ADLD Center

Inderpal Singh
Troy, Michigan, US
$93,282past 12 months

  • Mission
  • Updates
  • Donor List
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Please donate by ACH (electronic bank) to save on processing fees.  ACH donations will appear here when they clear (usually 5-7 business days).

Autosomal Dominant Leukodystrophy (ADLD) is a rare, genetic disease that causes symptoms similar to multiple sclerosis (MS) e.g., paralysis, speech impairment, bowel dysfunction, etc. ADLD is a fatal disease that slowly progresses - patients often suffer from the disease for several decades after onset.

The mission of the ADLD Center ( is to support research into various aspects of Autosomal Dominant Leukodystrophy. We aim to focus on facilitating research on how the disease works, as well as potential therapies, while helping create a support network to disseminate relevant and helpful information for patients and their families.

Our Work Includes:

  • Raising awareness about ADLD among physicians, scientists, and the general public
  • Supporting relevant research through a grant research program
  • Providing a caring and educational community for patients and their families; and
  • Serving as a unique information resource.


We are currently raising funds for a Natural History Study.

What is a Natural History Study?

A Natural History Study (NHS) is an observational research approach that tracks the progression of a disease over time without therapeutic intervention. These studies are particularly vital for rare diseases, capturing onset, progression, and impact on quality of life. They inform future research, help in the development of treatments, and improve patient care strategies. For rare conditions, where patient numbers are limited and symptoms vary widely, such studies provide critical data that aids in the tailoring of personalized medical approaches and can expedite the regulatory processes for novel therapies.

Why is this study important?

Clinical trials, which are conducted to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and optimal dosing of a treatment in a target population under controlled conditions, usually have placebo groups to differentiate the effects of the drug on those receiving treatment. As ADLD is a rare disease, which makes it ethically challenging to conduct traditional clinical trials with placebo groups. An NHS is able to overcome this ethical hurdle by serving as a real-world control group. It tracks the natural progression of ADLD in affected individuals, collecting invaluable data that can significantly inform and expedite therapeutic interventions.

Benefits of NHS:

  • Inform Future Clinical Trials: With more data on how ADLD naturally progresses, researchers can design more effective clinical trials.

  • Patient Stratification: The NHS will help us identify subgroups of patients based on symptom severity, thereby enabling personalized medicine approaches.

  • Resource for Global Researchers: The data will be a gold standard worldwide, providing a comprehensive, longitudinal dataset of ADLD progression, which is essential for benchmarking and guiding research efforts globally.

How You Can Help:
In order to make this Natural History Study a reality, we need to fund $325,000 over the next two years to cover the costs associated with initiating and sustaining this pivotal study. Here's how you can contribute:

  • Essential Partner: Your commitment of $500 serves as the foundational support for our mission.
  • Impact Partner: A gift of $1,000 enables vital initiatives, amplifying the effectiveness of our work.
  • Visionary Partner: An investment of $2,500 catalyzes transformative change, taking our efforts to the next level.
  • Leadership Partner: With your generous pledge of $5,000 you're making a significant commitment to long-term impact.
  • Cornerstone Partner: Your contribution of $10,000 will set a benchmark, establishing a legacy of change.
  • 12/21/2023

    2023 end of year review and 2024 funding request

    As 2023 draws to a close, we are filled with a feeling of excitement. Thanks to your support, this year has been one of remarkable progress in our quest to find a cure for ADLD.  

    While we are very thankful for the $120,000 we have raised this year, we are $200,000 short of our goal to get the Natural History Study off the ground.  Please watch the video, read below and most importantly, please donate now so we can continue this important work.

    Milestones Achieved: A Year in Review and Next Steps

    • Initiated the Discovery Process for an ADLD Drug: We’re working with strategic partners to discover a unique drug for ADLD. Currently, potential drug candidates are undergoing testing, which will be followed by a potential pilot trial with a single patient.
      • If successful, we will approach regulators and initiate the process for a broader trial. This will require guidance and dedicated time from many experts.

