H. S. $10.00 December 2021
V. S. $10.00 December 2021
V. S. $10.00 December 2021
K. K. $10.00 December 2021
H. K. $10.00 December 2021
J. S. $10.00 December 2021
V. S. $10.00 December 2021
A. S. $10.00 December 2021
D. S. $10.00 December 2021
A. S. $10.00 December 2021
S. S. $10.00 December 2021
G. S. $10.00 December 2021
M. K. $10.00 December 2021
H. S. $10.00 December 2021
G. S. $10.00 December 2021
M. K. $10.00 December 2021
K. K. $10.00 December 2021
F. K. $10.00 December 2021
F. K. $10.00 December 2021
B. S. $10.00 December 2021
E. S. $10.00 December 2021
E. S. $10.00 December 2021
Joginder Singh Khalsa $111.00 December 2021
B. S. $20.00 December 2021
M. S. $10.00 December 2021
A. S. $20.00 December 2021
M. S. $10.00 December 2021
B. S. $10.00 November 2021
B. S. $10.00 November 2021
D. S. $10.00 November 2021
A. S. $10.00 November 2021
E. S. $10.00 November 2021
P. S. $10.00 November 2021
S. K. $10.00 November 2021
H. S. $10.00 November 2021
S. K. $10.00 November 2021
K. K. $10.00 November 2021
E. S. $10.00 November 2021
J. S. $10.00 November 2021
K. K. $10.00 November 2021
G. S. $10.00 November 2021
M. K. $10.00 November 2021
A. B. $10.00 November 2021
N. S. $10.00 November 2021
V. S. $10.00 November 2021
J. S. $10.00 November 2021
V. S. $10.00 November 2021
V. S. $10.00 November 2021
K. K. $10.00 November 2021
G. S. $10.00 November 2021
P. K. $10.00 November 2021
P. K. $10.00 November 2021
S. S. $10.00 November 2021
H. S. $10.00 November 2021
H. S. $10.00 November 2021
V. S. $10.00 November 2021
H. K. $10.00 November 2021
M. K. $10.00 November 2021
F. K. $10.00 November 2021
F. K. $10.00 November 2021
A. S. $10.00 November 2021
Charan Singh Kalsi $100.00 November 2021
Match Fund $100.00 November 2021
Mandeep Singh $10.00 November 2021
Match Fund $100.00 November 2021
Anonymous $20.00 November 2021
Anonymous $250.00 November 2021
Jagdeep SINGH $50.00 November 2021
Jagdisher Ghuman $100.00 November 2021
Angad Singh $101.00 November 2021
Match Fund $100.00 November 2021
Amrit Singh $20.00 November 2021
Gurbinder Kaur $21.00 November 2021
Match Fund $100.00 November 2021
Anonymous $10.00 November 2021
Geoffrey Loss $50.00 November 2021
Anonymous $10.00 November 2021
Paramjit Grewal $151.00 November 2021
Match Fund $250.00 November 2021
Rameet Singh $250.00 November 2021
Match Fund $400.00 November 2021
Anonymous $500.00 November 2021
Dolly K Brar $101.00 November 2021
Match Fund $25.00 November 2021
Jaspreet Singh $25.00 November 2021
Manpreet Kaur $100.00 November 2021
Match Fund $100.00 November 2021
Jasvir Singh $100.00 November 2021
Match Fund $400.00 November 2021
Amrit Bhinder $400.00 November 2021
Match Fund $400.00 November 2021
Nirvair Singh $400.00 November 2021
Match Fund $400.00 November 2021
Chitratan Singh Sethi $400.00 November 2021
Match Fund $250.00 November 2021
Nimarta Nanda $250.00 November 2021
Match Fund $25.00 November 2021
Kamneev Rai $25.00 November 2021
Match Fund $250.00 November 2021
Prebhdev Singh $250.00 November 2021
Match Fund $100.00 November 2021
Tarandeep Singh $100.00 November 2021
Nad Music Institute $100.00 November 2021
harvinder singh $100.00 November 2021
Match Fund $400.00 November 2021
Bhavdeep Singh $500.00 November 2021
M. B. $10.00 October 2021
H. K. $10.00 October 2021
F. K. $10.00 October 2021
M. K. $10.00 October 2021
J. S. $10.00 October 2021
B. S. $10.00 October 2021
E. S. $10.00 October 2021
E. S. $10.00 October 2021
A. S. $10.00 October 2021
D. S. $10.00 October 2021
A. S. $10.00 October 2021
F. K. $10.00 October 2021
V. S. $10.00 October 2021
H. S. $10.00 October 2021
P. K. $10.00 October 2021
P. K. $10.00 October 2021
K. K. $10.00 October 2021
K. K. $10.00 October 2021
V. S. $10.00 October 2021
