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Training Community Advocates Nationwide

A project of Sikh Family Center
Clovis, California, US
$3,649pledged of $55,000 goal
$3,649goal: $55,000
Yes tax deductible
Ongoingannual goal

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Sikh Family Center's mission is to promote community health and well-being with a particular focus on gender justice. We are the only organization focusing on these issues within the Sikh community. In seeking to build grassroots power, Sikh Family Center's model remains:

Lean Staffing + Strengthening the Power of Grassroots Volunteers.

We are calling Sikhs from each state (training cohorts of at least 1 per state, and up to 3 per state) to apply for our Community Advocate Training Program


Community Advocate Training Program

Over three days, for a total of 6 hours, Community Advocates will learn about how Sikh Family Center triages cases; what we provide as a national resource center as well as the only Sikh organization focused on gendered justice; the basics of trauma-centered and community-centered responses.

As a result of the training, Advocates will be able to better connect their local sangats with Sikh Family Center; will be able to ethically share bilingual resources while being an accessible point of contact for someone who seeks to be connected with resources; will feel confident in answering basic questions on “sensitive” issues.

The training will include 101/basic information about domestic violence; mental health; substance use; child abuse and safety. It will cover:

  • What should we say and not say to someone in a crisis?
  • How do you help a friend/community member in distress?
  • What is emotional/ physical/ mental/ spiritual safety planning and how can we support it?
  • What resources can we connect people with quickly and reliably?
  • What should someone expect when they reach out for assistance: what are their range of options and why/how do we respect their choices?


  • During Fall 2022, Sikh Family Center grew our grassroots network of trained Community Advocates:  
    • 8 individuals across the U.S. completed the training program.
    • 6 individuals are in the process of completing training. 
    • 5 Sikh community organizations have engaged with the program.
  • January 2023-August 2023 we aim to train cohorts from remaining 35 states.

Your dasvandh will help fund

  • the trainers, subject-matter experts in topics that require nuanced understanding
  • offset costs for future Community Advocates who will travel for the training
  • costs for Sikh Family Center team traveling to provide trainings to the advocates as a mutually conveninent location
  • training materials--copying and mailing--for participants who desire a remote training due to COVID.

Please check out our latest updates and thank you for your continued support! 

Apply for the training

Complete the application for our Community Advocate Training Program!


  • 07/23/2024

    Advocates Defining Their Own Activism

    Our Community Advocates are shaping their approaches to activism based on personal experiences, community needs, and unique perspectives.

    Here are some ways Advocates support the community:

    • Raising awareness of critical resources like Sikh Family Center’s National U.S. Helpline by putting up flyers in local gurdwaras.
    • Participating in our Theater of Oppressed exercises which invite and engage youth in a safe and non-threatening way while also promoting much-needed dialogue around individual and community safety. Learn More
    • Lifting our new Faterhood campagin & submitting responses to our question: “How Do You Want Children in Your Life to Remember You?” 
    • Preparing to facilitate Sehj Series consent & relationship workshops amongst peers
    • Proof-reading Punjabi translated materials
    • Organizing and mailing outreach materials and resources for sangat across the country.

    Spotlight Advocate in Action:

    Shinda Singh's response to Sikh Family Center's question: "How Do You Want Children in Your Life to Remember You?" 

    "As I reflect on this question, I center myself around unconditional love..." A Sikh father shares his commitment to show his children non-transactional love.

    Putting fatherhood on our collective agenda and raising awareness about healthy parenting is a powerful gift to the entire Sikh community. This is part of our Project Khesi: Weaving Warmth and Safety, Engaging Singhs. We are in search of more videos and messages that elevate the importance of healthy father-figures in Sikh lives... send a video, or nudge a loved one. Submit here

    Bring “The Health of Any Nation Begins In The Homes of Its People” programming to your local sangat!

    Community Advocates continue to play a vital role in expanding awareness and recognition of Sikh Family Center to the local community. Join a Community Advocate/volunteer to host a Sikh Family Center event at your gurdwara or another community space. We can send outreach materials to you! You can also host a speaker from Sikh Family Center. Get in touch via email ([email protected]) to discuss the possibilities of working together. 

    Help us amplify our grassroots volunteer impact through outreach and training. You continued support makes our work possible!


