Prabh Aasra (Unified Family)

Harjeet Kaur
Castro Valley, California, US
$75,475past 12 months

  • Mission
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Prabh Aasra – A brief history 

  • Founders could not bear to see unclaimed people stranded on the roadside in pitiable conditions. 
  • Shamsher Singh Ji tried to contact various Government and other various social and religious institutes and asked them to assist by providing support to rehabilitate these citizens but could not found required response.
  • In 2003, Shamsher Singh ji and his wife Rajinder Kaur Ji then setup Prabh Aasra in a 2 room rented accommodation.
  • This has been continuously growing and today, Prabh Aasra has 4 operational centers in about 10 acres of Land to provide different facilities for their rehabilitation.

1983 people have been admitted so far
1299 have been reunited with their respected families
423 Inhabitants are currently residing in 3 campuses.

  • 4 centers currently operational in Kurali, Jhanjeri  (Distt. S.A.S Nagar) and Pherurain (Distt. Ludhiana) and Chanalon, Kurali, Punjab, India.
  • Fourth center providing unconditional medical services for the destitute and under-privileged who couldn’t hope for the treatment & diagnosis in the hour of need. For others it works on a non profit basis.

Prabh Aasra – How the inhabitants are referred?

  • Prabh Aasra gets different types of patients from different sources as below.
  • Police/ administration/ Local government authorities. Hospitals
  • General Public
  • Referred by Courts
  • Gurdwaras and Religious Institutes
  • Found by the roadsides
  • Rescued from home (Domestic Violence / Old People/Mentally disturbed)
  • Rape victims/Unclaimed pregnant women
  • Left at Prabh Aasra Cradle (Infants/ Unwanted girl children)

Prabh Aasra is meant for:

  • Those who are suffering from mental illness/ intellectual disability and devoid of the opportunity of care, treatment and rehabilitation.
  • Those who have no able body, shelter, family and wandering in deserted places.
  • More than 80% of those who reach Prabh Aasra are suffering from some kind of mental illness/intellectual disability. 
  • Destitute/ Orphan children are being referred by child welfare committees and police administration.
  • A majority of these inhabitants recovered through the love, care, counseling and treatment provided by the team at Prabh Aasra, without discrimination of caste, color, creed, age or sex.
  • As a result, those who were having no hope in their life,with the grace of almighty and support of generous people, very soon recovered and re-united under Mission Milaap, with their respective families.

Prabh Aasra – Key Activities

  • Shelter , Medicine , Recreation for all the inhabitants and academic education for normal children.
  • Cradle for unwanted children- 16 new born children welcomed so far.
  • 24/7 ambulance services for the roadside victims with the help of Seven ambulances.
  • Medical camps, distribution of things in need for the poor and needy.
  • Mortuary services, free of cost. 
  • Vocational training for self dependency of the Residents.
  • Special education, games coaching, co-curricular activities for special and normal inhabitants.
  • Awareness: regarding ethics,values,save the ecosystem, female foeticide and sow saplings.
  • Children with complex and multiple disabilities have  equal rights to, dignified life and education. We  fight for their cause to support that they  get the right place in Society.
  • Our mission is to provide  the finest possible  rehabilitation  opportunities,  health care and compassionate environment.
  • Development of personality , talent, creativity as well as  mental and physical abilities of specially abled  persons admitted to our Society.
  • Integrate children with disabilities in special education after they have acquired communication and daily living skills at a  functional level.
  • To provide educational opportunities for children with  disabilities in common schools and facilitate their retention in such schools 
  • To make the intellectually weak inhabitants self dependent,  toilet trained and make them least dependent on support of others and participate effectively in free society.
  • To help citizens during disaster relief in different parts of the country. 

Mission Milaap

To accommodate the rising numbers in  Society, every effort is made to rehabilitate & send them to their homes after improving their health. The process of reuniting of inhabitants with their families has been given the name ‘Mission Milaap’ The inhabitants received in the Ashrams of the Society, are generally mentally depressed, physically handicapped or both. With due care and medication when they improve and reveal their identity or inform about their residential addresses, villages or towns etc, the Society gears up its machinery  to trace their families with the help of concerned Police Authorities. Economically weaker people who can not afford to come to Society from the far flung areas of the country, their wards are handed over to them at their residences. The inhabitants of economically weaker section of West  Bengal, Assam, Orissa, Bihar , Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab were handed over at their native places. Under Mission Milaap New MILESTONE has been achieved by reuniting more than 1292 inhabitants with their traced out families.

Prabh Aasra is totally dependent on philanthropists to meet its budgetary requirements. Currently the monthly budget for operational expenses is in excess of USD 45000.00.

Prabh Aasra Current Monthly Operational Expenses in USD

Thank you for your generous support. Learn more at:

  • 05/04/2024

    "Shelter Home Enhancements: Latest Updates"

    Children Activity : (Volleyball and Judo)

    On February 4, 2024, Four children, Vishnu in ( Judo) and Ninder (Male Volleyball), Amandeep & Soni (Female Volleyball)  from Prabh Aasra Unified Family participated in State Selection Trials at Special Olympics Bharat Punjab ”at sport complex in Mohali, Punjab and all of them were selected for National level Special Olympics Bharat Punjab which was held in Feb and March 2024.

    "On February 14 to February 18, 2024, during the National level 'SPECIAL OLYMPICS BHARAT', Volleyball match was held in Gujarat in which our children Ninder Singh won the Silver medal and  Amandeep Kaur and Soni won the Bronze medal


    From March 27 to March 31, 2024, the National " SPECIAL OLYMPICS BHARAT" Judo match took place in Delhi in which our child Vishnu won the Silver Medal.

    (Male & Female National Power-lifting Tournament)

    On October 2, 2024, two residents of Prabh Aasra, Surinder Pal and Jyoti, went to Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, to participate in the State Power-lifting event at the Special Olympics Bharat National Tournament. “Jyoti” secured the 3rd position in Squat and the 3rd position in Deadlift in the female category, earning herself the Bronze medal.  “Surinder Pal Singh” achieved the Silver medal in Deadlift and the Bronze medal in Bench Press.


    Male & Female State & National Badminton & Table tennis

    On February 19, 2024, Special Olympics Bharat Punjab organized Badminton and Table Tennis State Selection Trials at Prabh Aasra Unified Family under the supervision of SOB members. Children from all over Punjab State participated in the trials for various games held at Prabh Aasra. The  children of Prabh Aasra “Parveen” and “Vishnu”  were selected in the National of badminton and Table Tennis respectively.

    From March 8 to March 11, 2024, following a triumphant performance in the state-level Table Tennis tournament, Vishnu showcased his exceptional skills at the National Level Special Olympics Bharat Table Tennis tournament held in Hoshiarpur. Vishnu emerged as the ultimate victor, clinching the coveted Gold Medal in the fiercely contested competition.

     State & National Cycling & Swimming

    On February 27, 2024, Ramo Devi showcased her cycling prowess and secured her spot in the team. Building on this achievement, from March 18 to March 22, 2024, she competed in the Special Olympics Bharat Cycling tournament held in Panchkula, Haryana. Despite a fiercely competitive field, Ramo Devi demonstrated remarkable determination, finishing in 4th position.


    National Championship Basketball

    On March 4, 2024, The children of Prabh Aasra “Arbaaz” and “Shyamu” participated in the male category, while Vishnu, Ritu, and Kajal competed among the females at the District Trials held in Ludhiana. Arbaaz secured his place in the male category, while Vishnu and Ritu were selected to represent Punjab in the State Special Olympics Bharat basketball event. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, the National Level female basketball match was canceled.

    From March 22 to March 26, 2024, the child of Prabh Aasra “Arbaaz” competed in the National Basketball Tournament organized by Special Olympics Bharat in Pondicherry. Representing Punjab, “Arbaaz” and his team displayed exceptional teamwork and determination, earning them the Bronze medal in the competition.


    Invitation to Selection of NGO for Excellence Awards 2023-24  

    On February 25, 2024,Sh.Shamsher Singh and Madam Rajinder Kaur, the founders of Prabh Aasra Unified Family were honored  for their unique contribution in giving back to the society by Mr. Sukhwinder Singh Uppal, President   of Chandigarh Management for Excellence Awards 2023-24.

    Disha Indian Awards 2024

    On March 21, 2024, Punjab Governor honored 17 women and 4 men, including “Bibi Rajinder Kaur” (Co-founder of Prabh Aasra Unified Family), at the Disha Indian Awards ceremony. Organized by Disha Women Welfare Trust, the event celebrates outstanding individuals. Governor Banwari Lal Purohit commended the trust's efforts in promoting women's empowerment.


    Enduring Struggle and Restoration of Electricity at Prabh Aasra

    In the month of January, 2024, the Electricity Department (PSPCL) had disconnected the electricity of ‘Prabh Aasra’, which led to alarming consequences, including a spike in resident deaths. During the time of disconnection of electricity, the institute lost 14 inmates. This power outage had also disrupted water supply, cooking, laundry, warmth provision, and essential health equipment, posing significant challenges. 

    Founder Sh. Shamsher Singh, co-founder Smt. Rajinder Kaur, and concerned individuals had repeatedly urged government authorities for the restoration of the institution's electricity connection. A press conference was also convened to amplify our plea to the government.

    On April 9, 2024, various farmers, relegious and social unions staged a protest rally in ‘Padiala’ village, condemning the electricity disconnection at the institute. They fervently urged the government to swiftly restore power to the institution. Simultaneously, Mr. Baltej Singh Pannu   Director (Media Relations) in Punjab CMO had approached the government to restore the electricity of the Prabh Aasra.

    Under mounting pressure from various Farmer Unions, Social Activists, Religious organizations and other concerned individuals, the Government has restored the electricity connection to this institution on 24th April 2024. 



    "On April 1, 2024, SCHOTT POONAWALLA in Baddi, Himachal Pradesh, generously donated a Paratransit Bus to facilitate transportation for individuals with physical disabilities. This contribution will ensure the smooth transportation of students to and from school, as well as provide vital support to the mentally and physically challenged residents of the Universal Disabled Care Taker Social Welfare Society (Prabh Aasra). This gesture embodies a significant step towards fostering inclusivity and enhancing the quality of life for those with disabilities in our community."  


    On April 13, 2024, children from Prabh Aasra showcased their talents at a cultural competition for intellectually disabled children at Gems Cambridge International School in Hoshiarpur. Children of Prabh Aasra,” Vishnu” (solo dance), and  Gidha Team secured 3rd place. All participants received certificates, emphasizing the event's significance in promoting inclusivity and support for individuals with disabilities.










    On April 27 to 28, 2024, Madam Rajinder Kaur, Co-Founder of Prabh Aasra Unified Family, orchestrated a memorable excursion for the children (inmates) to the historic city of Sri Anandpur Sahib. They immersed themselves in the rich history of the region, exploring landmarks like Dastane Khalsa (Ajooba), Gurdwara Sahib and the ancient forts that embody the essence of Sikh culture. This experience not only provided them with a glimpse into the past but also fostered a deeper appreciation for their cultural heritage. 



    Langar and Dining Hall :

    With the generous support of donors, our Langar hall operated smoothly. However, the power disconnection posed challenges for our automatic Chapati machine and cooking for 500 persons thrice daily. Despite installing a large tawa, struggles persisted for four months until power was restored. To ensure efficient staff operations and minimize smoke, a new chimney was installed.


    Yet, our Langar hall still lacks essential items for full functionality:

    2 Onion & Potato Trolleys,

    3 Deep Freezers, 3 Vegetable Racks,         

    1 Peeler & Washer Machine,

    3 Serving Trolleys (5 compartments each), and 1 Baine Marie. 


    Vocational  & Skill Development Courses :

     In a collaboration with Read India, Prabh Aasra launched skill development courses in June 2023, to empowering society residents for self-sufficiency and aiding underprivileged students who cannot afford expensive courses. Prabh Aasra successfully completed three batches of Computer, GDA, and Stitching and Sewing courses. On April 4, 2024, a grand Certificate Distribution ceremony was held, hosted by Prabh Aasra and Read India, where Mr. Akhilesh Ji and Mr. Faizan Ji distributed certificates to the children. Now, admissions are open for new batches, continuing our mission to uplift and empower our community.


    Construction of additional building Padiala & Jhanjeri shelter home:

    In Padiala, construction of the children's home building is nearing completion, with the interior work progressing steadily. Essential facilities such as electricity, washrooms, nursing stations, and the installation of a lift for disabled children have been completed. Although some pending tasks are still underway, the building is nearly ready for occupancy. With the number of children increasing daily, the move to this new facility is imminent and eagerly anticipated.  

    At the Jhanjeri branch Shelter home, construction is underway for the Genset panel area and Mortuary, while work on the Lift is also progressing. Additionally, the pathway leading to the Langar hall has been completed. These developments signify significant progress in enhancing the infrastructure of the facility, ensuring better functionality and accessibility for all.



    Admission of Inhabitants :

    During the last three months, the society has been grappling with electricity issues. Despite this challenge, we have continued to provide care and support to 25  individuals admitted from various government departments. Among them, some cases were particularly critical. Here are the stories of few destitute.

                         An abandoned girl was discovered lost on the Kharar, Kurali Road near Prabh Aasra and Gurdwara Kartarsar Sahib Padiala on the evening of January 10, 2024. She remained tight-lipped about her identity until a compassionate gentleman contacted 112, prompting the arrival of the police administration team. Upon being questioned by a female police officer, she reluctantly disclosed her name as Preet.

    The police and Prabh Aasra’s members, in an act of kindness, arranged for her temporary stay at the institution for the night. However, later that same night, at 11 o'clock, a family arrived at Prabh Aasra Sanstha in search of their missing daughter. Upon further investigation, it was confirmed that the girl in question belonged to this family. Her full name was revealed to be Jaspreet Kaur. Her father resides with the Nihang Singhs at Harian Vela, while her mother lives separately with her elder brother. Jaspreet had been staying with her grandfather and younger brother, but her grandfather had recently passed away, leaving her alone for most of the day as her brother worked.

