Sidak Leadership Program

A project of Sikh Research Institute
sikhri-symbol_large.png Anupreet Kaur
Bridgewater, New Jersey, US
$300pledged of $5,000 goal
$300goal: $5,000
Yes tax deductible
Ongoingannual goal

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Sidak Leadership Program is a unique two-week experiential and educational experience that brings Sikhs from diverse backgrounds together to learn with and from one another. Sidak promotes the concepts and skills needed to be a life-long learner in leadership and life. This program will be a “game-changer” in the participants' lives.

The Sidak Leadership Program is fee-free again, so we appeal to you to support this Sikh youth. On average, it costs about $1,000 to sponsor one student. Each donation is valued in bringing Sikhi closer to our community. 

You have a unique opportunity to provide 18-39 Sikh adults a chance to attend the two-week immersion program, which combines Surat (awareness) and Ruh (spirit). These two are equally important and balanced in the program as participants journey towards becoming Guru-centered. 

The participants will engage in many activities, including organizing a cohort group, presenting group thoughts and ideas, leading a discussion on a given topic, listening to content delivery, and expressing new solutions to old problems. 

Three offered tracks are designed through the lens of bani (wisdom), tvarikh (history), and rahit (lifestyle) and serve as the foundation for Sidak. Our instructors and facilitators bring their experiences, education, and passions to the classroom. This unique learning opportunity will help young adults better connect to their inner selves, build stronger relationships, and infuse the Sikhi spirit into their future goals and endeavors.

Sikhi 101: Introduction to Sikh History & Theology

Sikhi 201: Religion & Revolution

Gurbani 101: Introduction to Guru Granth Sahib

Sidak 2024 will take place from 21 July to 3 August 2024. Application will open Decemeber 1, 2023. 

For 2024, we are offering Sidak fee-free to 60 participants. Will you support us as we seek to raise $10,000 in fee sponsorship?


  • 05/31/2023

    Sidak 2023

    Sidak is an experience for those aged 18-40 to strengthen their connection to the Sikh faith while developing their leadership skills. Sidak is a unique experiential and educational experience that brings Sikhs from diverse backgrounds together to learn with and from one another. Since 2003, the Sidak program has been transforming young adults into Sikhi-inspired leaders through the lens of the Gurmat framework based on Bani (text), Tavarikh (history), and Rahit (lifestyle). From 23 July to 5 August, Sidak will return to Khalsa Centre in Mission, British Columbia again. In this immersive experience, Sidakers will dive deeper into their own Sikhi through the lens of Gurmat (the Guru’s Wisdom) and have the opportunity to be inspired by the facilitators and the other participants. Sidak will provide participants with an opportunity to enhance their personal relationship with IkOankar, engage in critical conversations about issues affecting Sikhs and the Panth, and develop opinions on non-Sikh issues that are supported by a Gurmat framework. 

    Thanks to the generosity of our amazing donors, Sidak 2023 will be offered fee-free for the second year in a row. Your support has provided a life-changing experience for the largest group of Sidakers that we had in 20 years. On behalf of the Sidakers, both last year and this coming year, we thank you for your continued support of Sidak! 

    “I appreciate this opportunity so much, and it’s helped me grow into a better leader, more thorough thinker, and more impactful Sikh. It’s also given me a huge network. Amazing experience overall!” - Mohkam Singh, 2022.

    “Thank you for making Sidak possible this year. I am so grateful I got to be a part of such a unique and incredible experience!“ - Sukhmani Kaur, 2022

    “This would not have been possible without all of your help. It’s been a really educational and mind-opening experience, and we thank you for that aid in creating this opportunity for the next generation of the Panth.” - Nihal Singh, 2022

  • 10/17/2022

    SikhRI Concludes its 20th Sidak Leadership Program

    Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) is delighted to announce the completion of its 20th annual Sidak leadership program, which took place from July 24 to August 6 in Mission, BC, Canada. 

    This year’s program brought together 53 Sidakers and 14 staff members and facilitators from six nations (Belgium, Canada, India, Mexico, UK, and the USA) for two weeks of immersive education and experience at the Khalsa Centre in Miracle Valley.

    “With the tremendous support of our funders, we were finally able to realize our vision of making Sidak free-free for all participants. As expected, removing this financial barrier resulted in our largest cohort ever in 2022.”
    — Kulvir Singh, SikhRI Chair

    Testimonials and reviews from all participants were nothing short of astonishment by their positivity. 