    • Advanced Drug Repurposing Studies: We kicked-off an effort to understand if existing, FDA-approved drugs can be repurposed to treat ADLD. An initial screen was done in cells that were engineered to mimic ADLD.
      • Another screen, which we expect to be more informative, will be done on cells that were derived from patients. We expect to have results of that screen by mid-2024.
    • Planned a Natural History Study: We’re working with world-class healthcare organizations to initiate a natural history which will be used to study ADLD progression across as many patients as possible. If we’re able to get enough participants, when we begin a clinical trial in the future, regulators may be able to use the natural history study as a control group, which means everyone who participates in the clinical trial could get the drug.  In most circumstances, the FDA requires a placebo.
      • In 2024, we will begin recruiting patients for this study and processing their data. In addition to time from patients, this will require continuous support from many clinical sites, clinical coordinators, physician partners, and beyond.

    • Funded three pilot research grants: In partnership with the Orphan Disease Center at the University of Pennsylvania, we awarded $50,000 each to three grantees.
      • Dr. Quasar Padiath at UPitt who is working towards understanding which specific processes lead to the demyelination in ADLD.
      • Dr. Stefano Ratti at the University of Bologna who is working towards building 3D organoid models of ADLD.
      • Dr. Margot Cousin at the Mayo Clinic who is working towards preparing for a clinical trial for ADLD.
      • We will continue to identify priority research areas and fuel innovative discoveries that will help better understand how ADLD works and what we can do to stop it.

    • Created a comprehensive ADLD Handbook: This valuable resource provides essential information and support for individuals and families navigating their journey with ADLD (available at

    • Fostered Scientific and Clinical Expert Collaboration: A consortium of ADLD-knowledgeable physicians have drafted a standard of care protocol for other physicians, which is expected to be finalized in early 2024. We will continue this work so every ADLD patient can get the best care possible.

    • Enriching Community Engagement: Our events and the expansion of the ADLD Research Community have woven a stronger support network for researchers, patients and caregivers.

    The roadmap for the upcoming year is ambitious, reflecting our commitment to you and the wider ADLD community. With several key projects on the horizon, including execution of a natural history study, groundwork towards potential clinical trials and the creation of an ADLD Center of Excellence, we are hopeful for a breakthrough in the near future.

    View image

    While we are very thankful for the $120,000 we have raised this year, we are $200,000 short of our goal to get the Natural History Study off the ground.

    Please donate now.

    Your support is critical to our success. Every contribution, no matter how big or small, brings us closer to finding a cure for ADLD. This year-end, please consider making a generous donation to fuel the above programs.

    Together, we can make a real difference in 2024!

    With heartfelt thanks,

    ADLD Center Team


  • 11/09/2023

    2023 Year to Date Update

    As part of our commitment to accelerate research and awareness for ADLD, we need your help with an urgent initiative.

    A Groundbreaking Natural History Study

    We are thrilled to announce a tentative collaboration with two leading national healthcare organizations to kickstart a Natural History Study (NHS) for ADLD. This study is a critical stepping stone to understanding the course of ADLD better and, ultimately, finding a cure.

    What is a Natural History Study?

    A Natural History Study (NHS) is an observational research approach that tracks the progression of a disease over time without therapeutic intervention. These studies are particularly vital for rare diseases, capturing onset, progression, and impact on quality of life. They inform future research, help in the development of treatments, and improve patient care strategies. For rare conditions, where patient numbers are limited and symptoms vary widely, such studies provide critical data that aids in the tailoring of personalized medical approaches and can expedite the regulatory processes for novel therapies.

    Why is this study important?

    Clinical trials, which are conducted to evaluate the safety, efficacy, and optimal dosing of a treatment in a target population under controlled conditions, usually have placebo groups to differentiate the effects of the drug on those receiving treatment. As ADLD is a rare disease, which makes it ethically challenging to conduct traditional clinical trials with placebo groups. An NHS is able to overcome this ethical hurdle by serving as a real-world control group. It tracks the natural progression of ADLD in affected individuals, collecting invaluable data that can significantly inform and expedite therapeutic interventions.

