Helping hands.png

Helping hands for local community

A project of Khalsa Media Services
download (1).jpeg Harjeet Kaur
Walnut, California, US
$35,119pledged of $50,000 goal
$35,119goal: $50,000
Yes tax deductible
Ongoingannual goal

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“Manas Kee Jat Sabhe Eke Paihchanbo”
This project is based on principle of equality of mankind. We need to create a society in which members live like a family, helping and supporting one another. This project has been initiated to provide support in the form of food and other essentials to the homeless in local communities, as well as to support local community members in need of financial aid.

Main Goal
To help local community members regardless of their religion, gender, ethnicity, caste, and race.

Three broad areas of focus for this project:
1. Homeless Langar Seva (Selfless Service of Food/Essentials)
2. Supporting local community members in need of support.
3. Support initiatives aimed to encourage kids to learn about their history and roots.

Funds would be utilized in the following ways to:
1. Provide food to local homeless communities.
2. Purchase and deliver warm clothes and other essentials to the local homeless community.
3. Help plan medical consultations for the underserved.
4. Encourage kids to learn about their history and their roots by providing recognition and awards for their accomplishments.
5. Cover funeral costs for those who cannot afford it.
6. Aid in temporarily paying rent, providing food, and/or supporting financially in other ways for those who have lost their primary source of income.
7. Hire resume editing services and provide preparation for job applications and interviews.
Overall, the aim is to help people get back on their feet again.

San Jose seva

Progress Thus Far

Our Volunteers are already doing some of this seva in San Jose area and Los Angles Skid Row area. Plan is to continue in these cities and expand to other neighborhoods in the future. Initial focus will be in California and then expand to other cities and states.

We currently have 10 or so volunteers in San Jose and Los Angeles area that do this seva on a regular basis. Volunteers cook, pack food and distribute. We also collect money for other essentials and help distribute them on a very regular basis as well. Seva has been going on for last 7 years. LA Skid Row seva is done in partnership with United Sikhs organization

LA skid row and Oakland is full of homeless people and having worked with Prabh Aasra organization in Punjab for last 20 years motivated us to find seva opportunities and contribute to local community here as well. We also have so many opportunties in our local community to step up and help community members in need, whether providing support for rent, food or other essentials when someone losses their primary source of income.

Join US

Anyone who wants to volunteer or be part of these services can call us or meet us at regular meeting spot on any Saturday. Volunteer work/seva is typically done between 10am to 3pm on weekends.

Our regular weekly cost for food and other supplies is around $400 in each city and we distribute food and essentials to around 250-300 people every week. 

The initial budget for this project would be around $30,000 per year.

  • 06/04/2024

    Project Update: Community Support

    Volunteer teams continue to help our local community members in Los Angeles on regular basis. Project is supporting multiple families with food support, tuition fees, medical needs, and other essentials. Goal of this project is to treat all humans as equal and giving everyone an opportunity and support to stand back up on their feet. Everyone is encouraged to donate as no amount is too small. Thanks to everyone who continue to contribute to this cause!

  • 03/16/2024

    Project Update: Community Support and Langar Seva

    In our ongoing efforts to uplift our local community, volunteer teams are making a significant impact. Here’s a summary of our recent activities:

    Healthcare Assistance:
    We’re providing healthcare support to multiple families in need. Ensuring access to medical services is crucial for everyone, regardless of their circumstances.
    Our goal is to treat all humans as equals, recognizing their inherent dignity and worth.
    Food Support and Essentials:
    Families facing food insecurity receive essential supplies from our project. Nutritious meals and basic necessities are essential for well-being.
    By addressing immediate needs, we empower individuals to focus on rebuilding their lives.
    Langar Seva for the Homeless:
    Our commitment to langar seva (community kitchen) continues at San Jose Gurdwara Sahib. We serve warm meals to those experiencing homelessness.
    Thank You: We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the sangat who contribute to this cause. Together, we create a compassionate and supportive community. 🙏🏽🌟

  • 11/10/2023

    Dasvandh Week- Matching funds to double impact

    Waheguru ji ka Khalsa,
    Waheguru ji ki Fateh
    Dasvandh week giving has started. The matching funds run out quickly, so please donate now. Dasvandh Week will run through November 19, 2023, and all donations made during the week will be doubled by Dasvandh Network (DVN) while the matching funds are available. 

    The matching limit per donor is $400. If you want to donate more than $400, please split the amount with one of your friends/family members.

    Your support has been critical for Helping hands project to continue making a difference in the lives of the less fortunate. We look forward to your continued support this week.

    Please follow these steps to donate
    1. Click on the link -

    2. When on the DVN site, enter the donation amount and click the Donate button.

    3. Log on to the DVN account or checkout as a Guest (enter your Name, email address, billing address and payment details.)

    4.  There is no need to add the matching code this year.

    5. DVN automatically adds 15% as the DVN fees, but it is not mandatory, and you can edit the percentage or uncheck the support dasvandh check box.