    Due to the solitude and loss, she experienced, Jaspreet fell into a state of depression, which led her to resist returning home with her family. As a result, she is currently under the care of the institution, where she is receiving the necessary treatment and support to overcome her emotional challenges.

                Recently, the Police of Sri Fatehgarh Sahib encountered a situation where an unidentified woman was in dire need of care, treatment, and shelter. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, they swiftly brought her to the compassionate care of Prabh Aasra Unified Family, where she was received in a state of profound distress and critical condition.

    Upon assessment, it was observed that she exhibited hyperactive and aggressive behavior, warranting immediate attention. In light of this, S. Shamsher Singh, with a decisive stance, directed the medical team of Prabh Aasra to facilitate her transfer to Prabh Aasra Hospital Kurali. Here, the proficient medical staff promptly administered initial medical interventions and expedited the necessary diagnostic tests, including X-rays, to ascertain her condition accurately.

    Following the meticulous medical protocol, she was subsequently admitted to Prabh Aasra Unified Family for comprehensive treatment and holistic support. With dedicated medical care and unwavering commitment, her remarkable journey to recovery unfolded swiftly, restoring her health and vitality.

    As her physical health improved, she gradually regained the ability to communicate and provide crucial information about her family. This pivotal revelation enabled our diligent team to initiate the process of tracing and contacting her family members, who were promptly notified and extended a heartfelt invitation to reunite with their loved one at Prabh Aasra.

    In a heartwarming culmination, her family, filled with gratitude and relief, arrived at Prabh Aasra, embracing her with open arms as they prepared to embark on the journey back home, where she would continue her recovery surrounded by the love and support of her cherished family.


  • 02/05/2024

    Shelter Home Updates

    Children Sports Activity :

     On December 7, 2023, 18 special children from Prabh Aasra Unified Family excelled at the “24th Punjab State Special Olympics” in Ludhiana. They participated in various events, securing 7 Gold, 6 Silver, and 11 Bronze medals, showcasing their remarkable achievements.


    On December 2, 2023, 20 special and Normal Children from Prabh Aasra Unified Family participated in the DSM Sports Festival at Sports Complex SEC 46, Chandigarh. They engaged in various games including face painting, long jump, shot put, 100m race, and softball throw.Among them, 8 children secured 1st position, 6 achieved 2nd position, and 5 attained 3rd position.


    From January 27th to 31st, 2023, our special children, Vishnu and Parveena, participated in the Special Olympics Bharat National Championship Floorball for females in Sector 3, Rohini, Delhi. They competed against 14 teams, they showcased outstanding performance, earning a well-deserved “Bronze medal”.

    Celebration With Inhabitants:

    Diwali Celebration :

    Under the guidance of Founder Rajinder Kaur Ji, Prabh Aasra Unified Family celebrated a Green Diwali with inhabitants as usual , featuring games like Rangoli making , Wheelchair race , Musical Chairs games  for children, Special inhabitants  and adults. Volunteers, staff, and guests, including S. Mohan Singh, Principal Sapinder Singh, Mr. Chand Rana Ji, S. Jasbir Singh Kadimajra, and donors, participated. Winners received prizes, and special dishes were prepared for inhabitants.




    Lohri Celebration :

    On January 13, 2024, Prabh Aasra Society, in collaboration with “Baba Gaji Das Ji Club”, celebrated “Lohri” to bring joy to the destitute. Led by S. Shamsher Singh and S. Davinder Singh Bajwa, the event featured guests like S. Mohan Singh, Principal Sapinder Singh, Sri Chand Rana Ji, S. Balbir Singh Khalsa, and other Prabh Aasra members. Renowned artists, including Punjabi Sufi singer Kanwar Grewal, Malkit Singh Rouni, S. Ravinder Singh Mand, Gurpreet Singh Santa, and Prabhpreet Singh Banta, Mrs.Gurpreet Ghuggi, Mrs. Sukhi Brar and child artist Nimrat Pratap Singhadded to the festivities with soulful and expressive performances.Top of Form



    Vocational  :

    Our society provides opportunities to elevate the skills of our residents, fostering creativity in crafting candles, diyas, and an array of handcrafted items, including purses, bags, and woolen goods. Furthermore, our community extends a platform for skill rejuvenation across diverse areas.


     Prabh Aasra Unified Family proudly displayed these meticulously crafted items at prestigious exhibitions held at Phase 7 Community Centre Mohali, Chitkara University Baddi, and Aerial Telecom Solutions Pvt. Ltd. HQ. The exhibits garnered acclaim from esteemed members of the Senior Citizen Association and other attendees, reflecting our commitment to excellence in craftsmanship and community engagement.



    Skilled development : On October 31, 2023, Prabh Aasra and Read India hosted a Certificate Distribution Ceremony for students completing Computer, General Duties Assistant, and Vocational Training courses. Guests, including Mr. Akhilesh Ji and Mr. Faizan Ji from Read India, and members like Principal Sapinder Singh, Sh. Chand Rana Ji, S. Sukhdev Singh Ji, were welcomed by Madam Rajinder Kaur.


    The event also introduced new 15-day courses in Food Processing.


    Dinning & Langar Hall :

    Our dining hall has been transformed with the addition of 120 chairs and 25 exquisite marble tables. Stay tuned for further enhancements, as we continue to elevate the dining experience with community support and resourceful planning.


    Additional Construction of New buildings :

    We extend our heartfelt gratitude for your generous support, which has been instrumental in the expansion of crucial facilities, such as the children's home for destitute children. As their numbers increase daily, your support has allowed us to progress in the construction phase. While we celebrate this milestone, there are critical tasks yet to be accomplished, including furnishing, lift installation, and the remaining electrical and plumbing work. With continued support, we aim to bring this project to completion and enhance the lives of those in need.


    Furthermore, With divine grace and the support of generous individuals, the 90% of construction completion at our Jhanjeri branch building. Prabh Aasra Society , organized a Gurmat event at the Jhanjeri branch for Inauguration ceremony. The event of included recitations of Sri Sukhmani Sahib and Gurbani Kirtan by children, including Bhai Manjinder Singh from Harmandir Sahib. Bhai Kuldeep Singh Badanpur also recited Gurbani. Bhai Samsher Singh, the chief administrator, emphasized fulfilling one's duty towards humanity with compassion, as guided by Guru Sahib's teachings.


  • 11/01/2023

    Shelter Home Updates of Padiala & Jhanjeri branch

    In August 2023, children from Prabh Aasra Unified Family participated in “State Special Olympics Bharat” at Ludhiana. Eleven inhabitants took part in floor games, while one joined the football game. In these trials , four  candidates namely Vishu, Parveen, Balvir, and Harmanpreet Singh, were selected for national trials of floorball, and Bakhshish Singh was chosen for football.

    On 2nd of July 2023 , Madam Rajinder Kaur invited by the Government of India and  attended the recently organized a one-day Regional Symposium on Child Protection, Safety, and Child Welfare by The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD), Government of India.The symposium aimed to raise awareness and outreach about child protection, safety, and welfare issues.The symposium witnessed the participation of nine states and union territories (UTs). Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Chandigarh, Jammu & Kashmir, and Ladakh were among the states and UTs that actively took part in the event.

    On July 21, 2023, Mr. Kulwant Singh, the Chairman of the Child Welfare Society (CWC) in Mohali, conducted an official visit to the Prabh Aasra Unified Family. Accompanied by fellow CWC members, S. Surjeet Singh, S. Sukhjinder Singh, and Mrs. Kulwinder Kaur, they meticulously inspected all the facilities dedicated to children. Furthermore, they thoroughly examined the Prabh Aasra’s all wards and Read India Skilled Programme Department, with the guidance of Madam Rajinder Kaur, the Co-Founder of Prabh Aasra Unified Family.Their visit culminated in a highly favorable assessment of the services provided by the dedicated Prabh Aasra Team, reflecting their satisfaction with the care and support offered to the inhabitants.

    On 1st August 2023,Sardar Shamsher Singh and Punjab Legal Security Judge Maninder Singh reached Baran Mandir Colony Kurali and heard the problems of the people and on the spot their legal forms were filled by Sardar Shamsher Singh and Judge Maninder Singh. With which their problems can be solved.

    On month of September,Under the leadership of  Shamsher Singh together with the Prabh Asara’s team and other social workers, cleaned the river made a dyke with their own expenses at “12 Model Town Shiv Mandir Colony Ward No. 6 Kurali SAS Nagar Mohali, which was broken due to heavy rain. For this, Prabh Asara ordered JCB, FORK CRANE, BREAKER JCB on rent and prepared the dyke.The Shiv Shakti Colony  citizens and Prabh Aasra also informed about the whole situation to the DEPUTY COMMISSIONER Of Mohali,But due to lack of action,Prabh Asara had to do this work himself. 

    On 4th September 2023 , A Magic show organized for the Inhabitants 

    On 4th August 2023 , S.P Harsimran Singh Bal ,Mohali celebrated Birthday with the Children and Inhabitants.

    On August 15, 2023, Municipal Corporation recognized Bhai Shamsher Singh for dedicated social service, aiding helpless citizens.

    On August 17, 2023, Prabh Aasra Padiala aided Punjab's flood-affected areas with medicine, boats, diesel , essentials and also rescued the locals.

    On September 29, 2023, a massive fire at a Kurali chemical factory prompted Prabh Aasra's Founder S. Shamsher Singh to lead their medical team and ambulances to rescue and treat injured workers.

    On September 29, 2023, Singer/Writer Kanwar Grewal and Harsh Benipal graced Prabh Aasra while spending their quality time with the inhabitants in all wings.


    On October 17, 2023, Aam Aadmi Party Leader Narinder Singh Shergill, Ms. Rubie Shergill, Mr. Pardeep Malhotra, and Ms. Raj Gill visited Prabh Aasra Unified Family to celebrate Mr. Bhagwant Mann's birthday. They toured all wings, commended the dedicated Prabh Aasra team for assisting helpless citizens, and assured Madam Rajinder Kaur and other members of addressing Prabh Aasra's issues, particularly the electricity which was terminated by PSPCL.


    Vocational training : 

    Our society also offers opportunities to enhance the Inhabitants in crafting skills. Currently, they are crafting candles, diyas, and various handcrafted materials like Purses, bags , woolen goods and more  for Diwali celebrations and also society providing a chance to rebuild their skills in different areas.

    Dining Hall: 

    The construction of the Dining Hall is nearly complete, but it still lacks crucial catering, dishwashing, and dining equipment. We required seating for at least 450 inhabitants, many of whom have age and disability-related issues. Currently, our limited dining tables and chairs force some residents to sit on the floor or eat in shifts, leading to disruptions and conflicts. These requirements have remained unmet for several months, besides your esteemed donation which were diverted to support flood victims in various areas of  Punjab.


    As seen in this snap, still these inhabitants have to sit on the ground to have their meals, beside their age and other issues  

    As seen in this snap, still these inhabitants have to sit on the ground to have their meals, beside their age and other issues

    Langar Hall

    With divine blessings and the generosity of philanthropic individuals like you, Prabh Aasra's Community Kitchen has been diligently providing essential and nutritious meals for our residents, safeguarding their health and well-being. To further professionalize and optimize our kitchen operations, while establishing an emergency backup system, we require additional items. These crucial additions will enhance our kitchen's efficiency and enable us to consistently serve our residents timely and effectively, especially during trying circumstances. Your generous contribution in this Langar Hall enabled us to provide essential cooked meals during floods, extending support to communities across Punjab.

    Your support in fulfilling these needs will significantly elevate our operations, allowing us to better cater to those in need. The List provided in the last update is the same for the requirement.


    Total of Rs. 18,65,982 are currently in need for making Langar hall fully functional.


    Jhanjeri and Padiala Shelter Home: 

    As currently the numbers are increasing day by day, so following are the things required in this JHANJERI SHELTER HOME.

    Currently “Children Home expansion” has been started at Padiala Shelter home inorder to accommodate the increasing number of children’s capacity. 

    Current Requirements required in Padiala and Jhanjeri branch for the betterment of inhabitant. 

    Total of Rs1,32,01,100 are currently in need for making Shelter Home  meet its routine functions.


  • 07/17/2023

    Shelter Home update: Padiala & Jhanjeri Branch


    One of Prabh Aasra Unified Family Children named Mr. Kamalpreet Singh (Deaf and Dumb) participated in “THIRD PUNJAB DEAF TENNIS T-10 CRICKET CHAMPIONSHIP (MEN)” organized by the “Punjab Deaf & Dumb” Association at Thapar University Patiala held on 22-23/04/2023. 

    Kamalpreet Singh received “MAN OF THE MATCH" twice  and Certificate for best performance in the tournament.

    On 24-06-2023 Prabh Aasra organized the competitions of unified partners with special athletes in its own campus with the support of special Olympics ”Bharat Chapter Punjab


    On 23rd of June, 2023 “The World Yoga Day” was celebrated with our Inhabitants at Prabh Aasra Campus ,Padiala  and it was Organized by the “SAGA Volunteers”.  They perform many Yoga asanas like Sukhasana (Happy Pose), Bakasana (Crane Pose), Paschimottanasana etc for improving the  mental health and decrease the level of stress, anger issues.

    On the 27th of May, 2023, a “Mental Health Awareness Camp” was organized at Prabh Aasra Main Branch (Padiala). The purpose of this camp is to raise awareness and promote the implementation of the Mental Health Care Act, 2017 and breaking the stigma associated with mental health illnesses.

    On 14/06/2023: S.Harpal Singh Ji Honorable “District Session Judge-CUM- Member Secretary PSLSA (Punjab State Legal Services Authority)” SAS Nagar Mohali ,Punjab and S.Balwinder singh Honorable “District Session Judge-CUM- Member Secretary (DLSA) SAS Nagar Mohali ,Punjab visited Prabh Aasra Unified Family . The purpose of this visit was to assess the quality of services provided to the inhabitants of all wards. The judges reviewed the facilities, the living conditions, and the overall care and support provided to the residents.


    Till now, total 2068 admissions were made out of which more than 1346 have been reunited after care and treatment with their respective families after a long time and total present inhabitants are about 425.