    Benefits of NHS:

    • Inform Future Clinical Trials: With more data on how ADLD naturally progresses, researchers can design more effective clinical trials.

    • Patient Stratification: The NHS will help us identify subgroups of patients based on symptom severity, thereby enabling personalized medicine approaches.

    • Resource for Global Researchers: The data will be a gold standard worldwide, providing a comprehensive, longitudinal dataset of ADLD progression, which is essential for benchmarking and guiding research efforts globally.

    Other key updates from the year:

    • Pilot Research Grants in partnership with the Orphan Disease Center at the University of Pennsylvania: The ADLD Center has awarded three $50,000 pilot research grants in Q2 2023 to stimulate innovative scientific and therapeutic advancements for ADLD. The following researchers were selected:
      • Quasar Padiath, University of Pittsburgh, PA USA: The grant will help Dr. Padiath understand which specific types of cells and pathways are implicated in ADLD in order to reveal potential opportunities for targeted treatments.

      • Stefano Ratti, University of Bologna, Italy: The grant will help Dr. Ratti develop and study models of ADLD in 3D tissue to understand how ADLD is connected with demyelination in order to reveal potential opportunities for targeted treatments.

      • Margot Cousin, Mayo Clinic, MN USA: The grant will help Dr. Cousin set up a clinical trial program for ADLD patients so that when a potential drug is available, the Mayo Clinic will be able to oversee its administration and track its effects over time.

    • We wrote an ADLD Handbook! The handbook aims to be a comprehensive guide that provides essential information on ADLD, its impact on families, management strategies, and available support networks. Please check it out and let us know if there are any topics you’d like us to expand on or add.

    • Drug Repurposing Study: We are involved in an innovative research project that aims to identify FDA-approved drug candidates that could be repurposed to treat ADLD. If a favorable drug emerges, it could help reduce the effects of the disease and improve patient quality of life.
  • 12/31/2022

    2022 Update and 2023 Plan

    Please take a quick look at our video update for 2022, which is now on our profile page at and available here:

    We also lay out our funding needs and spending plan for 2023 and 2024.

    Thank you for your support.

  • 11/10/2022

    Donor Update - November 2022

    Thank you for generously supporting our efforts on behalf of the ADLD community!

    2022 has been a busy and productive year for the ADLD Center. We want to take this opportunity to share highlights of our recent activities and momentum to support the community. Our key work streams include: Scientific Research, Collaborative Clinical Network, Patient Engagement + Registry, Strategy & Operations, Communications, Fundraising, and Grants. 

    We hope you will take a moment to read through our recent accomplishments below – this work would not be possible without your investment. 

    • Funded key research initiative with a gift of $25,000 to support our partner Dr. Quasar Padiath’s crucial ADLD research in the Department of Human Genetics at the School of Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh.
    • Officially launched The ADLD Research Hub! We continue our efforts to build a comprehensive ADLD Patient Registry and engage with patients and caregivers to help us understand and serve the needs of the community, in addition to facilitating research.
    • Continued creating awareness by leading another well-attended webinar with a number of scientists and patients alike (watch here). There was a very extensive Q&A after the webinar that demonstrated the high level of patient engagement we are seeing.
    • Presented at the first ever ADLD scientific conference in the world. Met with leading researchers from various countries including Italy and the Netherlands, and learned about the latest ADLD research. We also informed them about our efforts in order to connect with their ADLD patients and convey our upcoming grant opportunity for ADLD research.
    • Attended key scientific meetings including the 2022 Global Leukodystrophy Initiative (GLIA) working meeting, held in Philadelphia, PA, which was designed to have patient advocacy groups collaborate directly with researchers and pharmaceutical industry stakeholders to determine readiness for a clinical trial and path to treatment. 
    • Investing in research through a partnership with a fellow non-profit org, the Orphan Disease Center at the University of Pennsylvania. We are developing a focused funding opportunity to help meet the needs of our research community. The Request for Applications will launch by the end of the year, and we will award two $50,000 grants to suitable research team(s). 