  • 04/28/2024

    Spring Trainings & Reflections!

    “How can I share these resources with my gurudwara community and respond to the potential stigmatized reaction I might get for wanting to start this discussion?”

    - A question from Community Advocate Training Participant

    During the training sessions, we discuss ways to approach family violence, and mental wellness with compassion and understanding. For example, building relationships with gurdwara committee members takes time and requires different strategies. Often times one meeting is simple not enough to bring attention to the matter and to drive the message that collective action is imperative to address these issues, and strengthen community from the inside-out.

    A recent gurdwara outreach experience revealed that the gurdwara committee was generally receptive to outreach and interested in the resources we were looking to provide to them. Setting up a meeting was most effective through an initial call in which we briefly explain Sikh Family Center goals and what programs we want to bring to the gurdwara.

    Community Advocates play a vital role in expanding awareness and recognition of Sikh Family Center to the local community and support in prevention education initiatives.

    Here are some ways Advocates support the community:
    • Fill time-sensitive requests for National Helpline callers such as groceries or prepaid phones
    • Review and provide feedback on Punjabi resources
    • Engage with gurdwara leaders to share information and services Sikh Family Center provides
    • Participate in our ‘Theater of Oppressed’ initiative, a unique participatory theater experience to engage in critical community conversations
    • Organize and mail outreach materials and resources for sangat across the country

    Your dasvandh helps strengthen our network of national volunteers working to create the changes with wish for in our community!

    Thank you for your ongoing support.

  • 01/23/2024

    Inspiring Activism Across Sangat!


    Since launching in 2022 Sikh Family Center’s Community Advocate Training Program is bringing activists from across the country together: to learn, to share and to inspire each other in promoting holistic wellness, including gender justice, in their local sangats.

    Your contributions allow Sikh Family Center to continue offering our unique training absolutely free of cost. The training is hosted on a virtual platform to meet accessibility needs, provide flexibility and access to range of resources to further the learning experience.

    Our approach remains to engage trained Advocates, embracing the diversity in our community. This involves collaborating directly with gurdwaras where we have already established working relationships, as well as, developing connections with new gurdwara leadership.

    With your support, we aim to expand community engagement efforts including providing outreach materials, training for new advocates and technical assistance to sangat who are working to uplift the needs of their local communities. This ongoing work takes time, and only made possible with your dasvandh.

    Did you Know?

    Sikh Family Center Advocates include: Public Health professionals, Court Licensed Interpreter, Community Organizers, Deputy Sheriff, School Psychologist, Social workers, Physician Assistant, Educators, Clinical Psychology PhD student, J.D. Candidate, Youth leaders, Education and Prevention Specialist + more!

    Advocates support across Sikh Family Center’s two program areas: Prevention Education & Technical Assistance and Training. For example, advocates identify liaisons at their local gurdwara who would help champion Sikh Family Center programming and engage in prevention education initiatives that increase dialogue in the community on sensitive issues including listening circles.

    Some of our trained advocates have taken their advocacy to the next level and are currently receiving Sikh Family Center’s specialized Peer Counselor Training to increase capacity of Intervention services through our National Helpline.

    We love receiving messages of gratitude from volunteers who continue to raise awareness of Sikh Family Center programs and services in their local communities and beyond.

    We are accepting applications for 2024:

    **Open to individuals and organizations**

    Learn More & Apply -

    Help us amplify our grassroots volunteer impact through outreach and training.


  • 10/27/2023

    Mobilizing National Network for Sangat Engagement!

    We kicked off Fall Training in August, completing group sessions with eight members from a Sikh youth organization. The training involved centering discussions about gendered violence, understanding what it means to be trauma-aware for oneself and for others, and learning ways to navigate difficult situations and conversations brought to the attention of organization leaders.  

    “One question that I want to explore after these sessions is how to get involved in preventative measures in the future, in addition to supporting victims or potential victims.”

    - Participant from an organization

    We met & worked with Community Advocates in person!

    During the months of August and September, trained Community Advocates in California, New Jersey, New York joined staff at outreach events happening near their local gurdwara and other community spaces. Some advocates drove over an hour and a half to join us and said they’d do it again! The in-person meetings provide pause, community building and momentum to sustain culture change work in their individual communities. Our programs would simply not exist without our volunteers and allies at the grassroots level.