    Few newly admitted “inhabitant” in our Society


    To handle the increasing number of children, the expansion of children home has started and is under process  now.

    Skill Development Courses

    Prabh Aasra has started a skill development institute for inhabitants and those who are  underprivileged and those who could not afford the high costs of skill development courses.

     There are three month courses:  G.D.A. / Caretaker, Basic computer course and Stitching course started at just Rs. 250 per month. 

    Langar Hall:

    With the grace of GOD and Philanthropic persons/donors like you Prabh Aasra Commercial Kitchen has been working by providing nutritional meals that are essential for the health and well being of our residents.  

    Here are the glimpses of Kitchen:

    Utensil Cleaning Area and Air purifier for the exhausts of Langar hall. 

    In order to increase the efficiency and streamline the operations of Prabh Aasra Kitchen at a professional and commercial level, as well as establish a backup system for emergencies, there are several additional items that are still needed. These items will contribute to the smooth functioning of the kitchen, ensuring that we can continue to provide meals to our residents in a timely and efficient manner, even during challenging circumstances. Your support in fulfilling these requirements would greatly benefit our operations and enable us to better serve those who have the necessity.

    Total of Rs. 18,65,982 are still in need for making Langar hall fully functional.


    New installed items in Dining Hall are  two Fans & three utensil washing sinks along with two dustbins. To avoid the flying pests, dust, debris, and wind from entering in Dining hall New “ Air Curtain “ machine was installed.

    The Dining Hall at Prabh Aasra shelter home is still lacking in essential equipment for catering and dining.

    As our current dining room has low capacity, forcing some residents to sit on the floor or have meals in shifts, the arrangement made in shifts sometimes leads to fights due to the hyper behavior of inhabitants with mental illnesses, resulting in a messy and challenging dining experience. So to meet the needs of a sitting arrangement for at least 400 inhabitants at a time the Dining Hall will play a crucial role in promoting community and belonging among residents, providing a shared dining experience for social interaction, special occasions, and celebrations.We were able to fulfill 10% of the table and chairs required in the dining hall.

    Total of Rs. 14,86,720/-  are currently in need for making the Dining hall fully functional.

    Jhanjeri and Padiala Shelter Home: 

    As currently the numbers are increasing day by day, so following are the things required in this JHANJERI SHELTER HOME.

    Currently Children Home expansion has been started at Padiala Shelter home inorder to accommodate the increasing number of children capacity. 

    Total of Rs1,53,26,500 are currently in need for making Shelter Home fully functional.   


    Recently Prabh Aasra Team has also arranged boats with a first aid medical facility to manage the flood-like situations which have recently occurred on Punjab side.

    You can further see the video @

    Also distributed and organized langar & blankets to the needy people which are victims during the floods.


  • 04/15/2023

    Shelter Home Expansion & Langar Hall Update

    BAISAKHI was celebrated in our Gurdwara Sahib by the Prabh Aasra children with the following Nitnem, Sukhmani Sahib Path and Gurbani kirtan of  amrit bani.

    Even Interns of Chitkara University Students along with Prabh Aasra Inhabitants celebrated motivational cultural programs with skits, singing and dance. 


    Dr. Balbir Singh, Honourable Health Minister of Punjab visited Prabh Aasra shelter home and discussed various issues following the problem faced by our organization or due to lack of structured body in Mental Healthcare Act. During the visit Ms. Akshita Jain, D.C. Mohali, Ms. Avneet kaur , A.D.C Mohali, Ms. Meenakshi Goel, Director of _ , Mr. Ravinder Singh, S.D.M Kharar, Dr. Renu, Civil Surgeon Mohali, Dr. Rajender Bhushan, S.M.O CH Kurali.


    12 Prabh Aasra Specially abled Children participated in 5th UMANG 2023 State Level Dance and Singing Competition and won TWO GOLD medals in the events of Solo Dance performances (one in junior boys and one in senior girls).

    Vishnu (Specially abled child) watch @35:11 and Ishmeet Singh (Specially abled child) watch @4:13:53 on Link:

    For the outing and motivation towards games, Prabh Aasra children went to watch an IPL match at Mohali Stadium. 

    After the selection of one of Prabh Aasra Children for International Volleyball Bharat Special Olympic matches, a new coach of Volleyball is hired to showcase their talent and give their best performance in the main matches.

    In the annual exams of school, all the Prabh Aasra school going children passed with good grades with the remarkable achievement of scoring more than 70 - 90 % in their subjects.

    The children of Prabh Aasra embarked on educational outings to Guru Ghar Chamkaur Sahib and Virasat-e-Khalsa, a museum dedicated to preserving the rich heritage of the Khalsa. The museum provides a captivating insight into the historical events that unfolded in Punjab five centuries ago, leading to the birth of Sikhism and the establishment of the Khalsa Panth. Through its exhibits, the museum showcases the visionary teachings of the revered Gurus, emphasizing the eternal message of peace and brotherhood that they imparted to humanity. Additionally, the museum highlights the vibrant culture and heritage of Punjab, shedding light on the profound significance of the region. 

    Langar hall Update: 

    With the grace of GOD and Philanthropic persons/donors like you Prabh Aasra Commercial Kitchen has been working by providing nutritional meals that are essential for the health and well being of our residents. The newly Installed things are: Fryer, Single Burner Bhatti, Chopper Machine (Commercial), Wall Mounted Steel Cabinets, Washing Machines, Exhaust fans, Commercial Water Cooler, Utensil Trolleys, Door Shelves, Crockery etc.  Here are the glimpses of Kitchen:

    In order to increase the efficiency and streamline the operations of Prabh Aasra kitchen at a professional and commercial level, as well as establish a backup system for emergencies, there are several additional items that are still needed. These items will contribute to the smooth functioning of the kitchen, ensuring that we can continue to provide meals to our residents in a timely and efficient manner, even during challenging circumstances. Your support in fulfilling these requirements would greatly benefit our operations and enable us to better serve those in need.

    Total of Rs. 18,65,982 are currently in need for making Langar hall fully functional.

    Dining hall Update: 

    The Dining Hall at Prabh Aasra shelter home is still lacking in essential equipment for catering, dishwashing, and dining.

    As our current dining room has low capacity, forcing some residents to sit on the floor or have meals in shifts, the arrangement made in shifts sometimes leads to fights due to the hyper behavior of inhabitants with mental illnesses, resulting in a messy and challenging dining experience. So to meet the needs of a sitting arrangement for at least 400 inhabitants at a time the Dining Hall will play a crucial role in promoting community and belonging among residents, providing a shared dining experience for social interaction, special occasions, and celebrations.

    Total of Rs. 14,86,720 are currently in need for making Dining hall fully functional.

    Jhanjeri and Padiala Shelter Home: 

    Male Inhabitants are shifted to Jhanjeri Shelter Home. As currently the numbers are increasing day by day, so following are the things required in this JHANJERI SHELTER HOME.

    Currently Children Home expansion has been started at PADIALA SHELTER HOME inorder to accommodate the increasing number of children capacity. 

    Total of Rs. 1,68,55,000 are currently in need for making Shelter Home fully functional. 

    Any help you offer always goes a long way to support those who are often the most overlooked in our communities. Prabh Aasra is totally dependent on philanthropists  and kind hearted people like you to meet its budgetary requirements. We’re grateful to have your regular support over the years. 

  • 10/16/2022

    Prabh Aasra Langar hall

    With the grace of GOD and Philanthropic persons/donors like you Prabh Aasra Commercial Kitchen has started working on its first phase. Prabh Aasra’s commercial Kitchen can cater more than 1000 people, we had already installed a big steam boiler with seven Kettles & a chapati machine which can cook 1000 chapatis per hour.  The hoods have been installed for a healthy cooking environment and proper ventilation.  

    Beside these all to increase the efficiency, ease the work of operation at professional/commercial level and  set up a parallel system in time of emergency Prabh Aasra kitchen still requires the following items:


    Dining Hall:  
    Dining Hall Construction is almost complete. But the Dining hall is still lacking in few required equipment including for catering, dishwashing, and dinning. We needed a sitting arrangement for at least 400 inhabitants at a time. Currently, we have a very small dining room with a low capacity of sitting arrangements which forces us to make most of them sit on the floor or have meals in shifts. The arrangement made in shifts sometimes makes a mess as most of the time leads to fights due to the hyper (mental illness) behavior of the inhabitants.  

    We are finding sponsors for that or you can donate on the DVN network.  
    Any help you can offer will go a long way to support those who are often the most overlooked in our communities. Prabh Aasra is totally dependent on philanthropists to meet its budgetary requirements. We’re grateful to have your support over the years. 


  • 07/20/2022

    Langar Hall & Dinning Hall Project

    Prabh Aasra Commercial Kitchen and Langar Hall’s construction have been completed upto 80%. To start a commercial Kitchen which can cater more than 1000 people, we had already installed a big steam boiler with seven Kettles & a chapati machine which can cook 1000 chapatti’s per hour.

    Dining Hall:

    Dining Hall Construction is almost complete and ready to use just needed the sitting arrangements with Table and Chairs. We needed a sitting arrangement for at least 400 inhabitants at a time. Currently, we have a very small dining room with a low capacity of sitting arrangements which forces us to make most of them sit on the floor or have meals in shifts. The arrangement made in shifts sometimes makes a mess as most of the time leads to fights due to the hyper (mental illness ) behavior of the inhabitants.

    1. CHAIRS (Qyt-400)
    2. TABLES (Qty-100)

    Langar Hall:

    To well manage Kitchen more bhatties & S.S. Sink, working stations, Deep Fridges etc as listed below are in need. 

    Total:-  37,72,104     

    We are finding sponsors for that or you can donate on the DVN network.

     Any help you can offer will go a long way to support those who are often the most overlooked in our communities. Prabh Aasra is totally dependent on philanthropists to meet its budgetary requirements. We’re grateful to have your support over the years.

  • 04/16/2022

    Impact over the years would be:

    The government has enacted a Mental Health Act, beside that lack of infrastructure and understanding of the issues leave many mentally disadvantaged citizens devoid of shelter, care and treatment. This project would serve as a long standing way to address that gap. 

    We are  expanding our 24/7 mental health services and shelter for the disenfranchised destitute. You can find further information regarding the project @ 

    All homes also include:

    • Mentally disadvantaged
    • Physically handicapped
    • Persons with multiple disabilities and disorders
    • Cerebral Palsy
    • Rape victims (ladies)
    • Pregnant ladies
    • Abandoned old age persons
    • Abandoned children even through cradle
    • Underprivileged
    • Single parents children
    • Unmarried elders
    • Paralysed elders

    It is important to note that all services are provided to the citizens in need, free of cost, without any discrimination in any manner such as race, religion, caste, color, creed, and gender. 

  • 04/13/2022

    New Project - New Facility to Support the Elderly

    Since 2003, Prabh Aasra has been a home for those who are suffering from mental illness, intellectual disability or are  devoid of the opportunity of care, treatment and rehabilitation. Over the years, we at Prabh Aasra have come to the conclusion that both groups, the elderly and the young, should be housed in separate, independent wards in order to meet the varying needs of both groups.

    We’re excited to announce that Prabh Aasra has planned to create a new facility that can provide shelter, care, food and treatment for 250 elderly members at a time. In doing so, we would resolve any conflicts at the facility AND open more capacity to support the growing need that our elders face. 

    You can find additional details about our latest project and back our mission again here: The project is being planned and executed in Padiala, Kurali, India. We have planned to accommodate following elders in the new premises:

    • Male: 100 members
    • Female: 100 members
    • Couples 50 members

    To accommodate the people in need, we have asked architect to design the below building plan that would meet the needs of inhabitants within an existing plot of land:

    Donations on this platform to Prabh Aasra's project will help us make this plan a reality. Any help you can offer will go a long way to support those who are often the most overlooked in our communities. Prabh Aasra is totally dependent on philanthropists to meet its budgetary requirements. We’re grateful to have your support over the years.

  • 04/11/2022

    Status of New Construction

    There is a regular inflow of inhabitants to the Society who are sent for admission by various senior Government/Non Governmental Authorities, Courts, Hospital Authorities and Police. With an increasing number of residents, the paucity of space is happening since commencement. As against more than 400 residents, we have a readly capacity for 300 but others have been accommodated in Sheds. The construction work is under progress in all of our three localities. 60% of work has already been finished and we are trying to find more sponsors for the pending work of construction. Interior, exterior work including availability for fixtures are pending. It is our earnest desire to fulfill all the necessities of the residents as per their health issues.

    Status of Langar hall Building 

    To overcome the difficulty of shortage of kitchen & dining space, the Society’s proposal of constructing a new spacious kitchen and dining hall is almost done except its fixtures.It will provide food cooking facilities for more than 1000 persons at a time. Dining hall was to serve the meals to at least 300 residents at a time, on dining tables in a very hygienic manner. Prabh Aasra is totally dependent on philanthropists to meet its budgetary requirements.


  • 04/11/2022

    New Project - New Facility to Support the Elderly

    Since 2003, Prabh Aasra has been a home for those who are suffering from mental illness, intellectual disability or are  devoid of the opportunity of care, treatment and rehabilitation. Over the years, we at Prabh Aasra have come to the conclusion that both groups, the elderly and the young, should be housed in separate, independent wards in order to meet the varying needs of both groups.

    We’re excited to announce that Prabh Aasra has planned to create a new facility that can provide shelter, care, food and treatment for 250 elderly members at a time. In doing so, we would resolve any conflicts at the facility AND open more capacity to support the growing need that our elders face. 

    You can find additional details about our latest project and back our mission again here: The project is being planned and executed in Padiala, Kurali, India. We have planned to accommodate following elders in the new premises:

    • Male: 100 members
    • Female: 100 members
    • Couples 50 members

    To accommodate the people in need, we have asked architect to design the below building plan that would meet the needs of inhabitants within an existing plot of land:

    Donations on this platform to Prabh Aasra's project will help us make this plan a reality. Any help you can offer will go a long way to support those who are often the most overlooked in our communities. Prabh Aasra is totally dependent on philanthropists to meet its budgetary requirements. We’re grateful to have your support over the years.