    A few more projects that are currently in progress where your funds will have continued impact:

    • Exploring a new therapeutic path with n-Lorem Foundation to discover potential treatments for patients with rare genetic diseases. New genetics-based approaches show promise for treating monogenic diseases like ADLD. 
    • Building out a Research Consortium to hold regularly scheduled meetings with our ADLD research collaborators to address challenges, track progress, and learn from one another on recent advancements. Funding research based on the budget we have available will directly impact the progress we collectively make towards finding a cure for the disease.
    • Creating an ADLD Center of Excellence at an academic medical center (AMC) to establish a protocol for tracking disease severity and progression from a clinical perspective. Once we have a proposed treatment intervention, this will enable us to reliably track its efficacy. While AMC’s (i.e physicians, scientists, nurses, care coordinators, etc.) are interested in finding cures for diseases, prioritizing ADLD (i.e. securing physician and team time) over any other rare disease will depend on successful fundraising for ADLD. This makes our fundraising critical to success in treating the disease.
    • Serving patients through community events and advancement of the ADLD Research Hub. We must both create a supportive community for patients and caregivers in addition to pushing towards a cure.

    We are grateful to have you by our side and look forward to keeping you updated on our progress.

  • 03/08/2022

    Donor Update - March 2022

    Thank you so much for your generous contribution to the ADLD Center!

    2022 has been an incredibly focused year for the Center as we work to make significant progress on our strategic priorities. We want to take a moment and share highlights of our recent momentum with you:

    • Creating Awareness through a highly attended webinar with a number of scientists and patients alike (watch here)
    • Forming strong clinical partnerships across the U.S. to build our clinical care network (e.g., Mayo Clinic, University of Pittsburgh, Harvard, Italian Centers)
      Selecting a patient registry platform to securely bring together patient data for research and treatment development
    • Establishing a committed and expert volunteer base of 8-10 individuals committed to driving our key workstreams (Strategy + Partnerships, Collaborative Research Network, Patient Engagement + Registry, Communications, Fundraising + Finance, and Grants)
    • Ensuring sustainability of efforts by applying for multiple research funded by the Foundation for the NIH and other organizations - we hope to hear the results soon. We continue to look for further funding opportunities to help support our cause

    A few ways in which your funds will have continued impact:

    • In partnership with the Orphan Disease Center at the University of Pennsylvania, we will bring together scientists from around the globe to determine the most important research areas with respect to ADLD.  Based on this Think Tank, we will issue a $100,000 grant to a fitting research team after a rigorous application process
    • Creation of an ADLD Clinical Care Network that develops expertise in the care of the disease (initially 5-7 doctors across the globe)
    • Patient Engagement and Registry efforts (inclusive of outreach, software license fees, consulting fees, etc.)
    • Funding genetic and clinical research teams when needed 

    Thank you again for your continued support – we could not do this critical work without you by our side. We always appreciate hearing from our supporters – if you have any questions or ideas on ways to further our efforts, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