    6. Click - Complete My Donation

    Thank You,
    Harjeet Kaur



  • 09/06/2023

    Project Update

    Volunteer teams continue to help our local community  members in San Jose and Los Angeles on regular basis. Project is supporting multiple families with rent assistance, food support, tuition fees, medical needs, and other essentials. Goal of this project is to treat all humans as equal and giving everyone an opportunity and support to stand back up on their feet. Langar seva for homeless continues from San Jose Gurdwara sahib and LA on regular basis. Everyone is encouraged to donate as no amount is too small. Thanks to everyone who continue to contribute to this cause!

  • 02/13/2023

    Project update

    Team is continuing selfless seva in San Jose and Los Angeles on regular basis. Food is prepared on weekends and distributed to homeless community in San Jose and LA. Hundreds of homeless are served food and other essential products on weekly basis. Team is also supporting multiple community members who need financial support to get back up on their feet. 

  • 11/13/2022

    Project Update

    Volunteer teams continue to help our local community  members in need on weekly basis. Project is supporting multiple families with rent assistance, food support and other essentials. Goal of this project is to treat all humans as equal and giving everyone an opportunity and support to stand back up on their feet. Langar seva for homeless continues from San Jose Gurdwara sahib on weekly basis. Everyone is encouraged to contribute to the project during Dasvandh Week (this week) while matching funds are still available. No amount is too small. Thanks to all the sangat who continue to contribute to this cause!


  • 08/21/2022

    Seva Update

    Team is continuing selfless seva in San Jose and Los Angeles on regular basis. Food is prepared on weekends and distributed to homeless community in Oakland and LA areas. Hundreds of homeless are served food and other essential products on weekly basis. Team is also supporting multiple community members who need financial support to get back up on their feet. 

  • 05/23/2022

    Project update

    With Waheguru Ji’s grace, around 15-20 Sevadars humbly join every Saturday morning with some accompanied by their entire family. This includes kids of just 5-year-old to 70+ year old grandparents. As the clock strikes 9:30 am, the corner of the langar hall turns into a U-shaped supply chain assembly line. Chanting the Naam (Waheguru, Waheguru, Waheguru…), all the “goodies” get unpacked and put in place in the order it needs to go in the bag that will be hand delivered to over 200 homeless individuals. The goodies normally include two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, a bag of chips, couple of fruits (apple, banana, etc), two granola bars and a bottled water.


    These finished bags are then divided across 4 different vehiclesto be taken to various homeless encampments in San Jose California. Sevadars also give lunches and water to the homeless they encounter on their routes, this could be the people we see every day on busy intersections with signs, outside laying in blankets of a strip mall (near 7-Elevens), or found nearly passed out on the sidewalks.


    The seva given by the Guru Sahib didn’t stop at just food and water…when the Sevadars learned that the need existed to also to pass out blankets, sweatshirts, scarves, socks, belts, pants, beanies, and gloves periodically. Serving the community for over a year now, Sevadars were blessed to push the boundarieswhen one of the Sevadars took off his shoes and gave them to a poor man and then finished the rest of the route barefoot. There were also plenty of instances of giving up your shirts and sweatshirts during the cold months and that’s what triggered to add additional items.


    Getting called names by the ignorant can’t also be ignored. Even going in pairs or team in certain areas to distribute as safety is number one priority. Having a “tough skin” is a blessing by Guru Sahib and joy of getting blessed by so many and having to see smiling faces when a homeless receives the bag of food and water bottle…which in most cases is immediately diving into to enjoy the freshly made sandwich or popping the bag of chips with joy. Just last week a humbled homeless man waited outside his tent, where food is delivered every week, with his folded hands, looking down and speaking softly he opened his hands to hand us over some cash and said please take this as I see you helping us every week. The Sevadars refused and with almost tears rolling out they thanked the man for his so kind gesture.

    Who would have imagined an idea given by Guru Sahib of serving 20-30 folks from your garage for fun on a weekend with few families would have led to this? Who says Guru Sahib is not with us?

    Nanak Naam Chadi Kala Tere Bhanai Sarbat Da Bhala


  • 05/22/2022

    Selfless Seva

    Team has been doing selfless seva in San Jose and LA skid row on weekly basis. Team has also supported community members who have lost jobs with rent assistance for last few months as well. Work is going on to help them get back on their feet.