  • 08/07/2021

    Project update

    Here are the list of projects that presently Prabh Aasra is working on:
    IPD Services: To provide medical emergency service in night hours also, Prabh Aasra has started the emergency services to treat the helpless and premises needy citizens.
    Pharmaceutical Shop: The pharmaceutical chemist shop is also started within hospitals to serve unconditionally to destitute and accidental victims in case of emergency services. The medicines are being served at charitable rates to the needy citizens.
    Supplying Oxygen Concentrators: Coronavirus second wave has pushed many people in facing life threatening situations due to COVID-19 symptoms along with a lack of oxygen Concentrators and cylinders supplies. During this hard time, Prabh Aasra is providing  Oxygen Concentrators from time to time to the needy citizens of different areas free of cost.
    Shelter Homes: Prabh Aasra is working to provide shelter, care and treatment to the helpless people as well as the children who lost either one or both parental support due to Covid-19 or any other reason where they can live with dignity. Currently running 3 shelter homes (24 X 7) have  inhabitants for more than 393 helpless people staying.
    Vaccination Camps: Prabh Aasra has been working in collaboration with the local Government to organize vaccination Camps of Covid-19 for the Inhabitants of Prabh Aasra as well as the general public.


  • 04/11/2021

    2021 Update

    With the help of Dasvandh network and donors we were able to start a healthcare facility on 22nd Feb. 2021 which is a part of our hospital project. Daily average of outdoor patients at our current hospital is 125. Right now we have few specialists like gynecologist,  psychiatrist, eye specialist, dentist and physiotherapist who are providing their services to needy citizens. We have set up a diagnostic centre and emergency minor OT. Unconditional 24/7 ambulance services are available on site. We have also opened a pharmacy on the premises which is providing a great relief to the people in need. 

    With the blessings of almighty and valuable contributions from sangat we are constantly working on the expansion of the hospital, as it is very important for everyone to have a proper access to affordable health care. Click here to watch short video on our current facility. 

    We salute the Dasvandh Network team for your constant support and contributions towards the welfare missions all over the world. 

  • 10/28/2020

    Project Update

    Prabh Aasra provides the opportunity for treatment, rehabilitation, and shelter to the deprived and ignored helpless who are mentally/physically ill, orphaned, handicapped destitute. The Prabh Aasra team is currently supporting more than 400 inmates in 3 different campuses in Punjab, India.

    All people are priceless gifts of God. Some are so unfortunate to be separated from their families. They remain stranded on the roadsides in extreme weather conditions without food, shelter, or care. These helpless citizens spend their days and nights in very inhuman conditions, even worse than stray animals.

    The Society, Prabh Aasra, makes efforts to rehabilitate these neglected and underprivileged citizens. As it has been said, there is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.

    Prabh Aasra is making efforts to bring hope of rehabilitation to a hurting world where no one should cry for treatment, care, food, clothes, shelter, justice, and fresh water/air etc. 

    Since the establishment of Prabh Aasra in 2004, 1900 inhabitants were admitted, out of whom 1249 have been reunited with their families after rehabilitation and reviewing their mental health. As of October 2020, 402 residents are currently living in the Prabh Aasra. Out of the current 402 residents, 75 are children, 139 are male, and 188 are female.

    Objective of the organization:

    • To provide care, treatment and run rehabilitation and entertainment for inhabitants.
    • To spread awareness about social evils and health hazards.
    • To assist the nation during natural disasters and national crisis.
    • To cooperate and assist other Charitable Trusts/ Societies/Institutes that have similar objectives.
    • To hold free medical camps in rural areas.
  • 09/02/2018

    Project Update

    Prabh Aasra, aims help individuals with persistent and serious mental illness to develop the emotional, social and intellectual skills needed to live, learn and work in the community with least amount of professional support. Our goal would not be possible without moral and financial support of our revered donors. Through the philanthropic support of our community of donors we can reach to higher levels of excellence in rehabilitation, medical care, education of the residents living in our Society.

    Since the inception in the year 2004, 1618 inhabitants were admitted to Society, out of which 1059 have been reunited with their families. As on date 370 residents including 9 infants are living in Prabh Aasra. Their daily needs, food, medicine, clothes, hygiene is taken care of because they are not able to take care of themselves being either mentally/physically challenged or lost their mental balance due to stress, depression, extreme cruelty, social injustice or torture.
    In 2017, 170 new admissions were made to the Society. They have been brought for admission by various Government Agencies such as District Child Protection Officer, District Social Security Officer, SDM, Panchayats, Municipal Committees, Police Personnel's, Hospital Authorities and Volunteers of Society. The new entrants are comprised of 58 males, 70 females, 21 male children and 21 female children.


    Mission Milaap

    To make the missing or abandoned resident of Society to rejoin his family, every effort is made to trace the families of the inhabitants and send them to their homes. During the period under report 111 inmates, comprising of 37 males, 43 females, 15 male children and 17 female children, were reunited to their families.

    Education and Vocational Training

    Twenty-four children have been admitted to various schools of the town for education. Teachers have been engaged to take the tuition of these children after their school hours in the Padiala Ashram. Apart from them, special children are studying in Special Schools at Ludhiana, Faridkot, Patiala and Chandigarh. Vocational Teachers have been employed by the Society. They teach vocational crafts to the inmates who have improved their health and are able to learn crafts. The inhabitants prepare candles, toys, tapestry items and painting, wall hangings etc.