    The program has given me more confidence in interacting with new people and thinking critically about Sikhi. I’m equipped with much better knowledge so that I can learn much more on my own about Sikhi and the Guru Granth Sahib.
    — Teja Singh, Gurbani 101 Attendee

    Sidak is a great grounding experience in Sikhi! It was like a panthic think tank experience, and I got to meet the coolest sangat. I never imagined having conversations so grounded in Sikhi, and it’s giving me a great direction for life going into college.
    — Manat Kaur, Sikhi 101 Attendee

    I think the program will continue to benefit me in the future as I incorporate Gurmat Framework to questions that life will continue to pose.
    — Imreet Kaur, Sikhi 201 Attendee

    During Sidak, all participants learned to explore personal and panthic (collective) issues through a Gurmat (Guru’s Wisdom) framework based on Bani (wisdom), Tavarikh (history), and Rahit (lifestyle) to ultimately develop their own views and solutions to pressing problems worldwide. 

    Sidak 2022 was composed of three in-depth tracks that ran simultaneously: 
    Gurbani 101 ~ Introduction to Guru Granth Sahib
    Sikhi 101 ~ Introduction to Sikh History & Theology
    Sikhi 201~ Religion & Revolution

    SikhRI will be updating the curriculum for the following year. 2023 registration will open by year-end to accept 60 candidates. To find out more about Sidak, visit

  • 08/02/2022

    August 2, 2022

    Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its leadership program Sidak! The generosity of our donors has enabled us to offer Sidak fee-free this year. Sidak will take place from 24 July to 6 August 2022 in British Columbia, Canada.

    Sixty-six young Sikhs have applied to attend this year. We accepted fifty-five individuals from the USA, Canada, Mexico, Belgium, United Kingdom, U.A.E., and India to begin their journey to deepen their connection to Sikhi.

    14 facilitators will guide the 55 individuals through the following tracks:

    Sikhi 101: Introduction to Sikh History & Theology

    • Formulate an understanding of the unique characteristics and fundamental differences of Sikh theology from other faith systems
    • Interpret Asa Ki Var in ways that reflect the originality of Sikh theology
    • Identify major historical Sikh events and analyze their impact on today’s Sikh diaspora

    Sikhi 201: Religion & Revolution

    • Critically examine Sikh thought and practices in the context of popular understanding.
    • Formulate a Sikh stance on contemporary issues using an analytic framework based on Bani (wisdom), Tavarikh (history), and Rahit (lifestyle)
    • Engage in and critique academic, traditional, and contemporary Sikh writings
    • Describe and analyze major movements in post-Guru Sikh history for contemporary application

    Gurbani 101: Introduction to Guru Granth Sahib

    • Recognize the structure, format, and layout of Guru Granth Sahib
    • Identify different languages of Gurbani
    • Understand the basic grammar of Gurbani
    • Identify major symbolism, cultural and folk elements
    • Familiarize with key themes, terms, and phrases

    Your investment in Sidak allows this transformational experience to be offered at no cost to young Sikh leaders in our communities. These leaders will join the ever-growing number of Sidak alumni to go on and effect change in our Panth and world.

  • 05/02/2022

    May 2, 2022

    Sidak is pleased to announce that in 2022, the program will run fee-free in celebration of its 20th anniversary from 24 July to 6 August 2022. Sidak aspires to offer this educational experience to all young Sikh adult seekers. Due to funding and scaling, it may take SikhRI a few years to honor this commitment. Therefore, there is a selection process in place. All Sikhs from 18-39 are welcome to apply; however, the new fee-free structure means positions will be limited and competitive.

    Sidak combines Surat (awareness) and Ruh (spirit). These two are equally important and balanced in the program, as participants journey towards becoming Guru-centered. Facilitators seek to model both elements and inspire attendees to do the same.

    Sidak is designed as an adult learning experience. This means that there are many activities you will be asked to participate in, including organizing a cohort group, presenting group thoughts and ideas, leading a discussion on a given topic, listening to content delivery, and expressing new solutions to old problems. This style requires that you participate but, more importantly, that you are growing as a leader. Your facilitators will be there to monitor and present skills and knowledge needed at every level of learning. They will facilitate and help you learn, but the real learning is up to you.