H. S. $10.00 October 2021
S. K. $10.00 October 2021
H. S. $10.00 October 2021
J. S. $10.00 October 2021
V. S. $10.00 October 2021
S. S. $10.00 October 2021
B. S. $10.00 October 2021
V. S. $10.00 October 2021
S. K. $10.00 October 2021
K. K. $10.00 October 2021
P. S. $10.00 October 2021
G. S. $10.00 October 2021
G. S. $10.00 October 2021
M. K. $10.00 October 2021
A. B. $10.00 October 2021
N. S. $10.00 October 2021
Mandeep Singh $250.00 October 2021
Anonymous $250.00 October 2021
A. S. $10.00 September 2021
A. S. $10.00 September 2021
H. S. $10.00 September 2021
H. K. $10.00 September 2021
V. S. $10.00 September 2021
V. S. $10.00 September 2021
F. K. $10.00 September 2021
F. K. $10.00 September 2021
B. S. $10.00 September 2021
E. S. $10.00 September 2021
J. S. $10.00 September 2021
P. K. $10.00 September 2021
P. K. $10.00 September 2021
J. S. $10.00 September 2021
V. S. $10.00 September 2021
H. S. $10.00 September 2021
H. S. $10.00 September 2021
V. S. $10.00 September 2021
G. S. $10.00 September 2021
M. K. $10.00 September 2021
K. K. $10.00 September 2021
A. B. $10.00 September 2021
N. S. $10.00 September 2021
G. S. $10.00 September 2021
M. K. $10.00 September 2021
D. S. $10.00 September 2021
S. K. $10.00 September 2021
S. S. $10.00 September 2021
K. K. $10.00 September 2021
K. K. $10.00 September 2021
S. K. $10.00 September 2021
B. S. $10.00 September 2021
E. S. $10.00 September 2021
P. S. $10.00 September 2021
Harmanpreet Singh $75.00 September 2021
H. B. $250.00 September 2021
Client Dev $10.00 September 2021
M. K. $10.00 August 2021
A. B. $10.00 August 2021
N. S. $10.00 August 2021
V. S. $10.00 August 2021
H. S. $10.00 August 2021
H. S. $10.00 August 2021
H. S. $10.00 August 2021
V. S. $10.00 August 2021
V. S. $10.00 August 2021
K. K. $10.00 August 2021
H. K. $10.00 August 2021
J. S. $10.00 August 2021
V. S. $10.00 August 2021
A. S. $10.00 August 2021
D. S. $10.00 August 2021
A. S. $10.00 August 2021
P. S. $10.00 August 2021
S. K. $10.00 August 2021
S. K. $10.00 August 2021
K. K. $10.00 August 2021
K. K. $10.00 August 2021
F. K. $10.00 August 2021
F. K. $10.00 August 2021
B. S. $10.00 August 2021
B. S. $10.00 August 2021
E. S. $10.00 August 2021
E. S. $10.00 August 2021
J. S. $10.00 August 2021
P. K. $10.00 August 2021
P. K. $10.00 August 2021
S. S. $10.00 August 2021
G. S. $10.00 August 2021
M. K. $10.00 August 2021
G. S. $10.00 August 2021
Parminder Dhillon $250.00 August 2021
G. S. $10.00 July 2021
M. K. $10.00 July 2021
S. S. $10.00 July 2021
P. K. $10.00 July 2021
P. K. $10.00 July 2021
G. S. $10.00 July 2021
M. K. $10.00 July 2021
A. B. $10.00 July 2021
N. S. $10.00 July 2021
V. S. $10.00 July 2021
H. S. $10.00 July 2021
K. K. $10.00 July 2021
A. S. $10.00 July 2021
A. S. $10.00 July 2021
V. S. $10.00 July 2021
V. S. $10.00 July 2021
H. K. $10.00 July 2021
J. S. $10.00 July 2021
P. S. $10.00 July 2021
S. K. $10.00 July 2021
V. S. $10.00 July 2021
D. S. $10.00 July 2021
S. K. $10.00 July 2021
K. K. $10.00 July 2021
K. K. $10.00 July 2021
F. K. $10.00 July 2021
F. K. $10.00 July 2021
B. S. $10.00 July 2021
B. S. $10.00 July 2021
E. S. $10.00 July 2021
E. S. $10.00 July 2021
J. S. $10.00 July 2021
H. S. $10.00 July 2021
H. S. $10.00 July 2021
Deepinder Singh $250.00 June 2021
P. S. $10.00 June 2021
S. K. $10.00 June 2021
S. K. $10.00 June 2021
K. K. $10.00 June 2021
K. K. $10.00 June 2021
F. K. $10.00 June 2021
F. K. $10.00 June 2021
B. S. $10.00 June 2021
B. S. $10.00 June 2021
J. S. $10.00 June 2021
E. S. $10.00 June 2021
E. S. $10.00 June 2021
A. B. $10.00 June 2021
V. S. $10.00 June 2021
G. S. $10.00 June 2021
M. K. $10.00 June 2021
V. S. $10.00 June 2021
A. S. $10.00 June 2021
A. S. $10.00 June 2021
J. S. $10.00 June 2021
V. S. $10.00 June 2021