    For regular updates, please follow Prabh Aasra @

Name Donate Amount Date
A. K. $100.00 July 2024
J. S. $100.00 July 2024
M. K. $15.00 July 2024
P. K. $25.00 July 2024
R. S. $250.00 July 2024
Rayman Preet $101.00 July 2024
S. K. $10.00 July 2024
H. H. $35.00 July 2024
H. K. $100.00 July 2024
J. K. $100.00 July 2024
J. S. $50.00 July 2024
Mohinder Kang $500.00 July 2024
Mohinder Kang $10.00 July 2024
J. M. $50.00 July 2024
K. S. $400.00 July 2024
S. K. $11.30 July 2024
N. G. $25.00 July 2024
R. S. $50.00 June 2024
A. S. $30.00 June 2024
V. S. $24.00 June 2024
A. K. $100.00 June 2024
J. S. $100.00 June 2024
M. K. $15.00 June 2024
P. K. $25.00 June 2024
R. S. $250.00 June 2024
S. K. $10.00 June 2024
H. H. $35.00 June 2024
H. K. $100.00 June 2024
J. K. $100.00 June 2024
Rayman Preet $101.00 June 2024
J. S. $50.00 June 2024
J. M. $50.00 June 2024
K. S. $400.00 June 2024
N. G. $25.00 June 2024
R. S. $50.00 May 2024
A. S. $30.00 May 2024
V. S. $24.00 May 2024
A. K. $100.00 May 2024
J. S. $100.00 May 2024
Gurpreet Singh $350.00 May 2024
M. K. $15.00 May 2024
P. K. $25.00 May 2024
R. S. $250.00 May 2024
Anonymous $1,000.00 May 2024
S. K. $10.00 May 2024
H. H. $35.00 May 2024
H. K. $100.00 May 2024
J. K. $100.00 May 2024
J. S. $50.00 May 2024
J. M. $50.00 May 2024
K. S. $400.00 May 2024
Inderpreet Singh $51.00 May 2024
Rayman Preet $101.00 May 2024
N. G. $25.00 May 2024
R. S. $50.00 April 2024
A. S. $30.00 April 2024
Jaspreet Kaur $100.00 April 2024
V. S. $24.00 April 2024
A. K. $100.00 April 2024
J. S. $100.00 April 2024
M. K. $15.00 April 2024
P. K. $25.00 April 2024
R. S. $250.00 April 2024
S. K. $10.00 April 2024
H. H. $35.00 April 2024
H. K. $100.00 April 2024
Gurpreet Singh $300.00 April 2024
Kulvinder Singh $900.00 April 2024
Anonymous $500.00 April 2024
J. K. $100.00 April 2024
J. S. $50.00 April 2024
J. M. $50.00 April 2024
K. S. $400.00 April 2024
N. G. $25.00 April 2024
R. S. $50.00 March 2024
A. S. $30.00 March 2024
Jaspreet Kaur $100.00 March 2024
V. S. $24.00 March 2024
A. K. $100.00 March 2024
J. S. $100.00 March 2024
M. K. $15.00 March 2024
P. K. $25.00 March 2024
R. S. $250.00 March 2024
H. H. $35.00 March 2024
H. K. $100.00 March 2024
S. K. $10.00 March 2024
J. M. $50.00 March 2024
J. K. $100.00 March 2024
J. S. $50.00 March 2024
K. S. $400.00 March 2024
N. G. $25.00 March 2024
R. S. $50.00 February 2024
A. S. $30.00 February 2024
V. S. $24.00 February 2024
A. K. $100.00 February 2024
J. S. $100.00 February 2024
M. K. $15.00 February 2024
P. K. $25.00 February 2024
R. S. $250.00 February 2024
S. K. $10.00 February 2024
H. H. $35.00 February 2024
H. K. $100.00 February 2024
J. K. $100.00 February 2024
Gurpreet Singh $200.00 February 2024
J. S. $50.00 February 2024
J. M. $50.00 February 2024
K. S. $400.00 February 2024
H. K. $15.05 February 2024
N. G. $25.00 February 2024
R. S. $50.00 January 2024
A. S. $30.00 January 2024
Jaspreet Kaur $100.00 January 2024
A. S. $20.00 January 2024
V. S. $24.00 January 2024
A. K. $100.00 January 2024
J. S. $100.00 January 2024
M. K. $15.00 January 2024
P. K. $25.00 January 2024
R. S. $250.00 January 2024
H. H. $35.00 January 2024
S. K. $10.00 January 2024
H. K. $100.00 January 2024
B. G. $1,000.00 January 2024
J. K. $100.00 January 2024
J. S. $50.00 January 2024
J. M. $50.00 January 2024
K. S. $400.00 January 2024
R. S. $50.00 January 2024
A. S. $20.00 January 2024
N. G. $25.00 January 2024
Anonymous $500.00 December 2023
Anonymous $500.00 December 2023
Jasjeet Thind $201.00 December 2023
Avtar Dhaliwal $1,000.00 December 2023
A. S. $30.00 December 2023
Anonymous $200.00 December 2023
V. S. $24.00 December 2023
A. K. $100.00 December 2023
J. S. $100.00 December 2023
Kulvinder Singh $400.00 December 2023
Kanwar Harinder Singh $500.00 December 2023
Gagandeep Grewal $750.00 December 2023
Renu Dhatt $4,200.00 December 2023
M. K. $15.00 December 2023
P. K. $25.00 December 2023
Damanjeet Sahota $1,000.00 December 2023
R. S. $250.00 December 2023
S. K. $10.00 December 2023
H. H. $35.00 December 2023
H. K. $100.00 December 2023
Administrator Dasvandh Network $410.81 December 2023
J. K. $100.00 December 2023
J. S. $50.00 December 2023
J. M. $50.00 December 2023
K. S. $400.00 December 2023
SURJIT BISLA $10,000.00 December 2023
P. K. $25.00 December 2023
Administrator Dasvandh Network $2,475.00 December 2023
R. S. $50.00 December 2023
N. G. $25.00 December 2023
Jasmit Singh $3,000.00 November 2023
A. S. $30.00 November 2023
Jaspreet Kaur $100.00 November 2023
V. S. $24.00 November 2023
Anonymous $20.00 November 2023
Hira Singh Bhullar $101.00 November 2023
A. K. $100.00 November 2023
J. S. $100.00 November 2023
Anonymous $60.00 November 2023
M. K. $15.00 November 2023
R. S. $250.00 November 2023
S. K. $10.00 November 2023
H. H. $35.00 November 2023
H. K. $100.00 November 2023
Match Fund $150.00 November 2023
Harmeet Singh $10.00 November 2023
Anonymous $400.00 November 2023
Harshwinder Singh $400.00 November 2023
Tajinder Singh $400.00 November 2023
Tajinder Singh $400.00 November 2023
Anonymous $200.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Harjeet Kaur $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Jasbir Singh $600.00 November 2023
Mehar Kaur $701.00 November 2023
Match Fund $250.00 November 2023
Manpreet Singh $250.00 November 2023
Match Fund $100.00 November 2023
Anonymous $100.00 November 2023
Match Fund $60.00 November 2023
Preeti Kaur $60.00 November 2023
J. K. $100.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Sarabdayal Singh $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Harmeet Singh $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $400.00 November 2023
Sumitpal Singh $400.00 November 2023
Match Fund $100.00 November 2023
Anonymous $100.00 November 2023
J. S. $50.00 November 2023
Administrator Dasvandh Network $1,975.00 November 2023
K. S. $400.00 November 2023
Anonymous $50.00 November 2023
Anonymous $20.00 November 2023
Anonymous $87.00 November 2023
N. G. $25.00 November 2023
HARSIMRAN SINGH $121.00 October 2023
R. S. $50.00 October 2023
Jaspreet Kaur $100.00 October 2023
A. S. $30.00 October 2023
V. S. $24.00 October 2023
A. K. $100.00 October 2023
J. S. $100.00 October 2023
M. K. $15.00 October 2023
P. K. $25.00 October 2023
R. S. $250.00 October 2023
S. K. $10.00 October 2023
H. H. $35.00 October 2023
H. K. $100.00 October 2023
J. K. $100.00 October 2023
J. S. $50.00 October 2023
K. S. $400.00 October 2023
Anonymous $2,000.00 October 2023
N. G. $25.00 October 2023
R. S. $50.00 September 2023
A. S. $30.00 September 2023
V. S. $24.00 September 2023
A. K. $100.00 September 2023
J. S. $100.00 September 2023
M. K. $15.00 September 2023
P. K. $25.00 September 2023
R. S. $250.00 September 2023
S. K. $10.00 September 2023
Anonymous $100.00 September 2023
H. H. $35.00 September 2023
H. K. $100.00 September 2023
J. K. $100.00 September 2023
J. S. $50.00 September 2023
K. S. $400.00 September 2023
N. G. $25.00 September 2023
R. S. $50.00 August 2023
A. S. $30.00 August 2023
Jaspreet Kaur $100.00 August 2023
V. S. $24.00 August 2023
A. K. $100.00 August 2023
J. S. $100.00 August 2023
M. K. $15.00 August 2023
P. K. $25.00 August 2023
R. S. $250.00 August 2023
S. K. $10.00 August 2023
H. H. $35.00 August 2023
H. K. $100.00 August 2023
S. S. $14,000.00 August 2023
J. K. $100.00 August 2023
J. S. $50.00 August 2023
K. S. $400.00 August 2023
N. G. $25.00 August 2023
R. S. $50.00 July 2023
Anonymous $2,000.00 July 2023
A. S. $30.00 July 2023
V. S. $24.00 July 2023
A. K. $100.00 July 2023
J. S. $100.00 July 2023
M. K. $15.00 July 2023
P. K. $25.00 July 2023
R. S. $250.00 July 2023
S. K. $10.00 July 2023
H. H. $35.00 July 2023
H. K. $100.00 July 2023
J. K. $100.00 July 2023
J. S. $50.00 July 2023
K. S. $400.00 July 2023
Anonymous $2,000.00 July 2023
N. G. $25.00 July 2023
R. S. $50.00 June 2023
A. S. $30.00 June 2023
V. S. $24.00 June 2023
J. S. $100.00 June 2023
A. K. $100.00 June 2023
M. K. $15.00 June 2023
Rayman Preet $101.00 June 2023
R. S. $250.00 June 2023
S. K. $10.00 June 2023
H. H. $35.00 June 2023
H. K. $100.00 June 2023
J. K. $100.00 June 2023
J. S. $50.00 June 2023
K. S. $400.00 June 2023
Anonymous $25.00 June 2023
N. G. $25.00 June 2023
R. S. $50.00 May 2023
A. S. $30.00 May 2023
Jaspreet Kaur $100.00 May 2023
V. S. $24.00 May 2023
J. S. $100.00 May 2023
A. K. $100.00 May 2023
M. K. $15.00 May 2023
R. S. $250.00 May 2023
S. K. $10.00 May 2023
H. H. $35.00 May 2023
H. K. $100.00 May 2023
J. K. $100.00 May 2023
J. S. $50.00 May 2023
K. S. $400.00 May 2023
N. G. $25.00 May 2023
R. S. $50.00 April 2023
A. S. $30.00 April 2023
Jaspreet Kaur $100.00 April 2023
V. S. $24.00 April 2023
J. S. $100.00 April 2023
A. K. $100.00 April 2023
M. K. $15.00 April 2023
M. D. $101.00 April 2023
R. S. $250.00 April 2023
S. K. $10.00 April 2023
H. H. $35.00 April 2023
S. K. $11.50 April 2023
H. K. $100.00 April 2023
J. K. $100.00 April 2023
J. S. $50.00 April 2023
K. S. $400.00 April 2023
N. G. $25.00 April 2023
R. S. $50.00 March 2023
A. S. $30.00 March 2023
V. S. $24.00 March 2023
J. S. $100.00 March 2023
A. K. $100.00 March 2023
M. K. $15.00 March 2023
M. D. $101.00 March 2023
R. S. $250.00 March 2023
Gurpreet Singh $200.00 March 2023
S. K. $10.00 March 2023
H. H. $35.00 March 2023
S. K. $11.50 March 2023
H. K. $100.00 March 2023
J. K. $100.00 March 2023
J. S. $50.00 March 2023
K. S. $400.00 March 2023
Anonymous $2,000.00 March 2023
KIRAN GUSAIN $1,000.00 March 2023
Administrator Dasvandh Network $118.03 March 2023
Rayman Preet $101.00 March 2023
N. G. $25.00 March 2023
R. S. $50.00 March 2023
A. S. $30.00 February 2023
V. S. $24.00 February 2023
A. K. $100.00 February 2023
J. S. $100.00 February 2023
Jaspal Singh $2,500.00 February 2023
M. K. $15.00 February 2023
M. D. $101.00 February 2023
R. S. $250.00 February 2023
S. K. $10.00 February 2023
H. H. $35.00 February 2023
H. K. $100.00 February 2023
S. K. $11.50 February 2023
G Nijjar $500.00 February 2023
J. K. $100.00 February 2023
J. S. $50.00 February 2023
K. S. $400.00 February 2023
Anonymous $2,500.00 February 2023
Anonymous $1,000.00 February 2023
N. G. $25.00 February 2023
Rayman Preet $101.00 January 2023
R. S. $50.00 January 2023
A. S. $30.00 January 2023
V. S. $24.00 January 2023
A. K. $100.00 January 2023
J. S. $100.00 January 2023
M. K. $15.00 January 2023
M. D. $101.00 January 2023
R. S. $250.00 January 2023
Rayman Preet $101.00 January 2023
S. K. $10.00 January 2023
H. H. $35.00 January 2023
H. K. $100.00 January 2023
S. K. $11.50 January 2023
J. K. $100.00 January 2023
J. S. $50.00 January 2023
K. S. $400.00 January 2023
N. G. $25.00 January 2023
Harshwinder Singh $500.00 December 2022
J. K. $108.00 December 2022
Match Fund $450.00 December 2022
Jasjeet Thind $450.00 December 2022
R. S. $50.00 December 2022
A. S. $30.00 December 2022
V. S. $24.00 December 2022
A. K. $100.00 December 2022
J. S. $100.00 December 2022
M. K. $15.00 December 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $111.00 December 2022
H. K. $100.00 December 2022
M. D. $101.00 December 2022
Match Fund $750.00 December 2022
Gagandeep Grewal $750.00 December 2022
R. S. $250.00 December 2022
S. K. $10.00 December 2022
H. H. $35.00 December 2022
K. S. $400.00 December 2022
J. S. $50.00 December 2022
R. S. $50.00 December 2022
S. K. $11.50 December 2022
Match Fund $100.00 December 2022
Anonymous $100.00 December 2022
J. K. $100.00 December 2022
N. G. $25.00 December 2022
Match Fund $500.00 November 2022
Manjinder Kaur $500.00 November 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $1,663.75 November 2022
A. S. $30.00 November 2022
V. S. $24.00 November 2022
Manvinder Singh $200.00 November 2022
Match Fund $100.00 November 2022
Attinder Khalsa $100.00 November 2022
Match Fund $100.00 November 2022
Jatinder Singh $100.00 November 2022
M. K. $15.00 November 2022
M. D. $101.00 November 2022
Anonymous $10.00 November 2022
Match Fund $250.00 November 2022
gurjit Sethi $1,000.00 November 2022
R. S. $250.00 November 2022
S. K. $10.00 November 2022
H. H. $35.00 November 2022
H. K. $100.00 November 2022
S. K. $11.50 November 2022
Anonymous $25.00 November 2022
KIRAN GUSAIN $500.00 November 2022
KIRAN GUSAIN $500.00 November 2022
KIRAN GUSAIN $500.00 November 2022
Match Fund $288.00 November 2022
KIRAN GUSAIN $500.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Harji Singh $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Satwant Kaur $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
J. S. $400.00 November 2022
Match Fund $400.00 November 2022
Sarabdayal Singh $400.00 November 2022
J. K. $100.00 November 2022
J. S. $50.00 November 2022
K. S. $400.00 November 2022
N. G. $25.00 November 2022
R. S. $50.00 October 2022
A. S. $30.00 October 2022
V. S. $24.00 October 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $100.00 October 2022
M. K. $15.00 October 2022
M. D. $101.00 October 2022
R. S. $250.00 October 2022
Rayman Preet $101.00 October 2022
S. K. $10.00 October 2022
H. H. $35.00 October 2022
Anonymous $500.00 October 2022
S. K. $11.50 October 2022
H. K. $100.00 October 2022