    This two-week intensive immersion into Sikh culture, language, values, and community is held annually in the summer at the Khalsa Centre in British Columbia. Overlooking Miracle Valley, the 160-acre border of the Khalsa Centre is enveloped in majestic trees on multiple lakes amidst breathtaking beauty in the Lower Mainland of British Columbia.

  • 05/02/2022

    May 2, 2022

    This Sidak event provides participants aged 18-39 a 2.5-hour glimpse into the 2-week Sidak summer leadership program. Prospective Sidakers will get a chance to preview learning and sharing via the curated content and the inspired facilitators.

    Session 1: What is Guru?
    Explores what Guru means in the Guru Granth Sahib, Sikh history, and tradition. It addresses questions like who is Guru, what is the need of a Guru, and what is the role of the Guru in a Sikh’s personal and collective life.

    Session 2: The Ten Nanaks
    Explores the Guru-Personality of the Ten Nanaks and the qualities they embodied through a historical perspective.

    Session 3: Present Guruship
    Explores the institution itself through Guru Nanak Sahib to Guru Gobind Singh Sahib, finally merging into the eternal duel personality of Guru Granth Sahib - Guru Khalsa Panth.

  • 01/31/2022

    January 31, 2022

    Sidak has wrapped up for another year. Engaging those aged 18-40 from around the world, Sidak strengthens connections to the Sikh faith while developing leadership skills through the lens of the Gurmat framework based on Bani (text), Tavarikh (history), and Rahit (lifestyle). In 2021, Sidak continued in an online format where Sidakers had the opportunity to engage in the Sidak experience for five inspiring and empowering days. From July 26 - July 30, Sidakers explored the Bani of Guru Nanak Sahib “Sidh Gosti: A Virtual Sidak Course.”. Through daily Hukam reflections, interactive themed activities, and engaging discussions, Sidakers had the opportunity to immerse themselves in Guru Nanak Sahib’s Bani and make personal connections and connect with others. This year, 48 participants from  7 different countries participated in this online experience that enhanced their personal relationship with IkOankar, engaged them in critical conversations about issues affecting Sikhs and the Panth, and developed opinions on non-Sikh issues that are supported by a Gurmat framework. 

    “I learned more about who the Sidhs were and how Guru Sahib really stressed being connected with the world and society” - Manat Kaur, USA

    “I had not previously explored the Sidh Gost bani, so that was definitely something new that I learned. I also learned a new facet to Guru Nanak’s personality in the way he approached the Sidhs, that makes me appreciate his brilliance even more.” - Balmindar Kaur, Dubai AE

    Your investment in Sidak allows this transformational experience to be offered at no cost for young Sikh leaders in our communities. These leaders will join the ever-growing number of Sidak alumni that have come through Sidak to then go on and affect change in our Panth and our world. Since 2003, Sidak has had 440 participants from 9 countries, and the alumni have been involved in changes in their communities as well as globally. We are looking forward to Sidak 2022 in Mission, British Columbia as we continue to engage with more individuals that will be the next change makers inspired by Guru and Shabad.

  • 07/23/2021

    July 2021

    As we approach mid summer, we at Sikh Research Institute are focused on Sidak. Sidak is an experience for those aged 18-40 to strengthen their connection to the Sikh faith while developing their leadership skills. Since 2003, the Sidak program has been transforming young adults into Sikhi-inspired leaders through the lens of the Gurmat framework based on Bani (text), Tavarikh (history), and Rahit (lifestyle). From July 26 - July 30, Sidak is moving online for a 5-day exploration of the Bani of Guru Nanak Sahib “Sidh Gosti: A Virtual Sidak Course.” In this immersive experience, participants will dive deeper into Sidh Gosti through the lens of Gurmat (the Guru’s Wisdom) and have the opportunity to be inspired by the facilitators and the other participants. Each day will consist of a Hukam reflection, an interactive themed activity, and a learning session. It will provide participants with an opportunity to enhance their personal relationship with IkOankar, engage in critical conversations about issues affecting Sikhs and the Panth, and develop opinions on non-Sikh issues that are supported by a Gurmat framework. 

    Your investment in Sidak allows young Sikh leaders in our communities to gain the knowledge and tools to affect change in our Panth and the world. Since 2003, Sidak has had 440 participants from 9 countries, and the alumni have been involved in changes in their communities as well as globally. 