N. S. $10.00 June 2021
H. S. $10.00 June 2021
D. S. $10.00 June 2021
G. S. $10.00 June 2021
P. K. $10.00 June 2021
P. K. $10.00 June 2021
H. S. $10.00 June 2021
H. S. $10.00 June 2021
V. S. $10.00 June 2021
K. K. $10.00 June 2021
H. K. $10.00 June 2021
M. K. $10.00 June 2021
S. S. $10.00 June 2021
V. S. $10.00 May 2021
F. K. $10.00 May 2021
F. K. $10.00 May 2021
B. S. $10.00 May 2021
B. S. $10.00 May 2021
G. S. $10.00 May 2021
M. K. $10.00 May 2021
S. K. $10.00 May 2021
K. K. $10.00 May 2021
K. K. $10.00 May 2021
E. S. $10.00 May 2021
J. S. $10.00 May 2021
N. S. $10.00 May 2021
V. S. $10.00 May 2021
A. S. $10.00 May 2021
E. S. $10.00 May 2021
P. S. $10.00 May 2021
S. K. $10.00 May 2021
H. S. $10.00 May 2021
A. S. $10.00 May 2021
G. S. $10.00 May 2021
D. S. $10.00 May 2021
J. S. $10.00 May 2021
V. S. $10.00 May 2021
A. B. $10.00 May 2021
S. S. $10.00 May 2021
V. S. $10.00 May 2021
K. K. $10.00 May 2021
H. K. $10.00 May 2021
P. K. $10.00 May 2021
P. K. $10.00 May 2021
H. S. $10.00 May 2021
H. S. $10.00 May 2021
M. K. $10.00 May 2021
K. K. $10.00 April 2021
K. K. $10.00 April 2021
A. B. $10.00 April 2021
N. S. $10.00 April 2021
S. K. $10.00 April 2021
F. K. $10.00 April 2021
B. S. $10.00 April 2021
B. S. $10.00 April 2021
E. S. $10.00 April 2021
F. K. $10.00 April 2021
E. S. $10.00 April 2021
J. S. $10.00 April 2021
G. S. $10.00 April 2021
V. S. $10.00 April 2021
G. S. $10.00 April 2021
M. K. $10.00 April 2021
P. K. $10.00 April 2021
P. K. $10.00 April 2021
H. S. $10.00 April 2021
H. S. $10.00 April 2021
V. S. $10.00 April 2021
M. K. $10.00 April 2021
S. S. $10.00 April 2021
V. S. $10.00 April 2021
K. K. $10.00 April 2021
H. K. $10.00 April 2021
J. S. $10.00 April 2021
V. S. $10.00 April 2021
A. S. $10.00 April 2021
D. S. $10.00 April 2021
A. S. $10.00 April 2021
P. S. $10.00 April 2021
S. K. $10.00 April 2021
H. S. $10.00 April 2021
Jagmohan Singh Sahni $250.00 April 2021
S. S. $10.00 March 2021
G. S. $10.00 March 2021
M. K. $10.00 March 2021
A. B. $10.00 March 2021
V. S. $10.00 March 2021
K. K. $10.00 March 2021
N. S. $10.00 March 2021
V. S. $10.00 March 2021
H. K. $10.00 March 2021
A. S. $10.00 March 2021
G. S. $10.00 March 2021
M. K. $10.00 March 2021
V. S. $10.00 March 2021
H. S. $10.00 March 2021
H. S. $10.00 March 2021
S. K. $10.00 March 2021
K. K. $10.00 March 2021
K. K. $10.00 March 2021
F. K. $10.00 March 2021
F. K. $10.00 March 2021
B. S. $10.00 March 2021
B. S. $10.00 March 2021
E. S. $10.00 March 2021
E. S. $10.00 March 2021
J. S. $10.00 March 2021
P. K. $10.00 March 2021
P. K. $10.00 March 2021
J. S. $10.00 March 2021
V. S. $10.00 March 2021
D. S. $10.00 March 2021
A. S. $10.00 March 2021
P. S. $10.00 March 2021
S. K. $10.00 March 2021
H. S. $10.00 March 2021
E. S. $10.00 February 2021
E. S. $10.00 February 2021
J. S. $10.00 February 2021
V. S. $10.00 February 2021
V. S. $10.00 February 2021
J. S. $10.00 February 2021
V. S. $10.00 February 2021
A. S. $10.00 February 2021
D. S. $10.00 February 2021
A. S. $10.00 February 2021
P. S. $10.00 February 2021
S. K. $10.00 February 2021
S. K. $10.00 February 2021
K. K. $10.00 February 2021
K. K. $10.00 February 2021
F. K. $10.00 February 2021
F. K. $10.00 February 2021
B. S. $10.00 February 2021
B. S. $10.00 February 2021
H. S. $10.00 February 2021
G. S. $10.00 February 2021
G. S. $10.00 February 2021
M. K. $10.00 February 2021
A. B. $10.00 February 2021
N. S. $10.00 February 2021
P. K. $10.00 February 2021
P. K. $10.00 February 2021
H. S. $10.00 February 2021
H. S. $10.00 February 2021
V. S. $10.00 February 2021
K. K. $10.00 February 2021
H. K. $10.00 February 2021
M. K. $10.00 February 2021
S. S. $10.00 February 2021
S. K. $10.00 January 2021
E. S. $10.00 January 2021
J. S. $10.00 January 2021