    Here are some pictures of our staff with Community Advocates in NY, NJ & CA!


    Sikh Family Center’s Board Chair, Deep Jodhka joined staff for a special meet & greet for our California based Community Advocates: beautiful sunshine, wholesome company & many smiles. During the meeting we discussed new and upcoming opportunities with Sikh Family Center and brought plenty of outreach materials for our growing volunteer network.

    Community Advocates Arranged Outreach Events

    What a great experience it was for us to travel to Michigan, where a Community Advocate had set up a tabling event and meeting with the Gurdwara Committee at Rochester Hills guru ghar.

    Listen to the speech here.

    Organize an important outreach and tabling event at your gurdwara - The Health of Any Nation Begins in the Homes of its People!

    Please be in touch if you would like to see programming hosted in cities near you! We would like to meet with you so that you can easily organize a tabling event at your gurdwara-we will deliver materials to you in advance and share more about Sikh Family Center during a meeting! Email us: [email protected]

    In September and October, we dove into our Fall training with 8 new Community Advocates!

    This year we’ve received applications and interest from the following states: Michigan; Nevada; Illinois; New York; Georgia; California; Wisconsin; Arizona; Texas; Massachusetts; Indiana.

    Interested in becoming a Community Advocate?

    Learn more and Apply here.

  • 07/24/2023

    We Continue to Incubate Activism + New Initiatives

    We Continue to Incubate Activism, and even New Orgs and Initiatives!

    About a year ago Sikh Family Center launched Community Advocates Training Program, to identify and support sevadaars committed to community empowerment. Our unique training centers diversity across the Sikh community; increases self-reflection around ability to support another person safely; and highlights the dynamics of trauma and healing. All these aspects better equip sevadaars to engage on 'sensitive' issues in their sangats, with the support of Sikh Family Center.

    We’ve trained Advocates from across the U.S. including Georgia, Illinois, Wisconsin, California, New York, Maryland + more!

    **Applications are open for individuals and organizations**

    Learn & Apply -

    Our organizational trainings are open for Board members, staff and volunteers, ranging from 3-10 people based on organization size. The trainings are customized to fit the unique needs of local groups, organizations: for example, creating outreach materials with information about local resources (DV shelters, legal aid organizations); reviewing internal policies and protocols (engaging with survivors); or program- related support and workshops.

    The timeline of engagement can be extended, but we know patient, slow engagement can lead to lasting impact and change.

    In 2022, we were invited to train an East Coast gurdwara committee. The first initial steps involved virtual meetings with women on the gurdwara committee to hear about local needs in the community, and what challenges they faced internally and externally. 

    In early 2023, Sikh Family Center staff met in-person with these Kaurs who, while employing our Family Violence Resource Guide, have developed an internal protocol and small organization to provide local support--groceries, clothes etc.—to survivors of trauma. This meeting also involved trouble-shooting/problem-solving regarding a case where the person they supported was not able to maintain boundaries and thus overwhelmed the sevadaars. We reminded them our National Helpline is always a referral, providing backup, and often cocooning local grassroots sevadaars as well as the members they support.

    In June, these Kaurs completed their Community Advocate trainings and feel better equipped to continue supporting through the local gurdwara committee and their new organization.

    Incubating new ideas, even organizations, is a privilege. We believe in a collective empowerment approach.

    Community Advocates have been sharing resources with their sangats across the U.S. Our Helpline flyers, and stickers can be placed in common community spaces which can be accessed discretely (photos below).


    We want to send outreach materials for community members to post in their local sangat/gurdwara/circle! Just email [email protected] with a request.

    We are grateful for your ongoing contributions that help strengthen the power of grassroots efforts nationwide and create lasting change.

  • 04/25/2023

    Spring Advocate Trainings Are in Full Swing!

    From February to April we began training two cohorts of 14 new Community Advocates. Thus far, 7 Advocates have completed the training program. We are so pleased to share our learning, experiences and principles in providing trauma-centered and human-centered advocacy and support, always aimed at increasing individual empowerment! 

    Did you know?

