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- Donor List
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Your Donations
Your donations to Kaur Life will help to empower young Kaurs across the world! Funds are used to pay our long-form writers, photographers, guest speakers, retreat costs, and to cover website maintenance. Starting in 2020, Kaur Life has also been hosting retreats and book clubs. Our hopes are to hire a Director of Community Development in 2022. Your support will help us achieve our mission of empowering and connecting Kaurs to live a gurmat-centered life.
Established in 2014, Kaur Life is the premier Kaur and Sikh women’s publication, infused with gurmat and tailored for young Kaurs. Kaur Life strives to be a space where Kaurs can express their ideas, share stories, and learn more about their Sikh culture to empower themselves.
Kaur Life is primarily user-run, meaning that the public and Kaur Life readers submit content to be published on the website. Whether it’s interviews, essays, articles, or photography, Kaur Life wants to feature it.
Kaur Life's Mission
- to provide Kaurs with resources to guide them on their Sikh journey
to capture and document narratives, experiences, and histories of Kaurs
to feature examples of high-achieving Kaurs to inspire other Kaurs
to develop thought-provoking articles that facilitate discussion on Kaur-issues
to create a community of belonging and friendship of Kaurs that facilitates growth, partnership, and teamwork
Kaur Life's Vision
To have a world where:
- Kaurs are empowered with self-confidence and the spirit of Sikhi to embrace challenges and pursue their dreams
- Kaurs are supported and celebrated in every aspect of life
- Kaurs are steadfast and solid in their identity as Sikhs
- Kaurs have the opportunity to live up to their full potential
Humbling Words of Support
- "Fabulous- where have you been all my life????" K. P.
- "I appreciate your page and the way you showcase and uplift Sikh women," O.D.
- "Such a valuable resource for young girls. I’m so glad you are doing this."
- "This website has helped me so much; you guys have been a mentor for me. Thank you."
- "I have been following Kaur Life for a very long time and it helps alot. Makes me feel like i'm not alone. It inspires me and motivates me," A. M.
- "I really enjoy my time reading and reflecting on all of the articles. Thank you for creating this space for all of us Sikh women who are too often pushed to the sides and bringing our issues to the center," A. Kaur.
- "This website has helped me navigate so many questions and contradictions of life, and exposed me to the most incredible Sikh womxn and the revolutionary work they are doing. Kaur Life has also been an immense resource in tracing and understanding the Sikh roots of my visions of activism, of collectivism and solidarity work, and for that I will be forever grateful," G. Kaur.
2021 End of Year Summary
2021 has been a wonderful year for Kaur Life thank to your support and encouragement.
Our audince and readership has grown! Check out our graph below and these stats:
Instagram: 15,359 followers | Facebook: 11,509 followers | Twitter: 3,436 followers | 100,000+ Annual Website Vists
Since 2014 we have...
- Published 378 articles
- Had 200 + contributors
- Hosted 7 events
- Invited to 7 speaking engagements
Our 2022 Goals include: 1) Organizational sustainability 2) More content and avenues for audience engagement
Thank You for Your Support
Thank you to everyone who was able to make a donation to Kaur Life during Dasvandh (DVN) Week! We really value and appreciate your support immensely; we are honored, humbled, and flattered that you chose to give to Kaur Life. With your donation we are able to continue our mission of providing Kaurs with resources to guide them on their Sikh journey. We are a small non-profit organization so your contribution truly makes a difference. Together, we raised over $4,500 during DVN Week!
Donate to Kaur Life Durring Dasvandh Week
The countdown is underway to the 9th annual DasvandhWeek of 2021!
DasvandhWeek is an opportunity, as a community, to continue supporting the work of Sikh activists and their causes…like Kaur Life! DasvandhWeek 2021 starts on Friday, November 5th at 12pm ET and runs until Sunday, November 14th. Donate quickly so your donation is matched!
Be sure to give to Kaur Life!
Why you should consider donating to Kaur Life:
To support Kaurs in developing their Sikhi, identity, and confidence! Many Kaurs face discrimination from racism to sexism (and everything in between). It can be hard to develop a strong sense of self and community in hostile environments. Which is where Kaur Life comes in! We try hard to give Kaurs a space to explore and create their identities.
So we can develop our own narratives! If we don't tell our own stories, then either they will never be told, or they'll be incorrectly told by someone else….Another reason why you should donate to Kaur Life during Dasvandh Week. Building a Sikh community that lasts throughout time can be done in part by creating a powerful and shared narrative. Kaur Life strives to tell our community's stories, to share our history, and to amplify the voices of Kaurs.
Help make the Sikh Panth stronger! Kaur and Sikh women’s voices, stories, and experiences are often left out of the historical and contemporary narratives of the Sikh experience. When we are mentioned, we are often identified by our relation to men, as wives, daughters, sisters or mothers to a male, but our unique voice and perspective is ignored. How can we be a strong Panth when this is happening? Kaur Life attempts to fill these gaps by providing a platform, resources, and a support network for Kaurs and Sikh women.