K. K. $10.00 January 2021
K. K. $10.00 January 2021
F. K. $10.00 January 2021
F. K. $10.00 January 2021
B. S. $10.00 January 2021
B. S. $10.00 January 2021
E. S. $10.00 January 2021
A. B. $10.00 January 2021
N. S. $10.00 January 2021
V. S. $10.00 January 2021
V. S. $10.00 January 2021
S. K. $10.00 January 2021
H. S. $10.00 January 2021
J. S. $10.00 January 2021
V. S. $10.00 January 2021
A. S. $10.00 January 2021
D. S. $10.00 January 2021
A. S. $10.00 January 2021
P. S. $10.00 January 2021
G. S. $10.00 January 2021
G. S. $10.00 January 2021
M. K. $10.00 January 2021
H. S. $10.00 January 2021
H. S. $10.00 January 2021
P. K. $10.00 January 2021
P. K. $10.00 January 2021
V. S. $10.00 January 2021
K. K. $10.00 January 2021
H. K. $10.00 January 2021
M. K. $10.00 January 2021
S. S. $10.00 January 2021
S. K. $10.00 December 2020
K. K. $10.00 December 2020
K. K. $10.00 December 2020
F. K. $10.00 December 2020
F. K. $10.00 December 2020
B. S. $10.00 December 2020
B. S. $10.00 December 2020
E. S. $10.00 December 2020
E. S. $10.00 December 2020
J. S. $10.00 December 2020
M. K. $10.00 December 2020
V. S. $10.00 December 2020
V. S. $10.00 December 2020
P. K. $10.00 December 2020
P. K. $10.00 December 2020
J. S. $10.00 December 2020
V. S. $10.00 December 2020
A. S. $10.00 December 2020
D. S. $10.00 December 2020
A. S. $10.00 December 2020
P. S. $10.00 December 2020
S. K. $10.00 December 2020
H. S. $10.00 December 2020
G. S. $10.00 December 2020
G. S. $10.00 December 2020
H. S. $10.00 December 2020
H. S. $10.00 December 2020
V. S. $10.00 December 2020
K. K. $10.00 December 2020
H. K. $10.00 December 2020
M. K. $10.00 December 2020
S. S. $10.00 December 2020
A. B. $10.00 December 2020
N. S. $10.00 December 2020
Gurkiran Kalsy $50.00 December 2020
Parminder Nagra $20.00 November 2020
Harpreet Singh Brar $20.00 November 2020
Manmeet Kaur $250.00 November 2020
Upinder Kaur $10.00 November 2020
Gurmukh Singh $10.00 November 2020
Anonymous $10.00 November 2020
Manjit Singh $10.00 November 2020
Anonymous $10.00 November 2020
Navjot Kaur $10.00 November 2020
Ranjit Singh $10.00 November 2020
Gurdev Singh $10.00 November 2020
Jagir Singh $10.00 November 2020
Balbir Singh $10.00 November 2020
Gurjit Singh $10.00 November 2020
Baljinder Kumar $10.00 November 2020
Jagjit Ram $10.00 November 2020
Hardev Singh $10.00 November 2020
Harjinder Singh $10.00 November 2020
Jatinder Singh $10.00 November 2020
Harpreet Singh $10.00 November 2020
Chanan Singh $10.00 November 2020
harjot singh $10.00 November 2020
haroop singh $10.00 November 2020
jayvir singh $10.00 November 2020
bawa singh $10.00 November 2020
charan singh $10.00 November 2020
karan singh $10.00 November 2020
dharam singh $10.00 November 2020
sharan singh $10.00 November 2020
param singh $10.00 November 2020
harman singh $10.00 November 2020
Inderpal Singh $10.00 November 2020
Harjeet Singh $10.00 November 2020
Gurjeet Singh $10.00 November 2020
Birinder Singh $10.00 November 2020
Harjot Kaur $10.00 November 2020
G. I. $10.00 November 2020
Guriqbal Singh $10.00 November 2020
Manmit Kaur $10.00 November 2020
Anupreet Sarao $10.00 November 2020
Harjot Kaur Marwaha $10.00 November 2020
Gurpreet Mann $10.00 November 2020
Iakjot Kaur $10.00 November 2020
Balpreet Bhullar $10.00 November 2020
Manjinder Warriach $10.00 November 2020
Swaran Singh $10.00 November 2020
Karnail Bhullar $10.00 November 2020
Sartaj Bhullar $10.00 November 2020
Kenvir Pannu $10.00 November 2020
bhupinder sidana $10.00 November 2020
A. F. $10.00 November 2020
Amol Singh $10.00 November 2020
Rushpal Singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
sach kaur $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
kaya kaur $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