    “This program also allowed me to evaluate the major historical events critically and to develop a response to current events through the lens of Sikhi, including Gurbani, Tvarikh and Rahit” - Sukhdeep Singh.

    “Sidak has encouraged me to start critically thinking about the things I do pertaining to Sikhi. I used to just trust what I was told and felt like I couldn’t and shouldn’t question it, but now I have resources to get answers to questions I have, and I know that it is not only okay but also important to question. “ - Mehakleen Kaur

    Your generous donation will provide applicants with the ability to participate in a five day Virtual Sidak course led each day by our diverse and engaging facilitation team, many of whom are Sidak alumni. This Virtual Sidak is free for participants. The cost of making this possible is $15,000 USD and we are asking you for your support in reaching our goal. Your donation is an investment in raising the next generation of Sikhs to think and act like Sikh ambassadors. 

  • 10/31/2020

    November 2021

    Sidak has wrapped up for another year. Engaging those aged 18-40 from around the world, Sidak strengthens connections to the Sikh faith while developing leadership skills through the lens of the Gurmat framework based on Bani (text), Tavarikh (history), and Rahit (lifestyle). In 2021, Sidak continued in an online format where Sidakers had the opportunity to engage in the Sidak experience for five inspiring and empowering days. From July 26 - July 30, Sidakers explored the Bani of Guru Nanak Sahib “Sidh Gosti: A Virtual Sidak Course.”. Through daily Hukam reflections, interactive themed activities and engaging discussions, Sidakers had the opportunity to immerse themselves in Guru Nanak Sahib’s Bani and make personal connections and connecting with others. This year, 48 participants from  7 different countries participated in this online experience that enhanced their personal relationship with IkOankar, engaged them in critical conversations about issues affecting Sikhs and the Panth, and developed opinions on non-Sikh issues that are supported by a Gurmat framework. 


    “I learned more about who the Sidhs were and how Guru Sahib really stressed being connected with the world and society” - Manat Kaur, USA

    “I had not previously explored the Sidh Gost bani, so that was definitely something new that I learned. I also learned a new facet to Guru Nanak’s personality in the way he approached the Sidhs, that makes me appreciate his brilliance even more.” - Balmindar Kaur, Dubai AE


    Your investment in Sidak allows this transformational experience to be offered at no cost  for young Sikh leaders in our communities. These leaders will join the ever growing number of Sidak alumni that have come through Sidak to then go on and affect change in our Panth and our world. Since 2003, Sidak has had 440 participants from 9 countries, and the alumni have been involved in changes in their communities as well as globally. We are looking forward to Sidak 2022 in Mission, British Columbia as we continue to engage with more individuals that will be the next change makers inspired by Guru and Shabad.

  • 08/04/2019

    Sidak 2019

    Sidak has wrapped up for another year. The 17th annual leadership program, which took place from July 21 to August 3 in Mission, BC brought together participants from around the world. 32 Sidakers and 15 staff members and facilitators from seven countries which included Australia, Canada, Sweden, Malaysia, China, UK and the US, cam together for two weeks to connect, learn and grow.

    Sidak impacts thoes who attend in many ways, including inspiring Sidakers to continue after Sidak is over.

    "It [Sidak] has impacted me to start thinking about the world around me by encouraging me to bring Gurbani and our Sikh ideals into everyday life, which I did not do before. I am excited to continue understanding the meaning of Gurbani and taking inspiration from our history to apply it to my life." - Simran Kaur, Sidak Alumni 2019

    Sidak 2019 was composed of three in-depth tracks that ran simultaneously:

    During Sidak, all participants learned to explore personal and panthak issues through a Gurmat framework based on Bani (wisdom), Tavarikh (history), and Rahit (lifestyle) to ultimately develop their own views and solutions to pressing problems worldwide.

    As we look to Sidak 2020, we strongly encourage you to start a recurring donation if you have not done so already.  Your donation will help continue the work that has already started to update the curriculum for these and new tracks coming up next year. 

  • 08/30/2018

    Project Update

    Sikh Research Institute (SikhRI) is delighted to announce the completion of the 16th consecutive annual Sidak leadership program, which took place from July 22 to August 4 in Mission, BC.

    Sidak has changed the way I think about Sikhi, from a set of rules to something that provides the foundation for how I live my life and the goals that I set for myself. — Roop Kamal Kaur, Sidak 2018 participant

    This year’s program brought together 31 Sidakers and 13 staff members and facilitators from six nations (Australia, Canada, India, Italy, UK, USA) for two weeks of enlightenment at the Khalsa Centre in Miracle Valley.

