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SALDEF & Sikh Health Network Partner for SEVA Clinics

A project of SALDEF
f756b717-3f03-4805-bf40-b55fae5d5acf (1).jpg Puneet Kaur
Washington, Washington D.C., US
$745pledged of $18,000 goal
$745goal: $18,000
Yes tax deductible
0days to go

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SALDEF ( and Sikh Health Network ( have partnered this year to enable young Sikh Health Ambassadors to start Health & Wellness Clinics at their local Gurdwaras. SALDEF's SikhLEAD 2023 Summer Internship Program candidates will be able to organize, run, and sustain 6 Health & Wellness Clinics around the Nation in MA, CT, VA, CA and FL by collaborating with the Sikh Health Network - a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in CA since 2019. These clinics will provide free medical services by Volunteer medical professionals which includes physicians, nurses, dentists etc. Over the past year, SHN has helped start 3 Gurdwara clinics in California with 100+ volunteers and 2000+ patient encounters. 

Your donation will primarily help with training the SikhLEAD Health Ambassadors to plan and facilitate the Health and Wellness Clinics. Additionally, the funding will be utilized to obtain the necessary equipment required for these clinics such as Electronic Medical Record, Telehealth platform, training resources and medical supplies. 

Seva and langar are integral parts to the Sikh identity, and through this SEVA Clinics Project, Sikh Health Ambassadors will be able to help address the numerous health challenges that our community faces.

This project will have a direct impact on hundreds of families through the Health Clinics and will serve as an important stepping stone in improving community health and health equity. Each Gurdwara clinic will need $3,000 to support a one-year clinic operation ($1500 upfront cost and $1500 for recurring cost for replenishing the Clinic supplies). 

Where the funds are going:

1. Technology costs: This includes the Electronic Medical Record system for secure storage of patient data and maintenance of encrypted backup data. This also includes hosting costs for the Telehealth platform, which will make it FREE for patients and physicians. 
2. Clinic Materials: This includes all material costs that are needed for the clinics to operate (Blood pressure monitors, glucose strips, weight scales, sanitization, tables, etc…)
3. Education Materials: This includes anything related to the education of the Sangat and training of the Sikh Health Ambassadors. This includes printed flyers, posters, training videos, information cards for patients, etc.


SHN Resource Description:

1. Technology: SHN provides a HIPAA-compliant, SaaS/Cloud-hosted, secure Electronic Medical Record (EMR) management system for managing patient data securely and conveniently. They also provide a Telehealth Management System that allows unlimited users on the system. 
2. Access via Telehealth to a Volunteer Physician Network: SHN provides a secure, ease-to-use Telehealth platform for virtual consultations with registered physicians and specialists - anywhere in the world - who wish to do seva.
3. Liability Protection: SHN provides blanket liability coverage for any healthcare provider that registers and uses their system to provide advice/care at any of our enabled locations
4. Convenience: SHN provides tools, procedures, guidelines and materials to make it easy for sangat patients, volunteers/sevadars and the Gurdwara Management to set up and manage this clinic - professionally and aligned with Sikh principles / maryada.

  • 09/05/2023

    SALDEF’s SEVA Health Clinics with SHN

    The SALDEF - Sikh Health Network team focused on training the SikhLEADers to plan, lead and facilitate the SEVA Health Clinics across the country. The SikhLEADers participated in numerous training sessions conducted collectively by the SALDEF and the SHN team to understand the schematics of the project. The SikhLEADers were trained to recruit the physician and non-physician volunteers, onboard the volunteers on the EMR(Electronic Medical Records) system, engage them in volunteer training meetings, order all the Clinic supplies/resources, get their local Gurdwara management consent by getting the MSA (Management services agreement) signed, and ultimately getting the right training to lead and run the SEVA Clinics at their local Gurdwaras. 

    The SikhLEADers were successfully able to confirm the first Clinic dates at the Sikh Society of Florida Gurdwara, Milpitas CA Gurdwara and Tracy CA Gurdwara for the month of June and the subsequent Clinics in the months of July and August. The SikhLEADers utilized the planning phase also to prepare materials and resources to actively promote the Clinic dates to get the best turn out at the SEVA Clinics. This included designing and distributing flyers, making announcements at the Gurdwara before/after the Diwan and doing Sangat outreach via email and text. Overall, this project gave the SikhLEADers a holistic view of managing a project along with managing a team. The long term goal is to have a SEVA clinic at atleast 1 Gurdwara Sahib in each state. 

Name Donation Date
K. D. $11.00 August 2024
K. D. $11.00 July 2024
K. D. $11.00 June 2024
K. D. $11.00 May 2024
K. D. $11.00 April 2024
K. D. $11.00 March 2024
K. D. $11.00 February 2024
K. D. $11.00 January 2024
K. D. $11.00 December 2023
Administrator Dasvandh Network $500.00 December 2023
A. M. $33.00 November 2023
K. D. $11.00 November 2023
K. D. $11.00 October 2023
R. K. $20.00 September 2023
K. D. $11.00 September 2023
K. D. $11.00 August 2023
Mandeep Singh $16.50 July 2023
K. D. $11.00 July 2023
Anonymous $11.00 June 2023
Anonymous $10.00 June 2023

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