kaya kaur $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
fal kaur $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
fal kaur $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
buji s $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
buji singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
ekam singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
ekam singh $10.00 November 2020
B. D. $10.00 November 2020
A. D. $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
J singh $10.00 November 2020
S. B. $15.00 November 2020
L. D. $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
prab kaur $10.00 November 2020
M. I. $15.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
prabh kaur $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
vir singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Himat singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
himat singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
vir singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
vir s $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
kaur kaur $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
hari kaur $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
jai singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Veer Singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Amarjot Singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Daler Singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Ameek Singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Parmeet Singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Sunny Kular $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Harjinder Singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Gurjinder Singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Mandeep kaur $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Sukhjinder Singh $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Gagan Sapra $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Manpreet Kaur $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Amanpreet Brar $10.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Navneet Singh $10.00 November 2020
Anonymous $10.00 November 2020
Anonymous $10.00 November 2020
Sumanjeet Aulakh $10.00 November 2020
Jasmine Brar $10.00 November 2020
Surjit Singh $10.00 November 2020
Sulakha brar $10.00 November 2020
Amarjit Singh $25.00 November 2020
Bikram Bajwa $10.00 November 2020
Aman Mavi $10.00 November 2020
Surinder Mavi $10.00 November 2020
Surinder Mavi $10.00 November 2020
sandeep sunner $10.00 November 2020
Anonymous $10.00 November 2020
Anonymous $10.00 November 2020
Taran Singh $10.00 November 2020
Anonymous $25.00 November 2020
Gurjeet Singh Sandal $20.00 November 2020
Pushpinder Chahal $10.00 November 2020
Kiranjit pannu $10.00 November 2020
Simar Bajwa $10.00 November 2020
Manasa Reddy Donthi $10.00 November 2020
Radhakishore Donthi $10.00 November 2020
JATINDER PAL SINGH $10.00 November 2020
Anonymous $10.00 November 2020
Mohansingh Deo $100.00 November 2020
K. D. $10.00 November 2020
Anonymous $10.00 November 2020
Anonymous $10.00 November 2020
Kiran Brar $50.00 November 2020
Gurtej Aulakh $10.00 November 2020
Amaninder Singh $10.00 November 2020
Anonymous $10.00 November 2020
S. K. $10.00 November 2020
H. D. $10.00 November 2020
harpreet kaur $10.00 November 2020
Anonymous $25.00 November 2020
Ravinder Singh $25.00 November 2020
Gurjeet Singh $100.00 November 2020
Gurinder Sangha $50.00 November 2020
Anonymous $50.00 November 2020
Malkiat Singh Bajwa $30.00 November 2020
Anonymous $101.00 November 2020
HARBIR SINGH $30.00 November 2020
Ishwardeep Singh $250.00 November 2020