    As customary after every Sidak, testimonials and reviews from all participants were collected, and this year we are nothing short from being astounded by their positivity. Consider this response from 2018 Sidaker, Prabhnoor Singh:

    I will go back being more inspired than ever to actually begin implementing a daily discipline so that I can work towards cultivating the love of Guru within myself and channeling that energy towards the wider community.

    Or this reflection on her path from a fellow Sidaker, Amanpreet Kaur:

    I had a lot of growth I needed to do. I still need to grow, but this was the push I needed to go in the right direction. I needed a positive environment full of love and support that would help me with Sikhi. I could not have asked for anything better.

    Sidak 2018 was composed of three in-depth tracks that ran simultaneously:

    During Sidak, all participants learned to explore personal and panthak issues through a Gurmat framework based on Bani (wisdom), Tavarikh (history), and Rahit (lifestyle) to ultimately develop their own views and solutions to pressing problems worldwide.

    With the 2018 program now wrapped up, we strongly encourage you to start a recurring donation if you have not done so already.  Your donation will help continue the work that has already started to update the curriculum for these and new tracks coming up next year. 

Name Donation Date
H. K. $25.00 January 2025
H. K. $25.00 December 2024
H. K. $25.00 November 2024
H. K. $25.00 October 2024
H. K. $25.00 September 2024
H. K. $25.00 August 2024
H. K. $25.00 July 2024
H. K. $25.00 June 2024
H. K. $25.00 May 2024
H. K. $25.00 April 2024
H. K. $25.00 March 2024
H. K. $25.00 February 2024
H. K. $25.00 January 2024
H. K. $25.00 December 2023
H. K. $25.00 November 2023
H. K. $25.00 October 2023
H. K. $25.00 September 2023
H. K. $25.00 August 2023
H. K. $25.00 July 2023
H. K. $25.00 June 2023
H. K. $25.00 May 2023
H. K. $25.00 April 2023
H. K. $25.00 March 2023
H. K. $25.00 February 2023
H. K. $25.00 January 2023
Manjot Jassal $1,600.00 December 2022
H. K. $25.00 December 2022
A. M. $33.00 November 2022
M. D. $12.50 November 2022
Ajit Nagpal $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Amardeep Singh $500.00 November 2022
G. G. $500.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Simar Kapoor $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
M. J. $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Anonymous $400.00 November 2022
H. K. $25.00 November 2022
Amarpreet Singh Malik $33.00 October 2022
H. K. $25.00 October 2022
Anonymous $100.00 September 2022
H. K. $25.00 September 2022
H. K. $25.00 August 2022
Balmeet Singh $500.00 August 2022
Anonymous $1,000.00 August 2022
H. K. $25.00 July 2022
H. K. $25.00 June 2022
H. K. $25.00 May 2022
H. K. $25.00 April 2022
H. K. $25.00 March 2022
H. K. $25.00 February 2022
harvinder singh $100.00 February 2022
H. K. $25.00 January 2022
Manjot Jassal $500.00 December 2021
H. K. $25.00 December 2021
H. K. $25.00 November 2021
Match Fund $100.00 November 2021
Navreet Kaur $100.00 November 2021
H. K. $25.00 October 2021
H. K. $25.00 September 2021
H. K. $25.00 August 2021
H. K. $25.00 July 2021
H. K. $25.00 June 2021
H. K. $25.00 May 2021
H. K. $25.00 April 2021
H. K. $25.00 March 2021
S. S. $21.00 February 2021
H. K. $25.00 February 2021
S. S. $21.00 January 2021
H. K. $25.00 January 2021
S. S. $21.00 December 2020
H. K. $25.00 December 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
sarabjeet singh $21.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
