ICAAD’s work is focused on resisting injustice and building equity. We work with local communities and governments to change systems and challenge the root causes of injustice.
A donation to ICAAD is a contribution to building a more equitable future. By investing in systems-level change, your impact can last for generations.
About the Project:
Gender-based violence (GBV) affects over one-third of women worldwide. It is rooted in gender inequality and perpetuated by laws, institutions, cultural and social norms, and tackling it requires systems-level change.
The UN estimates that it will take nearly 300 years to close gaps in legal protections and remove discriminatory laws. When GBV victims seek justice through the courts, gender bias and discrimination often prevail.
We developed a pioneering database to identify bias and discrimination in judicial decision-making. The project has resulted from close collaboration with local women's rights NGOs, UN agencies and local governments across the Pacific.
The TrackGBV dashboard currently has data from 2500+ cases from seven Pacific Island Countries, and is the only accessible, comprehensive source of this information in the region. We've conducted training for judges, lawyers, and NGOs, and the database has already helped support legislative and judicial change.
On the invitation of local and regional NGOs and agencies, ICAAD is now expanding TrackGBV to the Caribbean – with plans to scale it even further.
Accessible information about gender bias in the judicial system can play a powerful role in advocacy for local NGOs, as it highlights where there are gaps in laws, policies and mindsets.
This year, your donation will support:
- Scaling TrackGBV to the Caribbean. We aim to analyze data for 14 CARICOM countries.
- Developing 'train the trainer' programs for stakeholders in the Pacific, to multiply the impact of education and reform efforts at local, regional and national levels.
Your support has already resulted in:
- Launch of the TrackGBV Dashboard, attended by 50+ people, and individual dashboard trainings for 18+ organizations and counting.
- Engagement with civil society and government officials leading to judicial and legislative change in FIji and the Solomon Islands.
- Publication of a report "A Comparative Legal Review of the Impact of Gender Stereotyping on Judicial Decisions in Violence Against Women Cases Across the Pacific Island Region"
- Roll-out of an anti-sexual harassment 'train the trainers' program for local NGOs, so they could then train private businesses and government.
- Publication of a handbook on gender bias for GBV in the Pacific for judges and legal professionals, developed with law firm Clifford Chance (UK)
- Four rule of law trainings conducted for 300+ judges & lawyers in the Pacific
- Publication of a groundbreaking report "An Analysis of Judicial Sentencing Practices in Sexual & Gender-Based Violence Cases in the Pacific Island Region"
- 12 strategic assessments conducted on Pacific Island Countries analyzing gender equality
- Engagment of 200+ attorneys spending 8,000+ hours on research & analysis
- Donation of $4M+ in pro bono hours by law firms
Join us in building a safer and more equitable future: donate to ICAAD today!
Find out more: https://icaad.ngo/accountability-gender-based-violence/
Contact: info@icaad.ngo to speak to a Board member directly about ICAAD’s work and how you can get involved.