Bore well failure

Fundraiser for Aasraa
sachivalayam schemes
$10pledged of $2,500 goal
$10goal: $2,500
1328days ago

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owned 2.19 acres of land, which they hoped to earn a living from. 7 years ago, decided to borrow Rs 5 lakh to dig borewells, hoping that water would ensure that they have a good harvest. Other than having to pay for the borewell and also had to pay another Rs 85000 for electricity to be able to dig the borewell.

Three borewells were dug recently 2-07-2021 two failed. Finally, one bore water will came( 0.5 inches) very less water 💧 will came water and two years ago two bore wells dug but both two are failed ,still been trying to pomegranates plants crops in order to able to at least pay the interest on the debt that has been accumulated over the years However, that failed to bear any water, pushing the family deeper into debt.

Pomegranates trees are 3 years of age already had loans of up to Rs 3 lakh.

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