    The training is open for individuals and organizations! We have been invited to train an East Coast gurdwara as well as a Sikh organization. Organizational trainings are open for Board members, staff and volunteers, ranging from 5-10 people based on organization size. 

    How are trained Community Advocates supporting their local sangats?

    Advocates have helped drop off care packages of winter clothes and toiletries for a survivor in need, searched for rental assistance options for a survivor and her child, as well as, starting conversations with a domestic violence agency to learn how survivors can access services. 

    Interested in becoming a Community Advocate? 

    Learn more and Apply here

    Training participants sharing about their experience:


    Your ongoing support continues to makes a difference! Our advocates strive to create the change they wish to see in their communties. 


  • 01/19/2023

    Growing Our Grassroots Network!

    During Fall 2022, Sikh Family Center grew our grassroots network of trained Community Advocates:

    • 8 individuals across the U.S. completed the training program.
    • 6 individuals are in the process of completing training.  
    • 5 Sikh community organizations have engaged with the program.

    Our Community Advocates share some key takeaways following the training:

    • “Building a community that doesn't use words [such] as vachari or think that DV only affects certain people.”
    • “Relationships with local gurdwaras are key to getting information out.”
    • “Connect victims with resources, don't try to fix their issues.”
    • “Often the means of keeping a person in a sphere of abuse is more than just physical or mental.”
    • “The entire family system goes through violence and not just the parties involved.”

    Become a Community Advocate!

    Community Advocates help fill several critical needs in their communities.

    • They answer basic questions on sensitive issues, e.g. impact of trauma on survivors of violence.
    • They organize their local sangat to drive change on a range of intra-community needs.
    • They connect local sangats with Sikh Family Center, a national resource center and the only Sikh organization focused on gender justice.

    We are accepting applications for 2023 and especially seeking more applicants from middle America!

    “This was so wonderful to cover as a team in our org, because it helped us bond together in realizing these issues in our community and realizing our responsibility together as an org within it.” 

    **Open to individuals and organizations**

    Learn More & Apply -


  • 10/05/2022

    We are dotting the map with change agents!


    Sikh Family Center is excited to share the following project about our ongoing project.

    Since opening applications for our Community Advocate Training Program, we have reviewed over 27 applications from sangats across the United States. As part of the application process, we conducted individual interviews to get to know our applicants better, answered their questions about the training, and set appropriate expectations. As of October 1, 14 of these applicants have completed the first of three modules of Community Advocate training.

    These trainings and one-on-one conversations have left us feeling inspired and ready to grow a collaborative network committed to wellness and safety of all Sikh families.

    We are also working with 5 Sikh community organizations who we will be training as a group. Our training helps them:

    • Build shared understanding and norms
    • Develop internal procedures and protocols to respond to gender-based violence
    • Recommit, collectively, to a spirit of Fear None, Frighten None

    Note: Organizational trainings are open for Board members, staff and volunteers, ranging from 5-10 people based on organization size. 

    Apply & Help Spread the Word!! 

    Know a Sikh in the U.S. who would make a great sevadaar and liaison for the Family Center, that is, a Community Advocate? 

    We are training at least 2 Advocates from each state.