    ADLD Center Board

Name Donate Amount Date
T. S. $300.00 July 2024
I. S. $75.00 July 2024
S. B. $20.00 July 2024
J. K. $50.00 July 2024
T. S. $300.00 June 2024
S. B. $20.00 June 2024
I. S. $75.00 June 2024
J. K. $50.00 June 2024
Anonymous $40,000.00 May 2024
T. S. $300.00 May 2024
I. S. $75.00 May 2024
S. B. $20.00 May 2024
J. K. $50.00 May 2024
Russ & Jen Komae $100.00 April 2024
T. S. $300.00 April 2024
I. S. $75.00 April 2024
S. B. $20.00 April 2024
J. K. $50.00 April 2024
S. B. $20.00 March 2024
I. S. $75.00 March 2024
T. S. $300.00 March 2024
J. K. $50.00 March 2024
I. S. $75.00 February 2024
S. B. $20.00 February 2024
T. S. $300.00 February 2024
J. K. $50.00 February 2024
S. B. $20.00 January 2024
I. S. $75.00 January 2024
T. S. $300.00 January 2024
J. K. $50.00 January 2024
A. S. $2,000.00 January 2024
Anonymous $15,000.00 December 2023
R. S. $3,000.00 December 2023
S. S. $2,000.00 December 2023
D. B. $5,000.00 December 2023
DAF DVN Administrator $1,000.00 December 2023
T. S. $300.00 December 2023
I. S. $75.00 December 2023
S. B. $20.00 December 2023
J. K. $50.00 December 2023
Jody Komae $2,000.00 November 2023
Jody Komae $50.00 November 2023
I. S. $75.00 November 2023
T. S. $300.00 November 2023
Surinder Bedi $2,250.00 November 2023
Match Fund $150.00 November 2023
Surinder Bedi $20.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
H. B. $2,000.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Sameena K $2,500.00 November 2023
Match Fund $250.00 November 2023
Sugeet Madan $250.00 November 2023
Match Fund $51.00 November 2023
Joginder Kaur Singh $51.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
S. B. $500.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
D. B. $500.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Jaspal Kohli $5,000.00 November 2023
Match Fund $200.00 November 2023
T. K. $200.00 November 2023
Match Fund $100.00 November 2023
Michael Johnson $100.00 November 2023
Anonymous $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
S. B. $400.00 November 2023
J. K. $50.00 November 2023
Daljeet Dhillon $100.00 October 2023
T. S. $300.00 October 2023
I. S. $75.00 October 2023
J. K. $50.00 October 2023
T. S. $300.00 September 2023
I. S. $75.00 September 2023
J. K. $50.00 September 2023
Mohit Kohli $2,500.00 August 2023
T. S. $300.00 August 2023
I. S. $75.00 August 2023
J. K. $50.00 August 2023
T. S. $300.00 July 2023
I. S. $75.00 July 2023
J. K. $50.00 July 2023
Anonymous $50,000.00 June 2023
I. S. $75.00 June 2023
T. S. $300.00 June 2023
Noor Chadha $2,541.00 June 2023
J. K. $50.00 June 2023
T. S. $300.00 May 2023
I. S. $75.00 May 2023
J. K. $50.00 May 2023
T. S. $300.00 April 2023
I. S. $75.00 April 2023
J. K. $50.00 April 2023
T. S. $300.00 March 2023
I. S. $75.00 March 2023
Andrew Correll $100.00 March 2023
R. A. $100.00 March 2023
J. K. $50.00 March 2023
T. S. $300.00 February 2023
I. S. $75.00 February 2023
J. K. $50.00 February 2023
T. S. $300.00 January 2023
I. S. $75.00 January 2023
Karen Patterson $100.00 January 2023
Andrea Green $100.00 January 2023
C. D. $50.00 January 2023
Anonymous $10,000.00 January 2023
D. K. $500.00 January 2023
D. K. $500.00 January 2023
Jody Komae $50.00 January 2023
A. S. $2,000.00 January 2023
RAVITA S $3,000.00 December 2022
S. B. $7,500.00 December 2022
Anonymous $6,500.00 December 2022
J. K. $10,000.00 December 2022
Ken & Anne Kao $250.00 December 2022
Lavanya Yohanathan $300.00 December 2022
Rubin Paul Singh $250.00 December 2022