Manpreet Singh $250.00 October 2022
J. K. $100.00 October 2022
J. S. $50.00 October 2022
K. S. $400.00 October 2022
Gurpreet Singh $300.00 October 2022
N. G. $25.00 October 2022
R. S. $50.00 September 2022
A. S. $30.00 September 2022
V. S. $24.00 September 2022
Match Fund $670.00 September 2022
Anonymous $2,000.00 September 2022
N. T. $20.00 September 2022
M. K. $15.00 September 2022
Manjinder Singh $50.00 September 2022
M. D. $101.00 September 2022
R. S. $250.00 September 2022
S. K. $10.00 September 2022
H. H. $35.00 September 2022
S. K. $11.50 September 2022
H. K. $100.00 September 2022
Match Fund $1,000.00 September 2022
Anonymous $1,000.00 September 2022
Match Fund $1,000.00 September 2022
Anonymous $1,300.00 September 2022
J. K. $100.00 September 2022
J. S. $50.00 September 2022
K. S. $400.00 September 2022
N. G. $25.00 September 2022
Match Fund $20.00 August 2022
Davinder Bains $20.00 August 2022
R. S. $50.00 August 2022
A. S. $30.00 August 2022
V. S. $24.00 August 2022
Jas Singh $50.00 August 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $1,979.00 August 2022
N. T. $20.00 August 2022
Match Fund $350.00 August 2022
Gurpreet Singh $350.00 August 2022
M. K. $15.00 August 2022
M. D. $101.00 August 2022
J. S. $100.00 August 2022
R. S. $250.00 August 2022
S. K. $10.00 August 2022
H. H. $35.00 August 2022
S. K. $11.50 August 2022
H. K. $100.00 August 2022
Match Fund $50.00 August 2022
Anonymous $50.00 August 2022
J. K. $100.00 August 2022
J. S. $50.00 August 2022
K. S. $400.00 August 2022
N. G. $25.00 August 2022
R. S. $50.00 July 2022
A. S. $30.00 July 2022
V. S. $24.00 July 2022
N. T. $20.00 July 2022
M. K. $15.00 July 2022
Match Fund $100.00 July 2022
Gurinder Singh $100.00 July 2022
Match Fund $100.00 July 2022
Anonymous $100.00 July 2022
Mandhir Dulai $101.00 July 2022
Match Fund $121.00 July 2022
Rayman Preet $121.00 July 2022
J. S. $100.00 July 2022
R. S. $250.00 July 2022
Match Fund $100.00 July 2022
Anonymous $100.00 July 2022
Match Fund $100.00 July 2022
Anonymous $100.00 July 2022
S. K. $10.00 July 2022
H. H. $35.00 July 2022
S. K. $11.50 July 2022
H. K. $100.00 July 2022
Gurpreet Singh $300.00 July 2022
S. K. $50.00 July 2022
J. K. $100.00 July 2022
J. S. $50.00 July 2022
K. S. $400.00 July 2022
N. G. $25.00 July 2022
R. S. $50.00 June 2022
A. S. $30.00 June 2022
V. S. $24.00 June 2022
N. T. $20.00 June 2022
M. K. $15.00 June 2022
J. S. $100.00 June 2022
R. S. $250.00 June 2022
S. K. $10.00 June 2022
H. H. $35.00 June 2022
S. K. $11.50 June 2022
H. K. $100.00 June 2022
S. K. $50.00 June 2022
J. K. $100.00 June 2022
G. G. $50.00 June 2022
J. S. $50.00 June 2022
M. D. $101.00 June 2022
K. S. $400.00 June 2022
N. G. $25.00 June 2022
R. S. $50.00 May 2022
A. S. $30.00 May 2022
V. S. $24.00 May 2022
Aman Sarao $100.00 May 2022
N. T. $20.00 May 2022
M. K. $15.00 May 2022
J. S. $100.00 May 2022
R. S. $250.00 May 2022
S. K. $10.00 May 2022
H. H. $35.00 May 2022
H. K. $100.00 May 2022
S. K. $11.50 May 2022
S. K. $50.00 May 2022
J. K. $100.00 May 2022
Gurmat Gyan $50.00 May 2022
J. S. $50.00 May 2022
K. S. $400.00 May 2022
M. D. $101.00 May 2022
Gurpreet Singh $385.00 May 2022
N. G. $25.00 May 2022
R. S. $50.00 April 2022
A. S. $30.00 April 2022
V. S. $24.00 April 2022
N. T. $20.00 April 2022
M. K. $15.00 April 2022
J. S. $100.00 April 2022
R. S. $250.00 April 2022
S. K. $10.00 April 2022
H. H. $35.00 April 2022
S. K. $11.50 April 2022
H. K. $100.00 April 2022
Anonymous $1,000.00 April 2022
Anonymous $100.00 April 2022
S. K. $50.00 April 2022
U. S. $25.00 April 2022
J. K. $100.00 April 2022
J. S. $50.00 April 2022
M. D. $101.00 April 2022
K. S. $400.00 April 2022
N. G. $25.00 April 2022
G. G. $50.00 March 2022
R. S. $50.00 March 2022
A. S. $30.00 March 2022
V. S. $24.00 March 2022
N. T. $20.00 March 2022
M. K. $15.00 March 2022
Gurpreet Singh $310.00 March 2022
J. S. $100.00 March 2022
R. S. $250.00 March 2022
S. K. $10.00 March 2022
G. K. $100.00 March 2022
H. H. $35.00 March 2022
S. K. $11.50 March 2022
H. K. $100.00 March 2022
U. S. $25.00 March 2022
S. K. $50.00 March 2022
J. K. $100.00 March 2022
J. S. $50.00 March 2022
M. D. $101.00 March 2022
K. S. $400.00 March 2022
N. G. $25.00 March 2022
R. S. $50.00 March 2022
G. G. $50.00 February 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $110.63 February 2022
A. S. $30.00 February 2022
V. S. $24.00 February 2022
N. T. $20.00 February 2022
M. K. $15.00 February 2022
J. S. $100.00 February 2022
R. S. $250.00 February 2022
S. K. $10.00 February 2022
H. H. $35.00 February 2022
G. K. $100.00 February 2022
H. K. $100.00 February 2022
S. K. $11.50 February 2022
U. S. $25.00 February 2022
S. K. $50.00 February 2022
J. K. $100.00 February 2022
J. S. $50.00 February 2022
M. D. $101.00 February 2022
K. S. $400.00 February 2022
N. G. $25.00 February 2022
Administrator Dasvandh Network $100.00 January 2022
G. G. $50.00 January 2022
R. S. $50.00 January 2022
A. S. $30.00 January 2022
V. S. $24.00 January 2022
N. T. $20.00 January 2022
M. K. $15.00 January 2022
Anonymous $100.00 January 2022
R. S. $250.00 January 2022
Anonymous $100.00 January 2022
H. H. $35.00 January 2022
S. K. $10.00 January 2022
G. K. $100.00 January 2022
H. K. $100.00 January 2022
S. K. $11.50 January 2022
U. S. $25.00 January 2022
S. K. $50.00 January 2022
J. K. $100.00 January 2022
J. S. $50.00 January 2022
M. D. $101.00 January 2022
K. S. $400.00 January 2022
N. G. $25.00 January 2022
Mandeep Pannu $1,000.00 December 2021
Kanwar Harinder Singh $500.00 December 2021
Anonymous $2,500.00 December 2021
Anonymous $50.00 December 2021
R. S. $50.00 December 2021
Raman preet Brar $100.00 December 2021
A. S. $30.00 December 2021
V. S. $24.00 December 2021
Hardeep Sidhu $100.00 December 2021
N. T. $20.00 December 2021
J. K. $15.00 December 2021
M. K. $15.00 December 2021
R. S. $250.00 December 2021
S. K. $10.00 December 2021
H. H. $35.00 December 2021
G. K. $100.00 December 2021
H. K. $100.00 December 2021
S. K. $11.50 December 2021
Gurpreet Singh $315.00 December 2021
S. K. $50.00 December 2021
U. S. $25.00 December 2021
J. K. $100.00 December 2021
J. K. $500.00 December 2021
J. S. $50.00 December 2021
M. D. $101.00 December 2021
K. S. $400.00 December 2021
N. G. $25.00 December 2021
Anonymous $207.50 December 2021
Ravinder S P $100.00 November 2021
Administrator Dasvandh Network $995.63 November 2021
R. S. $50.00 November 2021
A. S. $30.00 November 2021
V. S. $24.00 November 2021
N. T. $20.00 November 2021
J. K. $15.00 November 2021
M. K. $15.00 November 2021
R. S. $250.00 November 2021
S. K. $10.00 November 2021
H. H. $35.00 November 2021
G. K. $100.00 November 2021
K. S. $400.00 November 2021
H. K. $100.00 November 2021
S. K. $11.50 November 2021
Inderpreet Singh $25.00 November 2021
Gagandeep Grewal $500.00 November 2021
Gurpreet Singh $358.00 November 2021
U. S. $25.00 November 2021
S. K. $50.00 November 2021
Anonymous $100.00 November 2021
J. K. $100.00 November 2021
J. K. $500.00 November 2021
J. S. $50.00 November 2021
Match Fund $100.00 November 2021
Mandhir Dulai $101.00 November 2021
Match Fund $400.00 November 2021
Gurinder Singh $5,000.00 November 2021
Match Fund $200.00 November 2021
Manpreet Singh $200.00 November 2021
N. G. $25.00 November 2021
R. S. $50.00 October 2021
A. S. $30.00 October 2021
V. S. $24.00 October 2021
N. T. $20.00 October 2021
J. K. $15.00 October 2021
M. K. $15.00 October 2021
R. S. $250.00 October 2021
S. K. $10.00 October 2021
G. K. $100.00 October 2021
H. H. $35.00 October 2021
S. K. $11.50 October 2021
H. K. $100.00 October 2021
S. K. $50.00 October 2021
U. S. $25.00 October 2021
J. K. $500.00 October 2021
Mandhir Dulai $100.00 October 2021
J. K. $100.00 October 2021
J. S. $50.00 October 2021
K. S. $400.00 October 2021
Rayman Preet $101.00 October 2021
Gurpreet Singh $240.00 October 2021
Anonymous $100.00 October 2021
N. G. $25.00 October 2021
Administrator Dasvandh Network $5,000.00 September 2021
R. S. $50.00 September 2021
A. S. $30.00 September 2021
V. S. $24.00 September 2021
N. T. $20.00 September 2021
J. K. $15.00 September 2021
M. K. $15.00 September 2021
Rayman Preet $101.00 September 2021
R. S. $250.00 September 2021
S. K. $10.00 September 2021
G. K. $100.00 September 2021
H. H. $35.00 September 2021
S. K. $11.50 September 2021
H. K. $100.00 September 2021
Gurpreet Singh $189.00 September 2021
S. K. $50.00 September 2021
U. S. $25.00 September 2021
J. K. $100.00 September 2021
J. K. $500.00 September 2021
J Singh $50.00 September 2021
K. S. $400.00 September 2021
Anonymous $25,000.00 September 2021
N. G. $25.00 September 2021
R. S. $50.00 August 2021
A. S. $30.00 August 2021
Harpreet Singh $1,000.00 August 2021
V. S. $24.00 August 2021
Gurpreet Singh $270.00 August 2021
N. T. $20.00 August 2021
J. K. $15.00 August 2021
M. K. $15.00 August 2021
R. S. $250.00 August 2021
S. K. $10.00 August 2021
G. K. $100.00 August 2021
H. H. $35.00 August 2021
H. K. $100.00 August 2021
S. K. $11.50 August 2021
Tejinder Chohan $25.00 August 2021
S. K. $50.00 August 2021
U. S. $25.00 August 2021
J. K. $100.00 August 2021
J. K. $500.00 August 2021
K. S. $400.00 August 2021
Anonymous $5,000.00 August 2021
Gurpreet Singh $270.00 August 2021
N. G. $25.00 August 2021
R. S. $50.00 July 2021
A. S. $30.00 July 2021
V. S. $24.00 July 2021
Harpreet Singh $545.50 July 2021
N. T. $20.00 July 2021
J. K. $15.00 July 2021
K. C. $50.00 July 2021
Rayman Preet $101.00 July 2021
Manpreet Kaur $15.00 July 2021
Administrator Dasvandh Network $50.00 July 2021
R. S. $250.00 July 2021
G. S. $5,000.00 July 2021
S. K. $10.00 July 2021
G. K. $100.00 July 2021
H. H. $35.00 July 2021
S. K. $11.50 July 2021
Gurpreet Singh $200.00 July 2021
H. K. $100.00 July 2021
U. S. $25.00 July 2021
Hardeep Sidhu $100.00 July 2021
S. K. $50.00 July 2021
J. K. $100.00 July 2021
J. K. $500.00 July 2021
K. S. $400.00 July 2021
N. G. $25.00 July 2021
Administrator Dasvandh Network $1,500.00 June 2021
R. S. $50.00 June 2021
A. S. $30.00 June 2021
V. S. $24.00 June 2021
Anonymous $15.00 June 2021
N. T. $20.00 June 2021
Surjit Bisla $5,100.00 June 2021
K. C. $50.00 June 2021
R. S. $250.00 June 2021
S. K. $10.00 June 2021
G. K. $100.00 June 2021
H. H. $35.00 June 2021
S. K. $11.50 June 2021
H. K. $100.00 June 2021
S. K. $50.00 June 2021
U. S. $25.00 June 2021
J. K. $100.00 June 2021
J. K. $500.00 June 2021
K. S. $400.00 June 2021
N. G. $25.00 June 2021
R. S. $50.00 May 2021
A. S. $30.00 May 2021
V. S. $24.00 May 2021
N. T. $20.00 May 2021
K. C. $50.00 May 2021
R. S. $250.00 May 2021
S. K. $10.00 May 2021
H. H. $35.00 May 2021
G. K. $100.00 May 2021
S. K. $11.50 May 2021
H. K. $100.00 May 2021
S. K. $50.00 May 2021
U. S. $25.00 May 2021
J. K. $100.00 May 2021
J. K. $500.00 May 2021
K. S. $400.00 May 2021
Harpreet Singh $100.00 May 2021
Gurpreet Singh $220.00 May 2021
N. G. $25.00 May 2021
R. S. $50.00 April 2021
A. S. $30.00 April 2021
V. S. $24.00 April 2021
N. T. $20.00 April 2021
H. B. $300.00 April 2021
K. C. $50.00 April 2021
R. S. $250.00 April 2021
S. K. $10.00 April 2021
G. K. $100.00 April 2021
H. H. $35.00 April 2021
S. K. $11.50 April 2021
H. K. $100.00 April 2021
Gurdev Singh $300.00 April 2021
Manpreet Singh $150.00 April 2021
U. S. $25.00 April 2021
Anonymous $50.00 April 2021
S. K. $50.00 April 2021
J. K. $100.00 April 2021
J. K. $500.00 April 2021
K. S. $400.00 April 2021
A. K. $500.00 April 2021
N. G. $25.00 April 2021
Rayman Preet $101.00 March 2021
R. S. $50.00 March 2021
A. S. $30.00 March 2021
V. S. $24.00 March 2021
N. T. $20.00 March 2021
M. D. $100.00 March 2021
H. B. $300.00 March 2021
K. C. $50.00 March 2021
Nishan Singh $50.00 March 2021
R. S. $250.00 March 2021
S. K. $10.00 March 2021
G. K. $100.00 March 2021
H. H. $35.00 March 2021
S. K. $11.50 March 2021
H. K. $100.00 March 2021
Anonymous $100.00 March 2021
Rayman Preet $101.00 March 2021
S. K. $50.00 March 2021
J. K. $100.00 March 2021
J. K. $500.00 March 2021
Anonymous $25.00 March 2021
K. S. $400.00 March 2021
Administrator Dasvandh Network $100.00 March 2021
N. G. $25.00 March 2021
R. S. $50.00 March 2021
A. S. $30.00 February 2021
Birinder Gill $201.00 February 2021
V. S. $24.00 February 2021
N. T. $20.00 February 2021
M. D. $100.00 February 2021
H. B. $300.00 February 2021
K. C. $50.00 February 2021
R. S. $250.00 February 2021
H. H. $35.00 February 2021
S. K. $10.00 February 2021
G. K. $100.00 February 2021
H. K. $100.00 February 2021
S. K. $11.50 February 2021
S. K. $50.00 February 2021
J. K. $100.00 February 2021
J. K. $500.00 February 2021
K. S. $400.00 February 2021
Administrator Dasvandh Network $987.50 February 2021
N. G. $25.00 February 2021
Aman Sarao $35.00 February 2021
Administrator Dasvandh Network $100.00 February 2021
R. S. $50.00 January 2021
A. S. $30.00 January 2021
V. S. $24.00 January 2021
N. T. $20.00 January 2021
M. D. $100.00 January 2021
H. B. $300.00 January 2021
K. C. $50.00 January 2021
manpreet singh $17.00 January 2021
R. S. $250.00 January 2021
S. K. $10.00 January 2021
H. H. $35.00 January 2021
G. K. $100.00 January 2021
H. K. $100.00 January 2021
S. K. $11.50 January 2021
J. K. $500.00 January 2021