Name Donation Date
S. K. $25.00 October 2024
W. S. $20.00 October 2024
H. N. $13.00 October 2024
J. K. $175.00 September 2024
A. M. $34.00 September 2024
S. K. $50.00 September 2024
W. S. $20.00 September 2024
H. N. $13.00 August 2024
J. K. $175.00 August 2024
A. M. $34.00 August 2024
S. K. $50.00 August 2024
I. S. $45.00 August 2024
Dilpreet Singh $250.00 August 2024
S. D. $100.00 August 2024
Varinder Rathore $100.00 August 2024
W. S. $20.00 August 2024
H. N. $13.00 July 2024
Jagmeet Khangura $175.00 July 2024
A. M. $17.00 July 2024
I. S. $22.50 July 2024
S. K. $25.00 July 2024
W. S. $20.00 July 2024
H. N. $13.00 June 2024
A. M. $17.00 June 2024
I. S. $22.50 June 2024
S. K. $25.00 June 2024
Griffin Blair $100.00 June 2024
Grady Blair $100.00 June 2024
Nirmolak Ari $101.00 June 2024
W. S. $20.00 June 2024
H. N. $13.00 May 2024
A. M. $17.00 May 2024
I. S. $22.50 May 2024
S. K. $25.00 May 2024
W. S. $20.00 May 2024
H. N. $13.00 April 2024
Anonymous $50.00 April 2024
A. M. $17.00 April 2024
S. K. $25.00 April 2024
I. S. $22.50 April 2024
W. S. $20.00 April 2024
H. N. $13.00 March 2024
A. M. $17.00 March 2024
I. S. $22.50 March 2024
S. K. $25.00 March 2024
W. S. $20.00 March 2024
H. N. $13.00 February 2024
A. M. $17.00 February 2024
I. S. $22.50 February 2024
S. K. $25.00 February 2024
W. S. $20.00 February 2024
H. N. $13.00 January 2024
A. M. $17.00 January 2024
S. K. $50.00 January 2024
I. S. $45.00 January 2024
W. S. $20.00 January 2024
Anonymous $150.00 December 2023
H. N. $13.00 December 2023
A. M. $17.00 December 2023
Rubin Paul Singh $250.00 December 2023
I. S. $22.50 December 2023
S. K. $25.00 December 2023
Anonymous $150.00 December 2023
W. S. $20.00 December 2023
H. N. $13.00 November 2023
Anonymous $400.00 November 2023
A. M. $17.00 November 2023
I. S. $22.50 November 2023
S. K. $25.00 November 2023
Match Fund $50.00 November 2023
Chitratan Singh Sethi $50.00 November 2023
W. S. $20.00 November 2023
H. N. $13.00 October 2023
A. M. $11.33 October 2023
I. S. $15.00 October 2023
S. K. $16.66 October 2023
W. S. $20.00 October 2023
H. N. $13.00 September 2023
A. M. $17.00 September 2023
I. S. $22.50 September 2023
S. K. $25.00 September 2023
S. S. $250.00 September 2023
W. S. $20.00 September 2023
H. N. $13.00 August 2023
A. M. $17.00 August 2023
I. S. $22.50 August 2023
S. K. $25.00 August 2023
W. S. $20.00 August 2023
H. N. $13.00 July 2023
A. M. $34.00 July 2023
I. S. $45.00 July 2023
S. K. $25.00 July 2023
W. S. $20.00 July 2023
H. N. $13.00 June 2023
A. M. $17.00 June 2023
I. S. $22.50 June 2023
S. K. $25.00 June 2023
W. S. $20.00 June 2023
H. N. $13.00 May 2023
A. M. $17.00 May 2023
I. S. $22.50 May 2023
S. K. $25.00 May 2023
W. S. $20.00 May 2023
H. N. $13.00 April 2023
Anonymous $50.00 April 2023
A. M. $17.00 April 2023
I. S. $22.50 April 2023
S. K. $25.00 April 2023
W. S. $20.00 April 2023
H. N. $13.00 March 2023
J. B. $10.00 March 2023
A. M. $34.00 March 2023
J. K. $10.00 March 2023
I. S. $45.00 March 2023
S. K. $50.00 March 2023
B. S. $11.20 March 2023
W. S. $20.00 March 2023
J. B. $10.00 February 2023
H. N. $13.00 February 2023
A. M. $34.00 February 2023
I. S. $45.00 February 2023
J. K. $10.00 February 2023
S. K. $50.00 February 2023
M. S. $11.25 February 2023
B. S. $11.20 February 2023
Anonymous $50.00 February 2023
W. S. $20.00 February 2023
H. N. $13.00 January 2023
J. B. $10.00 January 2023
A. M. $34.00 January 2023
I. S. $45.00 January 2023
S. K. $50.00 January 2023
A. M. $34.00 January 2023
I. S. $45.00 January 2023
S. K. $50.00 January 2023
W. S. $20.00 January 2023
Anonymous $50.00 January 2023
Karam Singh $500.00 January 2023
Surinder Arora $101.00 December 2022
Match Fund $26.00 December 2022