Name Donation Date
P. S. $10.00 July 2024
K. C. $10.00 July 2024
H. K. $50.00 July 2024
Kulvinder Singh $1,000.00 July 2024
K. S. $300.00 July 2024
P. S. $10.00 June 2024
K. C. $10.00 June 2024
H. K. $50.00 June 2024
K. S. $300.00 June 2024
Kulvinder Singh $1,000.00 May 2024
P. S. $10.00 May 2024
K. C. $10.00 May 2024
H. K. $50.00 May 2024
K. S. $300.00 May 2024
R. K. $20.00 April 2024
P. S. $10.00 April 2024
K. C. $10.00 April 2024
H. K. $50.00 April 2024
Kulvinder Singh $2,000.00 April 2024
K. S. $300.00 April 2024
H. K. $50.00 March 2024
P. S. $10.00 March 2024
K. C. $10.00 March 2024
R. S. $150.00 March 2024
K. S. $300.00 March 2024
P. S. $10.00 February 2024
K. C. $10.00 February 2024
H. K. $50.00 February 2024
R. S. $150.00 February 2024
K. S. $300.00 February 2024
Administrator Dasvandh Network $1,388.00 January 2024
P. S. $10.00 January 2024
K. C. $10.00 January 2024
B. S. $11.20 January 2024
H. K. $50.00 January 2024
R. S. $150.00 January 2024
K. S. $300.00 January 2024
Kulvinder Singh $2,500.00 December 2023
Surinder Arora $100.00 December 2023
Administrator Dasvandh Network $420.00 December 2023
Kulvinder Singh $3,000.00 December 2023
Gagandeep Grewal $100.00 December 2023
J. K. $10.00 December 2023
P. S. $10.00 December 2023
K. C. $10.00 December 2023
RAVINDER Wadhwa $50.00 December 2023
H. K. $50.00 December 2023
R. S. $150.00 December 2023
Administrator Dasvandh Network $250.00 December 2023
K. S. $300.00 December 2023
Kulvinder Singh $1,900.00 December 2023
J. K. $10.00 November 2023
harpreet singh $4,902.00 November 2023
R. S. $150.00 November 2023
Match Fund $150.00 November 2023
K. C. $10.00 November 2023
Match Fund $150.00 November 2023
Anonymous $10.00 November 2023
Vikram Singh $50.00 November 2023
sukh singh $100.00 November 2023
Match Fund $150.00 November 2023
Harjeet Kaur $50.00 November 2023
Match Fund $100.00 November 2023
Anonymous $100.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
P. K. $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
H. K. $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
P. K. $400.00 November 2023
KIRAN GUSAIN $500.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Ravinder Singh $500.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Ravjot Singh $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Kulvinder Singh $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Harjeet Kaur $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Gurinder Singh $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Sumitpal Singh $400.00 November 2023
K. S. $300.00 November 2023
P. S. $80.00 October 2023
R. S. $150.00 October 2023
K. S. $300.00 October 2023
DAF DVN Administrator $1,348.00 September 2023
Kulvinder Singh $1,000.00 September 2023
R. S. $150.00 September 2023
K. S. $300.00 September 2023
R. S. $150.00 August 2023
K. S. $300.00 August 2023
Administrator Dasvandh Network $500.00 July 2023
R. S. $150.00 July 2023
K. S. $300.00 July 2023
R. S. $150.00 June 2023
K. S. $300.00 June 2023
R. S. $150.00 May 2023
K. S. $300.00 May 2023
R. S. $150.00 April 2023
K. S. $300.00 April 2023
R. S. $150.00 March 2023
K. S. $300.00 March 2023
R. K. $20.00 February 2023
R. S. $150.00 February 2023
K. S. $300.00 February 2023
Anonymous $10.00 January 2023
R. S. $150.00 January 2023
K. S. $300.00 January 2023
J. K. $108.00 December 2022
Gagandeep Grewal $100.00 December 2022
R. S. $150.00 December 2022
K. S. $300.00 December 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $500.00 November 2022
Match Fund $250.00 November 2022
Ranjit Singh $250.00 November 2022
Match Fund $250.00 November 2022
Harjeet Kaur $250.00 November 2022
Match Fund $100.00 November 2022
Sartaj Baveja $100.00 November 2022
Match Fund $10.00 November 2022
Rusik Kaur $10.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
R. S. $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $200.00 November 2022
A. P. $200.00 November 2022
Match Fund $150.00 November 2022
Ravinder Singh $150.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Amandeep Dhillon $500.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
P. K. $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
K. S. $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Harjeet Kaur $400.00 November 2022
K. S. $300.00 November 2022
K. S. $2,000.00 October 2022
Gurmehar Kaur $400.00 October 2022
K. S. $300.00 October 2022
K. S. $300.00 September 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $300.00 August 2022
Anonymous $100.00 August 2022
K. S. $300.00 August 2022
Anonymous $124.00 August 2022
Anonymous $100.00 July 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $320.00 July 2022
Anonymous $700.00 July 2022
Kulvinder Singh $300.00 July 2022
harpreet Singh $275.00 June 2022
harpreet Singh $400.00 June 2022
Sumeet Sethi $300.00 June 2022
Vivek Sawhney $250.00 June 2022
Anonymous $100.00 May 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $450.00 May 2022
Anonymous $200.00 March 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $450.00 March 2022
S. G. $300.00 March 2022
Chirinjeev Singh $500.00 March 2022
N. D. $5,001.00 February 2022
Sumeet Sethi $450.00 February 2022
Harjeet Kaur $100.00 February 2022