S. K. $50.00 January 2021
J. K. $100.00 January 2021
Rayman Preet $101.00 January 2021
K. S. $400.00 January 2021
Amanpreet Oberoi $10.00 January 2021
Y. S. $10.00 January 2021
N. G. $25.00 January 2021
HARPREET Grewal $500.00 January 2021
Anonymous $2,500.00 December 2020
Anonymous $50.00 December 2020
D. G. $1,000.00 December 2020
Karam Singh $400.00 December 2020
R. S. $50.00 December 2020
Gagandeep Grewal $250.00 December 2020
Administrator Dasvandh Network $975.00 December 2020
Joginder Singh Khalsa $108.00 December 2020
A. S. $30.00 December 2020
V. S. $24.00 December 2020
R. B. $2,000.00 December 2020
Jasjeet Thind $1,000.00 December 2020
N. T. $20.00 December 2020
M. D. $100.00 December 2020
H. B. $100.00 December 2020
Anonymous $25.00 December 2020
K. C. $50.00 December 2020
Supreet Kaur $250.00 December 2020
Harpreet Singh $500.00 December 2020
Anonymous $100.00 December 2020
R. S. $250.00 December 2020
S. K. $10.00 December 2020
H. H. $35.00 December 2020
G. K. $100.00 December 2020
H. K. $100.00 December 2020
S. K. $11.50 December 2020
Anonymous $10,000.00 December 2020
S. K. $50.00 December 2020
jasbir khalsa $100.00 December 2020
J. K. $500.00 December 2020
RS P $100.00 December 2020
K. S. $400.00 December 2020
Amanpreet Oberoi $14.00 December 2020
Y. S. $10.00 December 2020
N. G. $25.00 December 2020
R. S. $50.00 November 2020
A. S. $30.00 November 2020
Rayman Preet $51.00 November 2020
V. S. $24.00 November 2020
N. T. $20.00 November 2020
M. D. $100.00 November 2020
H. B. $100.00 November 2020
Harpreet Singh $500.00 November 2020
S. B. $200.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Kanwarbir Charaia $50.00 November 2020
Anonymous $150.00 November 2020
R. S. $250.00 November 2020
Aman Sarao $40.00 November 2020
S. K. $10.00 November 2020
H. H. $35.00 November 2020
H. K. $100.00 November 2020
G. K. $100.00 November 2020
Match Fund $200.00 November 2020
Manpreet Singh $200.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Sarabdayal Singh $100.00 November 2020
S. K. $11.50 November 2020
Match Fund $19.00 November 2020
Anonymous $19.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Vikram Singh $100.00 November 2020
Match Fund $50.00 November 2020
Anonymous $50.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
P. S. $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
P. S. $250.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Anonymous $1,429.00 November 2020
Match Fund $100.00 November 2020
Anonymous $100.00 November 2020
Match Fund $250.00 November 2020
Anonymous $250.00 November 2020
A. K. $500.00 November 2020
S. K. $50.00 November 2020
Rajendra Lakhotia $130.00 November 2020
J. K. $500.00 November 2020
K. S. $400.00 November 2020
J. S. $50.00 November 2020
Y. S. $10.00 November 2020
N. G. $25.00 November 2020
R. S. $50.00 October 2020
Rayman Preet $101.00 October 2020
A. S. $30.00 October 2020
V. S. $24.00 October 2020
N. T. $20.00 October 2020
M. D. $100.00 October 2020
H. B. $100.00 October 2020
S. K. $10.00 October 2020
G. K. $100.00 October 2020
Hundal Hundal $35.00 October 2020
S. K. $11.50 October 2020
H. K. $100.00 October 2020
S. K. $50.00 October 2020
J. K. $500.00 October 2020
J. S. $50.00 October 2020
K. S. $400.00 October 2020
Y. S. $10.00 October 2020
SURJIT SINGH, TIRATH KAUR BISLA $10,000.00 October 2020
N. G. $25.00 October 2020
R. S. $50.00 September 2020
A. S. $30.00 September 2020
V. S. $24.00 September 2020
N. T. $20.00 September 2020
M. D. $100.00 September 2020
H. B. $100.00 September 2020
Kulvinder Singh $250.00 September 2020
Harjeet Kaur $500.00 September 2020
Dawinder Dhillon $100.00 September 2020
William Borland $60.00 September 2020
Jimmie Elzner $40.00 September 2020
Roxanne Fields $230.00 September 2020
S. K. $10.00 September 2020
G. K. $100.00 September 2020
Anonymous $100.00 September 2020
S. K. $11.50 September 2020
H. K. $100.00 September 2020
Victoria Fields $500.00 September 2020
Mercedes Sotelo $50.00 September 2020
Olivia and Carlos Rocha $100.00 September 2020
Hardeep Sidhu $150.00 September 2020
Ben and Stella S. $200.00 September 2020
Anonymous $184.40 September 2020
Jasbir Singh $50.00 September 2020
Gagan Suie $100.00 September 2020
S. S. $100.00 September 2020
Manveer Kaur $20.00 September 2020
S. K. $50.00 September 2020
Jagmeet Chahal $300.00 September 2020
Don Gayaldo $200.00 September 2020
J. K. $500.00 September 2020
Anonymous $175.00 September 2020
J. S. $50.00 September 2020
K. S. $400.00 September 2020
J. M. $50.00 September 2020
Richard Mendoza $1,000.00 September 2020
Ellen Perrin $25.00 September 2020
CrossFit Oakdale $50.00 September 2020
Dolores Sotelo $75.00 September 2020
Victoria Aguilar $25.00 September 2020
Rhonda Sancibrian $20.00 September 2020
Karen Painter $20.00 September 2020
Sandra Olson $200.00 September 2020
R. D. $120.00 September 2020
navdeep anand $300.00 September 2020
Kuldeep Dhillon $500.00 September 2020
Y. S. $10.00 September 2020
Gurpreet Kaur $15.00 September 2020
N. G. $25.00 September 2020
R. S. $50.00 August 2020
A. S. $30.00 August 2020
V. S. $24.00 August 2020
D. S. $50.00 August 2020
Brandon Thomas $500.00 August 2020
nancy patton $40.00 August 2020
N. T. $20.00 August 2020
M. D. $100.00 August 2020
H. B. $100.00 August 2020
Justin Badger $100.00 August 2020
Bongphet Kongdrar $100.00 August 2020
Khanthaly Sengvixay $200.00 August 2020
Oakdale Bike Shop $200.00 August 2020
Sharon Poust $10.00 August 2020
Pushpinder kaur $60.00 August 2020
navpreet singh $100.00 August 2020
Inderjit Singh $120.00 August 2020
Jagroop Takhar $78.60 August 2020
Mary Horwitz $30.00 August 2020
Susan Parker $10.00 August 2020
Richard Shelly $60.00 August 2020
Michelle Terra $100.00 August 2020
Judy Phillips $60.00 August 2020
Christian Prieto $100.00 August 2020
Will Schultz $50.00 August 2020
Richard Waterman $40.00 August 2020
Donald Goldberg $100.00 August 2020
S. K. $10.00 August 2020
Dale Kujawski $100.00 August 2020
G. K. $100.00 August 2020
S. K. $11.50 August 2020
H. K. $100.00 August 2020
Janell Dattke $30.00 August 2020
Amardeep Cheema $100.00 August 2020
Jaspal Chahal $100.00 August 2020
G. D. $80.00 August 2020
Brett Bovee $250.00 August 2020
S. K. $50.00 August 2020
C. C. $40.00 August 2020
J. K. $500.00 August 2020
J. S. $50.00 August 2020
K. S. $400.00 August 2020
Carol Caton $50.00 August 2020
Hans Eriksen $100.00 August 2020
Susan Ferrer $100.00 August 2020
Stacy Malone $100.00 August 2020
Administrator Dasvandh Network $9,500.00 August 2020
Y. S. $10.00 August 2020
N. G. $25.00 August 2020
Anonymous $100.00 August 2020
Keith Boggs $100.00 July 2020
Genean Benders $50.00 July 2020
Ruth Husby $100.00 July 2020
R. S. $50.00 July 2020
Banpreet Singh $152.17 July 2020
A. S. $30.00 July 2020
Harinder Parihar $200.00 July 2020
V. S. $24.00 July 2020
Eugene Sengvixay $500.00 July 2020
Tom Dotinga $200.00 July 2020
Tom Manning $100.00 July 2020
JASBIR DHILLON $500.00 July 2020
N. T. $20.00 July 2020
M. D. $100.00 July 2020
H. B. $100.00 July 2020
Balvinder Singh $500.00 July 2020
Kuldip Singh $100.00 July 2020
Laura Schultz $100.00 July 2020
J. K. $100.00 July 2020
Patricia Izzo $150.00 July 2020
Debra Riley $50.00 July 2020
Anonymous $1,000.00 July 2020
D. B. $50.00 July 2020
J. B. $30.00 July 2020
Varinder Virk $100.00 July 2020
Chris Salas $100.00 July 2020
Navjot Kaur $200.00 July 2020
Jagdeep SINGH $150.00 July 2020
Jugraj singh $20.00 July 2020
Harmandeep Randhawa $50.00 July 2020
L. S. $20.00 July 2020
GURPREET SINGH $20.00 July 2020
Daljeet Singh $100.00 July 2020
Heera Singh $100.00 July 2020
Manjeet Singh $100.00 July 2020
Harvinder Singh $100.00 July 2020
S. K. $10.00 July 2020
G. K. $100.00 July 2020
S. K. $11.50 July 2020
H. K. $100.00 July 2020
Manjit Singh $251.00 July 2020
S. K. $50.00 July 2020
Anonymous $10.00 July 2020
Anonymous $10.00 July 2020
J. K. $500.00 July 2020
Anonymous $100.00 July 2020
J. S. $50.00 July 2020
Dalwinder singh $100.00 July 2020
Balvir Singh $500.00 July 2020
K. S. $400.00 July 2020
Anonymous $200.00 July 2020
kanwal Lall $20.00 July 2020
guriqbal singh $100.00 July 2020
Winty Singh $51.00 July 2020
Jagmeet Chahal $100.00 July 2020
Y. S. $10.00 July 2020
N. G. $25.00 July 2020
R. S. $50.00 June 2020
A. S. $30.00 June 2020
manpreet singh $37.00 June 2020
Jasdeep Dhillon $150.00 June 2020
V. S. $24.00 June 2020
N. T. $20.00 June 2020
M. D. $100.00 June 2020
H. B. $100.00 June 2020
S. K. $10.00 June 2020
Preetinder Singh $500.00 June 2020
G. K. $100.00 June 2020
S. K. $11.50 June 2020
H. K. $100.00 June 2020
S. K. $50.00 June 2020
Randeep Singh $2,500.00 June 2020
J. K. $500.00 June 2020
J. S. $50.00 June 2020
K. S. $400.00 June 2020
Anonymous $500.00 June 2020
Y. S. $10.00 June 2020
Anonymous $100.00 June 2020
N. G. $25.00 June 2020
Nishan Singh $50.00 June 2020
R. S. $50.00 May 2020
A. S. $30.00 May 2020
V. S. $24.00 May 2020
N. T. $20.00 May 2020
M. D. $100.00 May 2020
H. B. $100.00 May 2020
Banpreet Singh $50.00 May 2020
S. K. $10.00 May 2020
G. K. $100.00 May 2020
Paramjit Grewal $501.00 May 2020
S. K. $11.50 May 2020
H. K. $100.00 May 2020
S. K. $50.00 May 2020
J. K. $500.00 May 2020
J. S. $50.00 May 2020
K. S. $400.00 May 2020
Harpreet Singh $250.00 May 2020
Y. S. $10.00 May 2020
N. G. $25.00 May 2020
R. S. $50.00 April 2020
A. S. $30.00 April 2020
V. S. $24.00 April 2020
N. T. $20.00 April 2020
H. B. $100.00 April 2020
M. D. $100.00 April 2020
Aman Sarao $20.00 April 2020
G. H. $500.00 April 2020
S. K. $10.00 April 2020
G. K. $100.00 April 2020
S. K. $11.50 April 2020
H. K. $100.00 April 2020
S. K. $50.00 April 2020
J. K. $500.00 April 2020
J. S. $50.00 April 2020
K. S. $400.00 April 2020
Y. S. $10.00 April 2020
Anonymous $2,000.00 April 2020
N. G. $25.00 April 2020
R. S. $50.00 March 2020
A. S. $30.00 March 2020
V. S. $24.00 March 2020
Mandhir Dulai $100.00 March 2020
N. T. $20.00 March 2020
H. B. $100.00 March 2020
S. K. $10.00 March 2020
G. K. $100.00 March 2020
H. K. $100.00 March 2020
Anonymous $100.00 March 2020
Inderjeet Singh $470.00 March 2020
S. K. $11.50 March 2020
S. K. $50.00 March 2020
J. K. $500.00 March 2020
J. S. $50.00 March 2020
K. S. $400.00 March 2020
DAF DVN Administrator $90.28 March 2020
DAF DVN Administrator $1,000.00 March 2020
Rayman Preet $101.00 March 2020
Y. S. $10.00 March 2020
R. S. $50.00 March 2020
N. G. $25.00 March 2020
A. S. $30.00 February 2020
V. S. $24.00 February 2020
N. T. $20.00 February 2020
H. B. $100.00 February 2020
Rayman Preet $101.00 February 2020
S. K. $10.00 February 2020
G. K. $100.00 February 2020
S. K. $11.50 February 2020
H. K. $100.00 February 2020
Mandhir Dulai $100.00 February 2020
Aman Sarao $20.00 February 2020
S. K. $50.00 February 2020
J. K. $500.00 February 2020
J. S. $50.00 February 2020
K. S. $400.00 February 2020
Preetvir Khaira $100.00 February 2020
Y. S. $10.00 February 2020
Rayman Preet $121.00 February 2020
Anonymous $25.00 February 2020
Tejinder Chohan $25.00 January 2020
R. S. $50.00 January 2020
A. S. $30.00 January 2020
V. S. $24.00 January 2020
N. T. $20.00 January 2020
H. B. $100.00 January 2020
Administrator Dasvandh Network $9,000.00 January 2020
RS P $95.00 January 2020
Sewa Bhullar $550.00 January 2020
Rayman Preet $101.11 January 2020
S. K. $10.00 January 2020
G. K. $100.00 January 2020
S. K. $11.50 January 2020
H. K. $100.00 January 2020
S. K. $50.00 January 2020
J. K. $500.00 January 2020
J. S. $50.00 January 2020
K. S. $400.00 January 2020
Aman Sarao $20.00 January 2020
Y. S. $10.00 January 2020
Nav Singh $500.00 January 2020
Rayman Preet $101.00 January 2020
Anonymous $1,500.00 December 2019
Inderpreet Singh $100.00 December 2019
Sukhmanjit Dhillon $2,000.00 December 2019
Jasjeet Thind $500.00 December 2019
Match Fund $200.00 December 2019
Mandhir Dulai $200.00 December 2019
R. S. $50.00 December 2019
Mandeep Pannu $500.00 December 2019
A. S. $30.00 December 2019
Administrator Dasvandh Network $2,000.00 December 2019
Rayman Preet $101.00 December 2019
V. S. $24.00 December 2019
Anonymous $108.00 December 2019
Anonymous $108.00 December 2019
Anonymous $108.00 December 2019
Anonymous $100.00 December 2019
N. T. $20.00 December 2019
H. S. $150.00 December 2019
Gurinder Singh $9,000.00 December 2019
S. K. $10.00 December 2019
H. K. $100.00 December 2019
G. K. $100.00 December 2019
S. K. $11.50 December 2019
Bhupinder Singh $2,500.00 December 2019
S. K. $50.00 December 2019
Gurmeet Singh $500.00 December 2019
J. K. $500.00 December 2019
Rayman Preet $121.00 December 2019
K. S. $400.00 December 2019
J. S. $50.00 December 2019
Y. S. $10.00 December 2019
Anonymous $5,000.00 December 2019
Gurdev Singh $250.00 December 2019
Anonymous $50.00 November 2019
A. S. $30.00 November 2019
V. S. $24.00 November 2019
DAF DVN Administrator $500.00 November 2019
N. T. $20.00 November 2019
S. K. $10.00 November 2019
G. K. $100.00 November 2019
Rayman Preet $151.00 November 2019
S. K. $11.50 November 2019
H. K. $100.00 November 2019
Manveer Kaur $600.00 November 2019
N. C. $200.00 November 2019
J. K. $500.00 November 2019
Match Fund $100.00 November 2019