Gurpreet and Jasjit Singh Ahuja $1,000.00 December 2022
Match Fund $100.00 December 2022
Jalmeen Arora $100.00 December 2022
Match Fund $13.00 December 2022
H. N. $13.00 December 2022
Match Fund $500.00 December 2022
Anonymous $500.00 December 2022
Navneet Kaur Anand Singh $100.00 December 2022
J. B. $10.00 December 2022
Match Fund $200.00 December 2022
Varinder Rathore $200.00 December 2022
Match Fund $500.00 December 2022
Chetandeep Singh $500.00 December 2022
Match Fund $250.00 December 2022
Anonymous $250.00 December 2022
Match Fund $500.00 December 2022
Balmeet Singh $500.00 December 2022
W. S. $20.00 December 2022
Match Fund $150.00 November 2022
J. B. $10.00 November 2022
A. M. $34.00 November 2022
Match Fund $10.00 November 2022
Laura Hale $10.00 November 2022
Match Fund $50.00 November 2022
Steven Weiss $50.00 November 2022
I. S. $45.00 November 2022
Anonymous $50.00 November 2022
Match Fund $150.00 November 2022
S. S. $250.00 November 2022
M. D. $12.50 November 2022
S. K. $50.00 November 2022
Match Fund $500.00 November 2022
Arjun Singh $500.00 November 2022
B. S. $11.20 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $1,000.00 November 2022
Gurpreet Kaur $1,000.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
J. F. $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $20.00 November 2022
Match Fund $20.00 November 2022
Anonymous $20.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $1,000.00 November 2022
Manny Singh $1,000.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $2,500.00 November 2022
P Singh $2,500.00 November 2022
Match Fund $10.00 November 2022
Navdeep B $10.00 November 2022
Match Fund $30.00 November 2022
Komalpreet Toor $30.00 November 2022
W. S. $20.00 November 2022
Match Fund $250.00 November 2022
S. S. $250.00 November 2022
J. B. $10.00 October 2022
Amarpreet Singh Malik $34.00 October 2022
Amarpreet Singh Malik $33.00 October 2022
Inderpal Singh $45.00 October 2022
Manpreet Singh $250.00 October 2022
Anonymous $50.00 October 2022
Anonymous $11.25 October 2022
W. S. $20.00 October 2022
Match Fund $101.00 October 2022
S. S. $101.00 October 2022
J. B. $10.00 September 2022
Match Fund $20.00 September 2022
Minu Mammen $20.00 September 2022
Match Fund $100.00 September 2022
Jasvir Singh $100.00 September 2022
Gurpreet Kaur $1,000.00 September 2022
W. S. $20.00 September 2022
Match Fund $101.00 September 2022
Sukhmeet Singh $101.00 September 2022
J. B. $10.00 August 2022
Match Fund $200.00 August 2022
Harbir Kaur Bhatia $200.00 August 2022
K. C. $1,000.00 August 2022
Match Fund $101.00 August 2022
Sukhmeet Singh $101.00 August 2022
Match Fund $20.00 August 2022
Winty Singh $20.00 August 2022
Match Fund $110.00 August 2022
Jaskiret Rai $110.00 August 2022
Match Fund $200.00 August 2022
Gurbir Singh $200.00 August 2022
J. B. $10.00 July 2022
Match Fund $500.00 July 2022
Gurpal Bhuller $500.00 July 2022
Match Fund $1,100.00 July 2022
Anonymous $1,100.00 July 2022
Match Fund $2,500.00 July 2022
P. S. $2,500.00 July 2022
Match Fund $2,500.00 July 2022
S. A. $2,500.00 July 2022
Match Fund $1,000.00 July 2022
Anonymous $1,000.00 July 2022
Match Fund $51.00 July 2022
Anonymous $51.00 July 2022
Match Fund $1,000.00 July 2022
Anonymous $1,000.00 July 2022
Match Fund $250.00 July 2022
Anonymous $250.00 July 2022
Match Fund $200.00 July 2022
Anonymous $200.00 July 2022
Match Fund $100.00 June 2022
Arvinder Singh $100.00 June 2022
Match Fund $100.00 June 2022
Anonymous $100.00 June 2022
Match Fund $10.00 June 2022
Jugroop Brar $10.00 June 2022
Match Fund $15.00 June 2022
Jaskaran Singh $15.00 June 2022
Match Fund $100.00 June 2022
Anonymous $100.00 June 2022
Match Fund $51.00 June 2022
Harfateh Grewal $51.00 June 2022