G. G. $100.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Bhajneet Singh $100.00 November 2020
Gurpal Bhuller $200.00 November 2020
H. K. $25.00 November 2020
H. K. $25.00 October 2020
H. K. $25.00 September 2020
H. K. $25.00 August 2020
H. K. $25.00 July 2020
H. K. $25.00 June 2020
akbir kaur $500.00 May 2020
H. K. $25.00 May 2020
H. K. $25.00 April 2020
H. K. $25.00 March 2020
H. K. $25.00 February 2020
H. K. $25.00 January 2020
H. K. $25.00 December 2019
H. K. $25.00 November 2019
G. B. $200.00 November 2019
Match Fund $100.00 November 2019
harjit singh $100.00 November 2019
H. K. $25.00 October 2019
H. K. $25.00 September 2019
H. K. $25.00 August 2019
H. K. $25.00 July 2019
H. K. $25.00 June 2019
H. K. $25.00 May 2019
H. K. $25.00 April 2019
H. K. $25.00 March 2019
H. K. $25.00 February 2019
H. K. $25.00 January 2019
Anonymous $100.00 December 2018
H. K. $25.00 December 2018
Gurpal Bhuller $500.00 November 2018
Match Fund $10.00 November 2018
Navdeep Kaur $10.00 November 2018
H. K. $25.00 November 2018
H. K. $25.00 October 2018
H. K. $25.00 September 2018
H. K. $25.00 August 2018
H. K. $25.00 July 2018
H. K. $25.00 June 2018
H. K. $25.00 May 2018
H. K. $25.00 April 2018
H. K. $25.00 March 2018
H. K. $25.00 February 2018
H. K. $25.00 January 2018
M. K. $10.00 December 2017
H. K. $25.00 December 2017
M. K. $10.00 November 2017
G. B. $200.00 November 2017
H. K. $25.00 November 2017
M. K. $10.00 October 2017
H. K. $25.00 October 2017
M. K. $10.00 September 2017
H. K. $25.00 September 2017
M. K. $10.00 August 2017
H. K. $25.00 August 2017
M. K. $10.00 July 2017
H. K. $25.00 July 2017
M. K. $10.00 June 2017
H. K. $25.00 June 2017
M. K. $10.00 May 2017
H. K. $25.00 May 2017
H. K. $25.00 April 2017
H. K. $25.00 March 2017
H. K. $25.00 February 2017
G. B. $100.00 February 2017
H. K. $25.00 January 2017
H. K. $25.00 December 2016
C. S. $200.00 November 2016
G. B. $200.00 November 2016
D. M. $500.00 November 2016
P. D. $500.00 November 2016
H. K. $25.00 November 2016
H. K. $25.00 October 2016
H. K. $25.00 September 2016
D. M. $25.00 August 2016
B. S. $1,200.00 August 2016
B. S. ($1,200.00) August 2016
H. K. $25.00 August 2016
D. M. $25.00 July 2016
H. K. $25.00 July 2016
D. M. $25.00 June 2016
G. D. $100.00 June 2016
M. G. $25.00 June 2016
H. K. $25.00 June 2016
D. M. $25.00 May 2016
H. K. $25.00 May 2016
D. M. $25.00 April 2016
H. K. $25.00 April 2016
D. M. $25.00 March 2016
H. K. $25.00 March 2016
D. M. $25.00 February 2016
H. K. $25.00 February 2016
D. M. $25.00 January 2016
H. K. $25.00 January 2016
D. M. $25.00 December 2015
H. S. $250.00 December 2015
H. K. $25.00 December 2015
G. B. $200.00 November 2015
J. P. $250.00 November 2015
G. K. $250.00 November 2015
D. M. $25.00 November 2015
R. S. $200.00 November 2015
H. K. $25.00 November 2015
A. K. $1,000.00 November 2015
M. S. $25.00 September 2015
A. G. $250.00 July 2015
M. S. $50.00 January 2015
B. S. $500.00 December 2014
M. S. $50.00 December 2014
G. H. $1,300.00 November 2014
M. S. $50.00 November 2014
R. T. $51.00 November 2014
J. S. $51.00 November 2014
B. S. $100.00 September 2014
M. S. $1,800.00 July 2014
M. S. $150.00 May 2014
H. S. $20.00 April 2014
H. S. $20.00 April 2014
M. S. $200.00 April 2014
M. S. $200.00 February 2014
M. S. $200.00 February 2014
M. S. $75.00 January 2014
M. S. $75.00 December 2013
G. S. $300.00 November 2013
H. S. $200.00 November 2013
D. M. $145.00 November 2013
D. M. $500.00 November 2013
D. M. $880.00 November 2013
S. N. $25.00 November 2013
H. J. $500.00 November 2013
I. K. $1,000.00 November 2013
M. S. $75.00 November 2013
G. B. $100.00 June 2012
M. D. $25.00 April 2012

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