A statewide program aimed at promoting and honoring service, leadership, and academic excellence amongst Sikh high school students.
At present high school is where engagement with Sikh institutions takes a nosedive. Look at any of our Gurdwaras, Khalsa/Punjabi schools and it appears that high school Sikh are either "too busy" to engage with Sikhi or more likely, the current structures no longer appeal to them. We have found a solution. Started in 2015, our Sikh Honors and Service Society (SHSS) program creates high school campus clubs, akin to those by Christian, Jewish, and Muslim youth, that goes far beyond. We create a family and a network for our children, giving them new exposures to Gurmat, seva, a sangat and instilling pride in their Sikh heritage and customs.
Prior to the school calendar year 2019-2020, we had started 40 clubs in 5 regions in California. By August 2020, we will have 45 enlisted clubs in 6 different regions, focusing on schools that have Sikh populations of over 50 students at their respective high schools. Focusing on our demographic concentrations including Yuba City, Sacramento, Bay Area, 209-region cities (Stockton, Tracy, Modesto, Ceres, Livingston), Fresno, and Bakersfield.
The ask for this campaign is $4,500. This doesn't cover ALL the costs, but what it does is help us with supplies and materials for our over 500 members. Our largest expense is having staff that actually visits the schools, meets the students regularly, knows the administration and teachers. This is NOT covered by this campaign. However, what this drive would indicate is that the Sikh community is interested in creating solutions with long-term programs, rather than only one-off projects. The $4,500 between 45 schools comes to about $100 per school, which covers supplies such as induction pins, shirts, & care packages for our students.
The single most important issue for the future of the Sikh community is the education of our children. We are collectively failing. Over the past year, we have heavily invested to find a solution. This is one. Will you support it?