Support our writers! We have a small group of very dedicated contract writers. To honor their labor, time, and skill, Kaur Life would LOVE to eventually pay them a market rate honorarium….and we can with your help! If you enjoy reading Kaur Life articles, consider donating today so we can support our writers and keep those articles coming!
To keep Kaur Life alive! Did you know Kaur Life runs on a shoe-string budget? Since 2014, we have been lean and streamline. This way, we can be sure to have the funds needed to serve folks far and wide. We can increase our outreach and our impact (through space and time) with your help!
Give, like the Gurus taught us! One of Guru Nanak’s three golden rules, Vand Chhako (give before you take), has inspired Sikhs to take care of humanity, and Waheguru’s creation, for over 500 years! Guru Nanak Sahib wrote about seva in many shabads, notably, “One who works for what they eat, and gives some of what they have, Oh Nanak, it is that one who knows Waheuguru’s path.” (Guru Nanak Sahib, Ang 1245). The idea of sharing what you earn was institutionalized by Guru Arjan Sahib as “dasvandh,” or giving 10% of what you earn to those in need.
It will make you happy and show us you care! We really hope you chose to support our efforts. 🙏🏽We would be so grateful! 💕🤗
Your donation will be matched! -
New Milestone
Kaur Life hit a huge milestone recently with over 15,000 followers on Instagram! An all time high!
That means more folks are getting to know about our awesome writers and their articles. Like Baani Kaur's "How to Navigate Emotional Ebbs and Flows of Life with Sikhi", or "Olympic Kaurs" or "My Favorite Things about being Sikh".
Women in the Farmers Protest
The Kissan Morcha (Farmers Protest) in India has gripped many of us. At Kaur Life we are moved and inspired by all of the farmers fighting for their rights. We wanted to feature a few people who are often overlooked by the media, specificially we wanted to feature women, Kaur, and Dalit stories. So, Kaur Life is currently working with several writers, photographers, and journalists in Delhi to get an inside look into the lives, motivations, and inspirations of the protestors. Check out our coverage: https://kaurlife.org/tag/farmer-protest/
2020 - Year In Review
2020 started off strong as Kaur Life launched into its 6th year of seva. We co-hosted the Surat Sikh Conference and served as their workshop advisor and developer. The theme this year was, "Kaurs & Singhs: Equality & Equity in Sikhi". Kaur Life also hosted 3 Instagram Live events to interact with the community in a more engaging way.
In January, Kaur Life fulfilled one of its goals of hiring a core group of content creators. 14 Kaurs and Singhs signed up to be contract writers.
Then COVID19 hit and many of our writers' lives were thrown into chaos. As they paused their writing to take care of their loved ones, the larger Kaur Life sangat stepped up. Amazingly, Kaur Life readers submitted enough volunteer content that Kaur Life achieved a growth in article publication this year. Major article themes included the Indian farmers' protest, Sikh transgender issues, & Black Lives Matter.
As the year went on, the Kaur Life community was longing for ways to connect during a time of isolation. So in August, Harleen, Isha and Lakhpreet, along with a team of dedicated sevadars, hosted the first ever Kaur Life retreat - virtually. 200 people registered for 3 workshops to learn from 10 guest speakers. The retreat received overwhelmingly positive feedback. Check out the website for a summary.
Overall, in 2020 Kaur Life experienced growth across all metrics (see below).
For 2021, we hope to continue this growth trajectory, build our core writing team, and engage the Kaur Life sangat with volunteer opportunities.
Thank you all for your generous support! We couldn't have done this without your encouragement, donations, and guidance.