Tripti Chana $40.00 November 2020
Anonymous $30.00 November 2020
Harminder Jagpal $50.00 November 2020
B. M. $50.00 November 2020
Anonymous $25.00 November 2020
Anonymous $51.00 November 2020
Bavleen Kaur $300.00 November 2020
Rupi Chatha $500.00 November 2020
Paramjit Sublok $20.00 November 2020
J. K. $25.00 November 2020
Nayanjot Kaur $40.00 November 2020
Palvir Shoker $50.00 November 2020
C. D. $50.00 November 2020
ranjna bedi $25.00 November 2020
Kanwalpreet Kaur $100.00 November 2020
Jasmit Singh $500.00 November 2020
Aparjyot Khehra $20.00 November 2020
Inderpal Gumer $50.00 November 2020
Adishvar Khehra $20.00 November 2020
Benjamin Au $20.00 November 2020
Shamsher Kang $25.00 November 2020
Anonymous $20.00 November 2020
A. H. $20.00 November 2020
C. S. $30.00 November 2020
Inderpreet Singh $50.00 November 2020
Gauravjit Singh $250.00 November 2020
Paramjit Grewal $250.00 November 2020
Gurpreet Singh $100.00 November 2020
Harjit Singh $25.00 November 2020
Anonymous $40.00 November 2020
Sartaj Singh $50.00 November 2020
C. B. $25.00 November 2020
Anonymous $50.00 November 2020
Anonymous $20.00 November 2020
J. D. $50.00 November 2020
SUMEET SINGH $21.00 November 2020
Anonymous $200.00 November 2020
Harleen Randhawa $100.00 November 2020
Nirbhai Bhinder $100.00 November 2020
Anonymous $75.00 November 2020
Manbir Singh $100.00 November 2020
Gurmun Dhillon $20.00 November 2020
Sukhveer Singh $75.00 November 2020
Ambrose Hundal $10.00 November 2020
Ranvijay Singh $50.00 November 2020
Jujhar Dhillon $20.00 November 2020
Jaspreet Bal $200.00 November 2020
Match Fund $180.00 November 2020
Simarpreet Kaur $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Jaspreet Kaur $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Kultar Singh $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
A. B. $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Fateh Singh $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Gurpreet Pental $250.00 November 2020
Santokh Saini $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Sharanpreet Singh $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $50.00 November 2020
Match Fund $50.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
MC Carrier $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Didar Sahota $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Inderpreet Kour $250.00 November 2020
Anonymous $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
janit singh $100.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Anonymous $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Anonymous $250.00 November 2020
Jasmeet Kaur $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Hamreet Kaur $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Preetinder Singh Narang $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $150.00 November 2020
Chitratan Singh Sethi $150.00 November 2020
Anonymous $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Satnam Kaur $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Shubhraj Bhinder $250.00 November 2020
Charan Singh $250.00 November 2020
Vikram Shoker $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Harbans Kaur $250.00 November 2020
Bhavdeep Singh $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Gurjant Bhullar $250.00 November 2020
Bavneet Kaur $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Anonymous $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Chitratan Singh Sethi $100.00 November 2020
Rajinder Singh Mehta $200.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
ਕੁਲਬੀਰਸਿੰਘ ਮੁਕਤਸਰਸਾਹਿਬ $250.00 November 2020
herman singh $50.00 November 2020
herman singh $50.00 November 2020

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