Sukhdarshan Kaur $50.00 November 2019
J. S. $50.00 November 2019
Match Fund $144.00 November 2019
Anonymous $144.00 November 2019
K. S. $400.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Gauri Gusain $250.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Gauri Gusain $250.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Gauri Gusain $250.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Gauri Gusain $250.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
P S $250.00 November 2019
P S $250.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
P S $250.00 November 2019
Paramjit Grewal $500.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Anonymous $250.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Anonymous $250.00 November 2019
Anonymous $250.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Anonymous $250.00 November 2019
Anonymous $250.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Harinder Singh $250.00 November 2019
Match Fund $100.00 November 2019
Anonymous $100.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Tajinder Singh $250.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Kulvinder Singh $250.00 November 2019
Jaspreet Bhatia $1,000.00 November 2019
Match Fund $100.00 November 2019
Vikram Singh $100.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Harmeet Singh $1,000.00 November 2019
Match Fund $100.00 November 2019
Mandhir Dulai $100.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Bhupinder Singh $3,000.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Manpreet Singh $250.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Harjeet Kaur $250.00 November 2019
Y. S. $10.00 November 2019
Match Fund $250.00 November 2019
Anonymous $250.00 November 2019
Kaushal kumar $100.00 November 2019
Administrator Dasvandh Network $750.00 October 2019
A. S. $30.00 October 2019
Gurmit Sidhu $13.00 October 2019
V. S. $24.00 October 2019
manpreet singh $14.00 October 2019
N. T. $20.00 October 2019
Rayman Preet $101.00 October 2019
Mandhir Dulai $100.00 October 2019
S. K. $10.00 October 2019
Gurpreet Kaur $100.00 October 2019
H. K. $100.00 October 2019
S. K. $11.50 October 2019
Bhupinder Bains $200.00 October 2019
lalit singh $50.00 October 2019
Anonymous $50.00 October 2019
J. K. $500.00 October 2019
J. S. $50.00 October 2019
Varinder Arora $25.00 October 2019
K. S. $400.00 October 2019
Y. S. $10.00 October 2019
Anonymous $50.00 September 2019
Lelani Rugg $100.00 September 2019
Amandeep singh $30.00 September 2019
V. S. $24.00 September 2019
Nimma Thiara $20.00 September 2019
Ranpreet Kaur $50.00 September 2019
Bhagatjot Singh $250.00 September 2019
Deepak Arora $10.00 September 2019
S. K. $10.00 September 2019
H. K. $100.00 September 2019
Sukhpal khehra $11.50 September 2019
J. K. $500.00 September 2019
J. S. $50.00 September 2019
K. S. $400.00 September 2019
Anonymous $10.00 September 2019
Yudhvinder Sandhu $10.00 September 2019
V. S. $24.00 August 2019
Anonymous $220.00 August 2019
Mandhir Dulai $200.00 August 2019
Mohan Flora $200.00 August 2019
H. D. $50.00 August 2019
Anonymous $26.00 August 2019
S. K. $10.00 August 2019
Preet Parmar $21.00 August 2019
H. K. $100.00 August 2019
Anonymous $500.00 August 2019
J. S. $50.00 August 2019
J. K. $250.00 August 2019
K. S. $400.00 August 2019
Shamsher Singh $4,000.00 August 2019
Mandhir Dulai $100.00 August 2019
Hardeep Sidhu $150.00 July 2019
V. S. $24.00 July 2019
H. D. $50.00 July 2019
S. K. $10.00 July 2019
H. K. $100.00 July 2019
J. S. $50.00 July 2019
J. K. $250.00 July 2019
K. S. $400.00 July 2019
Anonymous $50.00 July 2019
V. S. $24.00 June 2019
H. D. $50.00 June 2019
S. K. $10.00 June 2019
H. K. $100.00 June 2019
Surinder Singh $500.00 June 2019
Mandhir Dulai $100.00 June 2019
J. K. $250.00 June 2019
J. S. $50.00 June 2019
K. S. $400.00 June 2019
Anonymous $380.00 June 2019
V. S. $24.00 May 2019
Anonymous $209.00 May 2019
H. D. $50.00 May 2019
S. K. $10.00 May 2019
Anonymous $2,500.00 May 2019
H. K. $100.00 May 2019
J. S. $50.00 May 2019
K. S. $400.00 May 2019
Anonymous $250.00 May 2019
Anonymous $50.00 May 2019
Anonymous $160.00 May 2019
R. S. $50.00 May 2019
V. S. $24.00 April 2019
H. D. $50.00 April 2019
S. K. $10.00 April 2019
J. K. $100.00 April 2019
Anonymous $450.00 April 2019
Barbara Gill $101.00 April 2019
H. K. $100.00 April 2019
Anonymous $20.00 April 2019
Anonymous $2,000.00 April 2019
J. S. $50.00 April 2019
Anonymous $100.00 April 2019
Rayman Preet $101.00 April 2019
K. S. $400.00 April 2019
Jay Singh $75.00 April 2019
R. S. $50.00 April 2019
Anonymous $300.00 March 2019
Administrator Dasvandh Network $2,964.00 March 2019
manpreet singh $42.00 March 2019
V. S. $24.00 March 2019
Rayman Preet $101.00 March 2019
Anup Nagpal $10.00 March 2019
H. D. $50.00 March 2019
Nishan Singh $50.00 March 2019
Anonymous $950.00 March 2019
J. K. $100.00 March 2019
S. K. $10.00 March 2019
M. K. $10.00 March 2019
H. K. $100.00 March 2019
S. S. $200.00 March 2019
M. D. $100.00 March 2019
J. S. $50.00 March 2019
Rayman Preet $101.00 March 2019
R. S. $50.00 March 2019
N. T. $25.00 March 2019
V. S. $20.00 February 2019
Administrator Dasvandh Network $525.00 February 2019
H. D. $50.00 February 2019
Rayman Preet $101.00 February 2019
Anonymous $1,000.00 February 2019
J. K. $100.00 February 2019
S. K. $10.00 February 2019
M. K. $10.00 February 2019
H. K. $100.00 February 2019
S. S. $200.00 February 2019
R. S. $50.00 February 2019
N. T. $25.00 February 2019
V. S. $20.00 January 2019
H. D. $50.00 January 2019
Anonymous $30.00 January 2019
J. K. $100.00 January 2019
S. K. $10.00 January 2019
M. K. $10.00 January 2019
H. K. $100.00 January 2019
S. S. $200.00 January 2019
Anonymous $10.00 January 2019
Fathimath Shifaly $40.00 January 2019
Rayman Preet $101.00 January 2019
Anonymous $38.00 January 2019
Anonymous $240.00 January 2019
R. S. $50.00 January 2019
Anonymous $1,000.00 January 2019
N. T. $25.00 January 2019
L. V. $30.00 January 2019
Ranjodh singh mankoo $10.00 January 2019
Harshwinder Singh $500.00 December 2018
Rachan Bassi $2,000.00 December 2018
Nishan Singh $100.00 December 2018
Anonymous $3,000.00 December 2018
Anonymous $108.00 December 2018
V. S. $20.00 December 2018
Anonymous $50.00 December 2018
H. D. $50.00 December 2018
Anonymous $100.00 December 2018
Sukhmanjit Dhillon $1,000.00 December 2018
Anonymous $1,000.00 December 2018
J. K. $100.00 December 2018
S. K. $10.00 December 2018
M. K. $10.00 December 2018
H. K. $100.00 December 2018
S. S. $200.00 December 2018
Rachan Bassi $2,000.00 December 2018
Anonymous $100.00 December 2018
Anonymous $50.00 December 2018
Sarbjit Singh $100.00 December 2018
Manpreet Hundal $35.00 December 2018
Anonymous $100.00 December 2018
R. S. $50.00 December 2018
Harpreet S $100.00 December 2018
N. T. $25.00 December 2018
Mohinder Singh Virdi $200.00 November 2018
Vikram Singh $20.00 November 2018
Administrator Dasvandh Network $28,500.00 November 2018
HARJINDER DHATT $50.00 November 2018
S. K. $10.00 November 2018
Balvir Singh $100.00 November 2018
H. J. $100.00 November 2018
Lal Singh $10.00 November 2018
Rupinder kaur Ghuman $10.00 November 2018
Inderbir Singh $10.00 November 2018
Youvraj Singh Ghuman $10.00 November 2018
Harjot kaur Ghuman $10.00 November 2018
Maninder Kaur $50.00 November 2018
Jagmeet Chahal $100.00 November 2018
Anonymous $100.00 November 2018
Manpreet Singh $50.00 November 2018
Match Fund $100.00 November 2018
Jatinder Kaleka $100.00 November 2018
Kuljit Parmar $10.00 November 2018
Kulvir Parmar $50.00 November 2018
Balwinder Kaur $51.00 November 2018
Anonymous $51.00 November 2018
Mohinder Singh $51.00 November 2018
Harvir Singh $51.00 November 2018
Prabvir Singh $51.00 November 2018
Kuldeep Dhillon $100.00 November 2018
M. K. $10.00 November 2018
Match Fund $100.00 November 2018
Sumitpal Singh $200.00 November 2018
Match Fund $100.00 November 2018
Harjeet Kaur $100.00 November 2018
Gurvinder Singh $60.00 November 2018
Charanjit Singh $1,000.00 November 2018
Jaspreet Singh $500.00 November 2018
Harsimran Singh $250.00 November 2018
J. K. $1,300.00 November 2018
Match Fund $190.00 November 2018
Paramdeep Singh $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
Paramdeep Singh $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
Anonymous $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
Atamparkash Singh $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
Jugraj Singh $250.00 November 2018
Rajwinder Kaur $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
Tanvir Kaur $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
Harbakshish Singh $250.00 November 2018
G. K. $500.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
Prabhleen Kaur $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $100.00 November 2018
Bhajneet Singh $100.00 November 2018
Match Fund $200.00 November 2018
janit singh $200.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
Amandeep Kaur $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
Amandeep Kaur $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
Amandeep Kaur $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
P S $500.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
ROHAN GUSAIN $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
ROHAN GUSAIN $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
KIRAN GUSAIN $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
KIRAN GUSAIN $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
Harjeet Kaur $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
Kulvinder Singh $250.00 November 2018
Match Fund $10.00 November 2018
Anonymous $10.00 November 2018
P. S. $500.00 November 2018
Match Fund $250.00 November 2018
R. S. $50.00 November 2018
N. T. $25.00 November 2018
BIKRAM SINGH $20.00 October 2018
Prabh Aasra $2,100.00 October 2018
S. K. $10.00 October 2018
HARDEEP Sidhu $100.00 October 2018
M. K. $10.00 October 2018
K. S. $500.00 October 2018
Prabh Aasra $1,700.00 October 2018
R. S. $50.00 October 2018
N. T. $25.00 October 2018
Anonymous $351.00 September 2018
Anonymous $132.00 September 2018
Rayman Preet $100.00 September 2018
Sandeep Mehrok $500.00 September 2018
dalvir khunkhun $1,000.00 September 2018
Inder Preet Singh $1,000.00 September 2018
M. K. $10.00 September 2018
S. K. $10.00 September 2018
Bobby Dhillon $500.00 September 2018
K. S. $500.00 September 2018
HARVIR KHANEJA $1,400.00 September 2018
Anonymous $250.00 September 2018
Devinder Singh $100.00 September 2018
Mandeep Singh $500.00 September 2018
R. S. $50.00 September 2018
B. S. $120.00 September 2018
N. T. $25.00 September 2018
G. S. $140.00 August 2018
S. B. $501.00 August 2018
R. M. $100.00 August 2018
S. K. $10.00 August 2018
M. K. $10.00 August 2018
R. P. $100.00 August 2018
K. S. $500.00 August 2018
M. G. $50.00 August 2018
R. D. $100.00 August 2018
N. T. $25.00 August 2018
A. D. $1,500.00 July 2018
B. K. $21.00 July 2018
S. K. $10.00 July 2018
M. K. $10.00 July 2018
K. S. $500.00 July 2018
N. T. $25.00 July 2018
G. S. $140.00 June 2018
B. S. $100.00 June 2018
H. S. $150.00 June 2018
M. M. $50.00 June 2018
P. P. $10.00 June 2018
S. K. $10.00 June 2018
M. K. $10.00 June 2018
K. S. $500.00 June 2018
N. T. $25.00 June 2018
S. K. $10.00 May 2018
M. K. $10.00 May 2018
K. S. $500.00 May 2018
N. T. $25.00 May 2018
S. K. $10.00 April 2018
M. K. $10.00 April 2018
B. S. $100.00 April 2018
G. S. $50.00 April 2018
K. S. $500.00 April 2018
N. G. $40.00 April 2018
S. S. $100.00 April 2018
T. B. $100.00 April 2018
N. T. $25.00 April 2018
D. C. $100.00 March 2018
N. G. $40.00 March 2018
S. K. $10.00 March 2018
M. K. $10.00 March 2018
B. S. $10.00 March 2018
K. S. $500.00 March 2018
G. S. $30.00 March 2018
R. S. $250.00 March 2018
N. T. $25.00 March 2018
B. R. $50.00 February 2018
D. S. $5,000.00 February 2018
M. K. $10.00 February 2018
B. S. $10.00 February 2018
D. M. $25.00 February 2018
K. S. $500.00 February 2018
J. K. $100.00 February 2018
G. S. $100.00 February 2018
M. K. $10.00 January 2018
D. M. $25.00 January 2018
K. S. $500.00 January 2018
A. D. $500.00 December 2017
S. S. $4,000.00 December 2017
P. M. $25.00 December 2017
R. B. $2,000.00 December 2017
J. K. $108.00 December 2017
K. S. $1,000.00 December 2017
K. S. $500.00 December 2017
D. M. $25.00 December 2017
M. K. $10.00 December 2017
G. S. $75.00 December 2017
K. S. $500.00 December 2017
B. S. $2,000.00 December 2017
J. S. $50.00 November 2017
S. S. $1,000.00 November 2017
V. S. $50.00 November 2017
D. M. $100.00 November 2017
M. K. $10.00 November 2017
D. M. $100.00 November 2017
D. M. $25.00 November 2017
I. B. $100.00 November 2017
D. M. $1,600.00 November 2017
H. S. $500.00 November 2017
M. S. $500.00 November 2017
K. S. $500.00 November 2017

Current Projects

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50 Bed Hospital Project

50 Bed Hospital Project: Support Prabh Aasra to provide medical facilities to underpr
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Treatment Facility for Disenfranchised Elders in Punjab

Treatment Facility for Disenfranchised Elders in Punjab - Support our project to prov