Beaumont Multi-Organ Transplant Program $400.00 December 2022
I. S. $75.00 December 2022
T. S. $300.00 December 2022
Navjeet Randhawa $50.00 December 2022
Sarah Grutza $50.00 December 2022
Amanda Melymuka $100.00 December 2022
Sarav Paul Singh $100.00 December 2022
Begum Akay $50.00 December 2022
Amy Hale $20.00 December 2022
Liza, Emily, Kristen, and Noelle BHS Teacher Leaders $100.00 December 2022
Jon O'Toole $75.00 December 2022
Arvinder Dhalla $200.00 December 2022
Anonymous $15,000.00 December 2022
S. K. $2,500.00 December 2022
Rinku&Rohit Arora $100.00 December 2022
L. K. $25.00 November 2022
Damanpreet Bedi $7,500.00 November 2022
madhu singh $100.00 November 2022
Jody Komae $1,000.00 November 2022
J. K. $50.00 November 2022
Match Fund $150.00 November 2022
Tejasvir Singh $300.00 November 2022
Tejasvir Singh $2,500.00 November 2022
Match Fund $150.00 November 2022
Anonymous $75.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Ravi Singh $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Anonymous $400.00 November 2022
Anonymous $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Anonymous $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Anonymous $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
S. B. $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $200.00 November 2022
Anonymous $200.00 November 2022
J. K. $50.00 October 2022
J. K. $50.00 September 2022
J. K. $50.00 August 2022
Amarjit Singh $2,000.00 August 2022
A. M. $2,500.00 August 2022
J. K. $50.00 July 2022
DAF DVN Administrator $1,000.00 July 2022
Sikh Community Fund $5,000.00 July 2022
Amrik Singh $1,000.00 July 2022
M. D. $250.00 June 2022
J. K. $50.00 June 2022
Amrit Kaur $1,000.00 June 2022
Bhajneet Singh $1,000.00 June 2022
Mandeep Singh $100.00 June 2022
Gurjot Singh $500.00 June 2022
J. K. $50.00 May 2022
Sudarsh Oberoi $5,000.00 May 2022
J. K. $50.00 April 2022
Ashima Agarwal $50.00 April 2022
Jody Komae $50.00 March 2022
Jody Komae $50.00 March 2022
Tilu Arora $75.00 March 2022
Manmeet Loomba $50.00 March 2022
Sonali Jain $100.00 March 2022
Preeti Chadha $100.00 March 2022
Monika Gupta $100.00 March 2022
Mansi Goyal $100.00 March 2022
Gurpreet Ahluwalia $50.00 March 2022
Maneesha Chandra $100.00 March 2022
Anisha Gupta $200.00 March 2022
Arshinder Kaur $50.00 March 2022
Mohit Kohli $5,000.00 March 2022
Anonymous $50.00 March 2022
Princy Gupta $100.00 March 2022
Renu Bhatia $250.00 March 2022
Anonymous $50.00 March 2022
Monal & Vatsal Sonecha $50.00 March 2022
Kamal Kaur $85.00 March 2022
A. C. $51.00 March 2022
Anonymous $200.00 March 2022
Manmeet Loomba $50.00 March 2022
Ritu and Mandeep Ghumman $1,500.00 March 2022
Anonymous $100.00 March 2022
Bharat & Bhargavi GOHIL $3,000.00 March 2022
Bhargavi, Nidhi, Babita, Akshi, PriyaM, PriyaG, Zankar, Trupti, Valeh Gohil, Khatri, Randhawa, Jain, Merani, Gogte, Kapadia, Thakkar, Yazdi $900.00 March 2022
Gita Banga $2,500.00 March 2022
Shirin Nijhawan $100.00 February 2022
DAF DVN Administrator $3,000.00 February 2022
Inder Monga $10,000.00 January 2022
Ravita S $3,000.00 December 2021
H. B. $10,000.00 December 2021
S. S. $3,000.00 December 2021
Anonymous $2,000.00 December 2021
Charles Lam $5,000.00 December 2021
Surinder Bedi $5,000.00 December 2021
S. K. $2,500.00 December 2021
Vikram & Komal Singh $3,000.00 December 2021
Anonymous $5,000.00 December 2021
Jaspal Kohli $10,000.00 December 2021
Nicole Bedi $10,000.00 December 2021
Inderpal Singh $15,000.00 December 2021
Inderpal Singh $10,000.00 December 2021