2020 Stats
Anual growth goal: 10%
New articles: 36 = 125%+
Site Visits: 50,000 = 8%
Istagram: 13,029 followers = 30%+
Facebook: 11,467 followers = 2%
Twitter: 3,078 followers = 8%
Name | Donate Amount | Date |
Match Fund | $100.00 | December 2024 |
Anonymous | $100.00 | December 2024 |
Match Fund | $50.00 | November 2023 |
Match Fund | $50.00 | November 2023 |
Tara Gardiner | $50.00 | November 2023 |
K. D. | $11.00 | June 2023 |
K. D. | $11.00 | May 2023 |
K. D. | $11.00 | April 2023 |
K. D. | $11.00 | March 2023 |
K. D. | $11.00 | February 2023 |
K. D. | $11.00 | January 2023 |
Saanjh Sevadaars | $200.00 | January 2023 |
Match Fund | $500.00 | December 2022 |
Gurdev Singh | $500.00 | December 2022 |
Match Fund | $100.00 | December 2022 |
Rubin Paul Singh | $100.00 | December 2022 |
K. D. | $11.00 | December 2022 |
Allison Couture | $250.00 | November 2022 |
Match Fund | $150.00 | November 2022 |
Match Fund | $11.00 | November 2022 |
K.Michelle Darling | $11.00 | November 2022 |
Match Fund | $20.00 | November 2022 |
Shereen Idnani | $20.00 | November 2022 |
Match Fund | $50.00 | November 2022 |
Anonymous | $50.00 | November 2022 |
Match Fund | $75.00 | November 2022 |
Tara Gardiner | $75.00 | November 2022 |
Anonymous | $50.00 | November 2022 |
M. S. | $10.00 | April 2022 |
M. S. | $10.00 | March 2022 |
M. S. | $10.00 | February 2022 |
M. S. | $10.00 | January 2022 |
S. S. | $150.00 | December 2021 |
Anonymous | $50.00 | December 2021 |
A. A. | $1,000.00 | December 2021 |
M. S. | $10.00 | December 2021 |
Reena Dosanjh | $500.00 | November 2021 |
Match Fund | $100.00 | November 2021 |
Anonymous | $10.00 | November 2021 |
A. R. | $101.00 | November 2021 |
Anonymous | $101.00 | November 2021 |
Match Fund | $400.00 | November 2021 |
Gurdev Singh | $500.00 | November 2021 |
Match Fund | $400.00 | November 2021 |
Sikh Community Fund | $600.00 | November 2021 |
Match Fund | $100.00 | November 2021 |
Rubin Paul Singh | $100.00 | November 2021 |
Match Fund | $100.00 | November 2021 |
Anonymous | $100.00 | November 2021 |
Match Fund | $200.00 | November 2021 |
Manpreet Singh | $200.00 | November 2021 |
Match Fund | $50.00 | November 2021 |
Tara Gardiner | $50.00 | November 2021 |
Match Fund | $400.00 | November 2021 |
D. S. | $1,000.00 | November 2021 |
GP Singh | $1,000.00 | December 2020 |
harvinder singh | $250.00 | November 2020 |
Anonymous | $50.00 | November 2020 |
Match Fund | $250.00 | November 2020 |
Harkiren Kaur | $300.00 | November 2020 |
Match Fund | $25.00 | November 2020 |
Guneet Kaur | $25.00 | November 2020 |
Match Fund | $250.00 | November 2020 |
Manpreet Singh | $250.00 | November 2020 |
Match Fund | $250.00 | November 2020 |
Gurdev Singh | $500.00 | November 2020 |
Match Fund | $20.00 | November 2020 |
C Maeve Kendall | $20.00 | November 2020 |
Match Fund | $250.00 | November 2020 |
Anonymous | $250.00 | November 2020 |
Match Fund | $50.00 | November 2020 |
Tara Gardiner | $50.00 | November 2020 |
Match Fund | $50.00 | November 2020 |
Manpreet Kaur | $50.00 | November 2020 |
J. N. | $20.00 | August 2020 |
Jagbir Kaur | $200.00 | August 2020 |
raveena rihal | $100.00 | August 2020 |
Anonymous | $31.00 | July 2020 |
Seema Kakar | $100.00 | July 2020 |
H. K. | $50.00 | July 2020 |
Anonymous | $100.00 | July 2020 |
Gurjot Toor | $20.00 | July 2020 |
Amrit Apar | $100.00 | July 2020 |
Kirpa Kaur | $50.00 | July 2020 |
Manpreet Kaur | $20.00 | July 2020 |
Satprit Kaur | $50.00 | July 2020 |
Preetpal Brar | $40.00 | July 2020 |
Amanpreet Singh | $50.00 | July 2020 |
Bhupy Kaur Malik | $200.00 | July 2020 |
Jasvir Singh | $50.00 | July 2020 |
I. S. | $100.00 | July 2020 |
Anonymous | $10.00 | July 2020 |
Balmeet Singh | $20.00 | July 2020 |
Anonymous | $100.00 | July 2020 |
Harjot Kaur | $30.00 | July 2020 |
Manpreet Kaur | $50.00 | July 2020 |
Anonymous | $10.00 | July 2020 |
Anonymous | $43.48 | July 2020 |
Amarjot Kaur | $50.00 | July 2020 |
Baani Kaur | $10.00 | July 2020 |
Anonymous | $10.00 | July 2020 |
J. T. | $50.00 | July 2020 |
Anonymous | $10.00 | July 2020 |
Anonymous | $20.00 | July 2020 |
Anonymous | $40.00 | July 2020 |
Anonymous | $41.00 | November 2018 |
Match Fund | $250.00 | November 2018 |
D. J. | $250.00 | November 2018 |
Match Fund | $250.00 | November 2018 |
M. K. | $250.00 | November 2018 |
Match Fund | $250.00 | November 2018 |
Mohan Dhariwal | $500.00 | November 2018 |
Match Fund | $50.00 | November 2018 |
Amrit Apar | $50.00 | November 2018 |
Current Projects